237370 OriQinal to Ctty Clerk " .� ORDINANCE 23`7�;� COUNCIL FILE NO �RESENTED 6Y �G�G��'"'' ORDINANCE NO `� C� AN ORDINANCE SETTLING THE CLAIM OF L.R,B, TRUCKING AGAINST THE GITY OF SAINT PAUL . THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section l. That the proper City officers are hereby authorized and directed to pay outaf the Tort Liability Fund 0035-421, to L.R.B. Trucking, the su� of $145.50, in full settlement af its claim for daa�ages sustained by reason of an accident involving a City vehicle driven by Gale E. Conners, at or near the intersection of University Avenue and Victoria Street on December 18, 1967, in Sai.nt Paul, Minnesota. Section 2. That said sun► shall be paid to the said claimant upon its execution and delil�ery of a release in full to the City, in a form to be approved by the Corporation Counsel, for all damages sustained in the manner aforesaid. Sectian 3. . That this ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage, approval and publication. � � g ��sa Yeas Councilmen Nays Pasaed by the Council Carlson Dalgliah ,�" � il In Favor � Meredith _ U �1 v A gainst �- �eYf o � � � � 1968 Mr. President (Byrne Appr d• A . ` 's / Y ,,i'��%-��. . City Clerk May � �� �orm approved Corporation Counsel By _ 1 P�1$LIS�IED MAR 2 3 1968 DqNest�-tir Ptlat�r , ,� ORDI11� �iN � E 2�'7�� : COUI�ik FFIE N4, ` PRESEMTED BY ORDINANCE NO � . . _ !W bR11I111WC� d�'lTLIltG T#� C�.AIfii f�' �.�.f� '!'R�� �AD+tST '�1lI CIT1t OF �11IMT tAU6 �. 't��E'X1qiEIL � 't!� �3Y �g �!' l/k�. DO�S +DRR�t3 � �.ation �» TI� �1�. pae�pr: cicr �!l�rs atr. t�► �rt�� . . a�d �is+�at�d 1�o pay aut af tlr� ?�t Lf�ii��r`IA�d Ai�fli��,� � LfR.�. . Ti�kia�, tl� s� of i145.50, in �li �tl�t o# its.slr� !� �� . ` _ ,os�ais.a b�► r�.� �# ,ro �cai�t.ut i�n+►liri� . Citr ,r�i�. ia�r«�_�r � _- - 6s1� a. f�e�sss, a�:aar s� th� i�azs�et#aa oi� t�t►�ssitr �Mr'�ar �q�t 1fi�rl� i�i� sar l�i�as li, lt1i�, #�t �it#at 1�1, �I�t�uarta. . _ � S�a�i+o� x. '1`�s� �alad sus slatll �t �Itl� to :t�t lw�d �tl�t 'vip� its �oc+�ti�a,and d�lir�r of a r�#w�r ia lM�li e� �r +��,� ttt s :lo�s to L+R spplro�r+r�-b�r tir Ce�aarat��a C�l,` �4wr si� i�s'�tsls3,�d : �uu �:�' 1t!'�e�Msa�l. .; - : �iat �. Tlart el�is ordl�aas� sNall � �f�at �d: �► ie fo�a thisty iaps attaar its P��+r ;PP�e�al � �l�.�atioa,� , _ . i ��.� ;; Yesa Gouncilmen Nays Passed by � � �`� � the Ct�unciL .�;.,,_. Ca3rLaon � . Dalgliah , zn Fs�or � MeiBd�th � Aaai� : Pet�rson - �r. p� (Byrne3 M�R 191J68 : � APProved: Atteat: C�ty �lerk ' . �+Iayur' - . �� Form approved.Corporation Cc��t�sel B� ' _ �� � �� �s+ 2n� Laid over to 3rd and app. � —Adop+ed � Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Carlson Carlson Dalglish Dalglish Holland �— �(� Meredith 23'7� ¢ v di+h Peterson Peterson �_/ Tedesco �-- Mr. President Byrne Mr. President Byrne O