237398 s
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1 . COUNCIL FILE N0. �����
File No. 17244
In the Matter of conatr�ctiag public storo se�wer ia FA8RI�6TON ST. froe Stiaaon
S�. to Atwat�r St.; in 6ALTIER ST. fraiai Stinson St. ta At�ater St.; ia WAYZATA S?.
fraa Marion St. to Galtier St. snd in �IILFORD ST. fro� I+�arion St. to Galtier St.;
all of which is to be knawn as the BU86ESS-FARRIIq6TON BELIBF SE`iER SYSTSM.
under Preliminary Order 236189 approved Decerber Z5, 1967
The Council of the City of St. Paul h�aving received the report of the Commissioner of �nance
upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: ,
1. That the sa.id report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement
is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. � ,
2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is
to construct public storei eever in FASRIN6TON S?. frcr� Stinson St. to Attirater St.;
ia GA�LTIIE�t`�S?. �froa S tisson S t. to At�ter S t.; fi� i�AYZlt7X ST: #rar°i�srf� 8 t:__ta__._. ._�.. . -
Galtier St. amd i� IdILFaRD ST. froon Marion St. to 6altier St.; a11 of �hich is to
be ]cao�+a as the Bt1RGESS-FA�RI'�GT01� RELIEI� SEWER :iYSTEES.
with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 42 s826.04
Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 2nd day of
��, 1968. , , �t the hour of 10 o'clock A.M., in the Cauncil Chamber of the Court
House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That:the Cornmissioner of Finance give notice of
said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of
heaxing, the nature of the improvement and the total cast thereof as estimated.
co�xcrr�Err � 51968
Adopted by the Councit
Yeas CaMson Nay$ � 5196$
Dalglish Appro pcl.
Peterson ' n Favor �
Tedesc�o Mayor
Byrne �
A gainst
6-66-2M �� a.� PUBLIS�I.EFi �A� � 196$
, , � .