237407 ORIGINAL TO CITY GLERK 23�740"� � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. _ , OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � ; C C ESO UTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ` COMMISSIONE �� DATF - RESOLVED, that pursuant to the Award of the Industrial Commission, dated January 17 , 1968, Charles F, Roney be paid the sum of $3 �730.00 out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund representing approximately 83 weeks of com�ensation benefits at $45.00 per week as the balance of payments provided by the award on stipulation filed by the Workmen's Compensation Commission on December 14, 1965 , said compensation being awarded as a result of employee's injuries of August 19 , 1957 , and December 30 , 1960 , while employed by the Department of Public Safety ; FURTHER RESOLVED, that out of the aforesaid compensation, the employer shall deduct and pay directly to Gerald B. Forrette, employee's attorney, the sum of $932.50 as and for attorney's �� fees in this matter, that when said sums shall have been paid it shall constitute a full, final and complete settlement of any and all claims employee may have for disability and retraining benefits arising out of his injuries of August 19 , 1957, and December 30 , 1960 . �A � t Corpor�tion Cour�al COUNCILMEN � ' �9� Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson �� � �9�� Dalglish proved 19— Holland Meredith �In Favor Peterson � V � Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne �l16L9SNE� MA� J 19��? �zz OYrLICATt TO/RINTtR � . . � � . � ����`� . . cmr oF sT. PAU� ��N��� No . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTEO �Y COMMISSIONE� DATF _ RES4LVED� that pursuant to the Award of th� Industrial Commission, datsd Januarq 17, 1968, C,narl�s F. Rc�ney bs :paid th� sum of $3 ,730.00 out of ths Workmen�s Ca�pansaticn Aa�a�nt of the Gsnsral Fund representing approxia�atel�t �3 wstlts of - ao�apsns�tion b�nefits at S4S.00 par w��k at tha balanae of pa�ym�nt� providad by th� award on stf pul�tton filed b3► tha � Wlorkm�n's Compensation Com�isaion on Dscomb�r 1�� 1965� said aompsnaation befng aWarded ae a rsst�lt of smplvqee's infuries of August 19 , 1957, and Decen�r 30� 1960, Whil� amployed by th� Dspart�nt of Public Safety; FURTHER RES�LVED, that c�! of the aforesaid ecm�ptnsation� . ths smployer �hall deduct and pay direatly to Gerald B. Fors+�tte, emgloyee's attorney, the sum of ��32.SO as and !or attorn�y�s f�es in thi�s ma�tsr, that when said sums shall hsvs b��n paid it shall co�atitute a full, final and aoa�pl�t� s�ttle�nt of any � and all claima amployse may havs for di�ability and r��trair�ing ben�fits ari�ing ou�t of his in�uri�s of Au�ust 19, 1957� and Decsmbe�+ 3Q� 1960. _ COUNCILMEN � 5 � Adopted by the Council 19_ Yeas Nays , Carlaon � � � Dalgliah ApProved 19� Holland Meredith Favor ' Peteraon �y� Tedeaco �A8'ainst 1V�r. President, Byrne �� ,:;