04-507-- - - - _ -
Council File #`�1
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Green Sheet #
Presented by
1 Resolution in Support of Providing Leadership to Create a New Vision of Inclusiveness for the City of
2 Saint Paul and Starting the Visioning Process by Urging the Mayor and other City Leaders to take
3 Undoing Racism Training
4 WHEREAS, the City Council Policy Session held on November 12, 2003, concerning "equal access"in city
5 contracting resulted in the creation of a staff/community working group as specified by Council Resolufion
6 Number 03-ll44, which was adopted on December 23, 2003; and.
7 WHEREAS, the charge given by the City Council to the warking group was to prepare, in consultation with the
8 City Attomey's Office, three to five top priority recommendafions for action based on the report prepared by
9 Council Research and submitted to the City Council on December 17, 2003; and
10 WHEREAS, The Working Grroup met six times and grappled with a number of issues, not the least of which
11 was the potential review or audit of the City's obligations under federal, state, and local civil rights law
12 including the City's performance under Chapter 84 of the Administrative Code and Chapter 183 of the
13 Legislative Code; and
14 WHEREAS, during its deliberations the working group identified 44 possible recommendations for change, but
15 believes the City first must create a new vision for inclusiveness in St. Paul; and
16 WHEREAS the working group urges the Mayor and City Council to jointly initiate a visioning process that
17 spans the spectnxm of the City's role in providing equal access to contracts, housing development, and jobs, to
18 develop a vision that elevates the City's role as the leader in promoting inclusiveness in all aspects of
19 community life; and
20 WH�REAS, at the policy session in November the Council heard numerous times that there was a
21 "disconnect"between the City's goals and the actual results and implementation of the program. Part of the
22 reason for the disconnect may be structural in the way the ordinances have been crafted. On the other hand,
23 another reason for the disconnect could be institutionalized injustice on the basis of race, gender, and disability;
24 now therefore, be it.
25 RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul_C'ity Council urges the Mayor to respect the recommendations made by the
26 Working Group on Equal Access i�y directing the City's top appointed leaders to develop a new vision of
27 inclusiveness for the City; and be it
28 FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council also urges the Mayor, the Deputy Mayor, and the top City
29 deparhnent and office directors to lead by example by enrolling in the Undoing Racism Training provided by
30 the People's Institute for Survival and Beyond as soon as possible; and be it
1 FURTHER RESOLVED, that it is the City CounciPs intent to also take the Undoing Racism Training so that
2 once the trauiing of the City's leadets is complete, the City will be able to develop a new vision that includes a
3 cleaz set of statements that articulate the level at which the City should be in terms of issuing contracts for
4 businesses owned by minorities, women and people with disabilities. The vision would also include a strategy
5 for providing access to jobs and housing development oppommities at the ownership level for minority, female,
6 and disabled individuals and businesses owned by minorities, women, and people with disabilities; and be it
7 FINALLY RESOLVED, that it is the desire of the City Council to make the City of Saint Paul the first City in
8 the country to have all of its top elected and appointed ofFicials participate in Undoing Racism Training as part
9 of a process to develop a new vision of inclusiveness that pulls us out of our comfort zone to create lasting
10 changes in the social and economic fabric of our community.
Requested by Department of.
18 Adopted by Council: Date �{�� �p/,l
19 AdoF
20 By:
21 App�
22 By:
Form Approved by City Attorney
Anoroved bv Mayor for Submission to Council
�&reen Sheet Green-Sheet Green Sheet Green Sf►ee� reen ee reen Feet �
n�ara�rrom�er�oae oere Mnwaa:
co -� �Y-� Green Sheet NO: 3016275
Co�et PeBOn & Piwne: � Dooarfinent Sant To Person ItlallDafe
Cotmalmem6er Eenanav 6
� 279 Assign 1 r
OS-MAY-04 ��' A9aWa bY (�ate): NUmber 2 G7edc
Routlng 3
pMg� 4
Total # of Slgnalure Pages _(Clip All Loeatlons fa Sfgr�ature}
Adlon Requested:
Providing leadership to create a new vision of inclusiveness for the City of Saint Paul.
Recom�ore: APProve �A) a RHect (R)- Pe�sonal Servles Con6 acts Nhrst Armwer tlie Pdlowing 4uastlons:
Plenning Commiasion
1. Mas thia pe�sodfirtn evar worked under a conh�aG for this depertm�enY?
CIB Commilkee Yes No
Civil Service Commission 2. Fiaa th� pereonlfirm ever been a aly empbyee?
Yea No
3. Dces Mis pe�soMfirm poasess a skill �at rrormelly possessed by a�ry
current aly employee?
Yes No
E:plaln all yes answers on separate st�eet and attach to greon sFreet
Initlatlng Problem, Issues, �PP��nnY Mmo, WheR When, Where, �YY•
The Worldng Group on Equal Access has recommended the crearion of a new vision of inclusiveness for the City of Saint Paul. The
first step in the visioning process is to encourage the Mayor and his department and office directors to take Undoing Racism Training
AdvaMa9� If APProved:
Resolution will help mrne the City forward in its effort to increase participation in cityprograms and employment for women, people of
coloc, and people with disabilities.
Dl�dvarkages M Approv9d:
None foreseen
DtsadvaMagas li No! Approvad:
Some members of the cammunity may question the City's commitment to increasing diversity and opportunities for women, peaple of
colar, and people with disaMlities. The city's response to the recomineadations that came ffom the Worldng Group on Equal Access
Las beea delayed. The recommendations were promulgated on Apri114, 2004.
Total Amount of ��RBVe�ue Bu�d:
Fu�inp Source: AeHvity Number;