237405 Orlpinal to City Cler$ � ' RDINANCE 23'7405 � COUNCIL FILE NO k�- PRESENTED BY " ORDINANCE NO.� ��! k.:.: An administrative ordinance authorizing f�.he Can�.missioner of Finance to appoint real estate appraisers for the pu�pose of appraising real property to be acquired by the City upon certain terms and conditions hereinaf`Eer set f orth. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section l. That the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul or his duly authorized representative shall here— after be authorized, upon passage of a resolution by this Council, to hire, retain and employ, on behalf of the City of Saint Paul, independent real estate appraisers to be retained for the purpose of appraising parcels of real estate or real property to be acquired by the City of Saint Paul. Section 2. The appointment or retention of any such real estate appraiser shall be indieated by execution of a form similar to that designated "Appraisal Assignment No. " , a copy of said form being hereto attached and incorporated herein by reference as fully and as completely as if set forth herein verbatim, to be executed by the Commisaioner of Finance or a duly designated representative of said Commissioner who has been authorized to sign such form on behalf of ,the Commissioner of Finance and such appointed or retained inc�epEndent real estate appraiser. "�� Seetion. 3. Appointment of any su�h independent real estate appraiser as provided in the prior sections of this ordinanee shall in no event be for an amount exceeding �1, 500 unless the resolution authorizing appointment expressly provides for a greater amount, a�d shall not be executed by the Commissioner of Finance or his duly designated representative unless and until the Comptroller or his authorized r�presentative has, by endorsement on the• Appraisal Assignment Form, indicated avail— ability of City funds to pay for such real estate appraisal. Section 4. A copy of the Appraisal Assignment shall be filed after execution of the same with the City Comptroller. Section 5. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication. ��. v �.��A Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Carlson � - Dalglish � Holland In Favor Meredith R_Against ge�e�se� � M.,N.,4 'n "�1'�� �, 4 ���r� Mr. ' �' � .3�.���j `:. ;: ' A �, y��� ;�rson;� Approved• _ � Cit Cler � a r / �� .- Form approved Corporation Counsel Byr p��BLISHED MAR 2 3 1968 � _ �:z � . D.ea�so r�mt� — , . '►� .: ' ���J� . 3 ' � I� DI �TAN � � : c:ou►,,c�� �t� N4 �: � ��s�t�n sY . , o�a�w�uvc�:�._�f,��.5-"/� , , .�. . �}«� , ; , . „ � ; t�► �����► ���r . ..; � ��� ` �` : . . ; .. F . �r�� � � ������ � �� x . . .. �r��� . ,. � - � � � ���� ` , ��� � . , �� � �_ ; '�r :.��������� .� �:�; , . - ' � � � . . ; . , . . . 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File T�o.� Projeci• At�thar i�'y- Dear Sir: Fund- You are hereby requested to m�lce appraisals of ce�tain �arcels of real estate in th� above ref�rei.�:�a groject l.oe��ed said p�rcels being �esign�ted as follows: �n ar. k��fflre �, 19 , yc�u will f�rni�h t?�e �Ialuation Bureau of tl;e ��t�✓ o� S�in�l�aui, c�pies of yoar apprai�al r�e�ort for each of tY�e a�o��e 13s�as3 ��x�c�ls. �:r�se aggrai�als are to be m��e in accordance wi�k2� �he C.�.�� r�} S�.:zrat �'��l Va�..ua�ion Furea�a agpraisal :�T�e�lf iC3�iC31S i a capy of �ahich as a�:t�.ciy��. i�fi�r�t�. �°ail�.rs� t� �ro�.�id� docua�en�3ti^�n �n acc�rdar.c� wi�lh t�h�s� spe�i�;caf-.ions witl r�g:��re z��sublrtitt�l to the ap�raiser �or fi:xrth�r su��aor.t a� n� �.��li�:i�nal cevt �-o tf�e �ity uf �ain�t Fau�.� �n re;eigt of �,ra�?�� i�z^±iz��l invoio�s ;.n �u�liva�e �nd JC�I.�Jfact:ory completion of -�t�i� a��i�;r���n� yo�. `�all �e p�id t�;� s�am of �.�_�.__ ��... ) o ox on t�.e following hasis: U�an yoLir Wi'7_�2F: :�c�ue�t �fter pervon�l 3nvesfiigatior, of p�operties to be apprais��i tl,P �ity �wi1.? consider u�.�ustm2r.t of fees �o be paid. In �hc eveni f?`��t bE��r� completion of this assi�nnment, the City determines �i��at s�z�. a����.i�a�s ur.e no�� requir�d, gayment will be made on a proportion- �te r�t�o �f td�e fore�,�ir.� ba,is� I� �he ev�nr that a co��.:rt p��ce���3ing r-u�y �evelog inv�3_'�i:.g any p�rc�l of the �s�igx�enty i�- w��l �� re�,uir�d ��;�t yoa� sii,�go::•t yc�ar appxa�.sal in sueh gra��eding. Er,c�.o�ures: L�gaZ de�criptions Y�urs v�ry truly, � Rig�t-of-Way or conde;nnatioa plan Parcel sk�tches Land d2�.t� Cor.�ri�sion�r of Finance �uildi:�g sk�tek��s ;;�.�.ld�.rag data �v: ifi�ce�.l�n�ous data �A��'tj Va's,u�tion Eru;in�er Gwnership �ran�fer information APPRUVzD: Accepted; Appraisex Date Comp+�:ro�.ler By• Ist � ~ 2nd � v ( Laid over to 3rd and app. —Adopted � �� Yeas Nays Yeas Nays �arlson � Carlson �alglish 23�� `Dalglish `� �olland �,Holland ``, ',�j ��Meredith � \Meredith ,-PeFerssPP"— Ae#enen- ;l �7'edesco �edesco lJ \'� �7! ��°�36�r"'�"`�`d"a"�y�,` �a ' ��� ° '� ..'. ���. _Yi4:�e�i~u�:nt (Ye4er�on) li'Ir. Vice YiusilGnY (Ye4.�rs��� 0