237344 � � AA A ORIGINAL�O GITY CLHRK ' -)'l�'J A� . , ,, � ��� CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� N�,, r v v� a ` OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE C UNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE DATF RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of Saint Paul, that Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, having determined that the thereby proposed Redevelopment Projeet should be undertaken, on the 28th day of February, 1968, filed with the City Clerk of the City of Saint Paul and presented to this Council with its application for said Council' s approval of the same, its Redevelopment Plan for that certain area within the City of Saint Paul, County of Ramsey and State of Min.nesota, commonly designated as Concord Terrace Urban Renewal Area, Project Minn. R-37, dated January 5, 1968, consisting of 26 pages and two exhibits, the boundary line description of said Concord Terrace Urban Renewal Area Minn. R-37, i�s as follows: FORM APPROVED / .- t�:l � Ass . Corporation Cou ei COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays Carlson Dalglish Approved 19�_ Holland Tn Favor Meredith Mayor Peterson A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, Byrne �O �egznning at tne po�nt o� �ntersectian with the - nvrthern ri�ht-of-way line of Wood Street with the P ag e 2. 2�►�344 . � ,�. , _ eastern ri�ht-o£-way line of Starkey Street, Chen ' • - easterly along said line of Wood Street to the point ' • of intersection with the eastern right-of-way Iine of Robert Street, which is also the southern right- of-way line of the Chicago, Great Western Railway, then southerly along said line of the Railway right- o�f-way Iine of Colorado Street, then easterly along said line to the point of intersection with the east- ern right-af-way line of Greenwood Avenue, then southerly along said line to the point of intersec- tioa with a lot Iine 108 feet north of the northern , right-of-way line of Delos Street, then southeasterly along said Iine to the point of intersection with a � lot line 100 feet east of the eastern right-of-way lina of Greenwood Street, then southerly along said line to the point of intersection with the northern right-of-way line of Delos Street, then easterly along said li�e ta the point of intersection with the eastexn right-of-way line of State Street, then southerly along said 2ine to the goint of intersection with the northern right-of-way line of Isabel Street {projected), which is elso the northern boundary line of Dunedin Terrace Pro- ject Number Minn. 1-9, then northeasterly along said Project boundary to the point of intersection with the western right-of-way of T.�, rlo. 3 and the southern right-of-way of the Chicago, Great Western Railway, then southeasterly along said Railw�ay right-of-way 7.ine, crosszng Bancroft, Broc�n, Andre��, and Kansas Avenues, to t!�e point of intersection with the south- easterly ri�ht-of-way line {projecre3) oi the alley bet�w�en K�nsa4 art� �ritha�a Avenues, then soutfrwesterl3• along said l�.ne to the point of inter�ee�ion with the eas�ern right-e£-way line of Kansas Avenue, th�iz south- erly along said line to the poinC of intersection with the southercz right-o€-way line (projected) af the alley betvreen rforton and Page Streets, then wester�y along , said line to the point of intersection with the lot line i20 feet east of the eastern right-of-way lin� of Brown Street, ttien southerly along said line to the point of ^" intersection with the norCiiern right-of-way line of East Page Street.s then westerly along said line to the point of intiersection with the western right-of-way line of Brown Avenue, then northerly alang said line to the point � of intersection with the sauthern righL--of-way line of Prescott St-reet, then northwesterly along s�id lin� to the painC of inte�section with the western right-of-way Iin� of Bancro£t Avenue (nrojected), then northeasterly for 203 fee� al.ang said line to the point of intersec- tion with a lot line, then westerly along said line for 700 feet to the goint of intersection with a lot line, � then northeasterZy along said line for 75 feet, plus or minus, to the point of intersection with a lot 13ne, then southiti�este:.ly 97.5 feet along said line to the poinC of intersection with � Iat line, then southwestexly along s�.id line €or 25 feet, plus or m�.nus, to the point of intersecti.on �zith a lo� line, then northwesterly aJ.ong said line far 143.25 feet to the poi.n* of inr_ersect;on w3:th a Iot �ar�e, then south�resterly aZong said iine for 84.79 feet to the point of interseGticn with a lot line, th�n westerly along sa3.d line to the point of. intersec- . ' tion wi�h t�� sautheasteri� right-oF-w�y line of St�te Street, thau eort}zew�teriy al.on� saic� line ta the �oi:� , , Page 3. ` . � ,• , - of inte�section wiLh a point 202 fe2t, p3us or m�nus, 23�344 . sauth of tbe soutr;ern rzght-oi-way line of Concord ' Street, themm westerly at right aagles to the point of ' intersectian with the northern right-of-way line of tha all�y between E. George and E. Stevens Streets, then weseerly along said Iine to the point of inter- section with a lot line which is 150 feet east of Maurice Street, then northerly along said line to the pofut o€ iritersecCion with the northern right-of-way line of E. G�orge Street, then easterly for 70 feet, plus or minus, aZang said lins to the point of inCer- - • section with a Zot line, then northwesterl.y for 250 feet along said line Co the point of intersection with a loC line, then northerly al.ong said line f�r � �l. £eet to the point of intersectf.on with the southern right-of-way line of E. Robie Street, then wester2y along sai8 Zine 96 feet, plus or minus, to the point of intersection with a Iot line (projected), then norCherly aZong said line for 11Q €eet to the point of intersectiaa �aith s lat line, then westerly along said line 30 feet, p2us or minus, to the point of ineersection with a lot line, then northwesterly along said line, paralZei with and 80 feet soc�th of the southern right-o€-way line of Concord Street, to the point of intersection with the eastern right-of-way line of S. Rabert Street, then northerly along said line to the p�int o£ inr.srsection with th� southern right-of-wagr line of Concord Street, then northwesCerly along said line 3ra�0 feet, plus or minus, ta the point of int�rsect�ton �ith a l04 !ine, then south�r2y �la�g __ said lin�e 1.2� feet to a poxri�;""�:�ri'�c " "e��y 5� feet to the poi�t of fntersecrion with a �loC ?ine, then noreharly a�ong �aid line SS feet ta a point, then westerly at a righC ang].e for 180 feet to the point of .intersection �r�.th the c�esL-ern right-of-way line of Liv�.ngstc�� Ave�.ue, then northerly along sa�ct Iine to ehe point of intersection with t�ie soutliern right- of-way line of E. Congress Street, then westerly along sai.d line to the point of intersection with the eastern right-of-wag line {projected) of the alley beCween S. Wabasha Str�ee and Hall Avenue, then northerly along said line to the point o£ intersection with the north- � ern right-of-wap line of West Ssabel Street, then easterly a�.ong said line to the point of intersece�on with the eastern baundary line o£ Terrace Park, th�n northeasterly alang said line to the point o£ inter- section with the northern right-of-way liiie o£ West Delos Street, then west�rly alon� said line for 140 feet, plus or minus, to the point of inCerseceion with a lot line, then northerly aZong said lot line 30.36 feet, plus or minus, to the point of intersec- tion with a lo� liiie, then easterly �6.9 feet to the point of i.ntersection with a lo� Zine, then northerly 68 feet a�o�.� szid la.ne to the point of intersection with a l�t line, then north.zsterly along said line to the point of intersec€:ion with the eastern right- of-way line of S�:a��:ey Street, IOQ feet south of the southern ti��t-af-way line of �-Jood Street, then north- erly along said Starkpy St�eet to the poi.nt or'_ i.nter- section with the no�thprn r�.oht-o��caay line of Wao� Street, wh��h is the point of beginning. � - 23'7��4 Page 4. said Redevelopment Plan being designated "Concord Terrace Urban Renewal Area, Minn. R-37,�� dated January 5, 1968; con- sisting of 26 pages and two maps; together with a statement of the method proposed for the financing o� such Redevelopment Project and the written opirinn thereon and approval of the same by the Planning Board of said City of Saint Paul and other pertinent data, said Redevelopment Plan and maps, charts and other details of the same being on file in the office of said City Clerk and in the office of said Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, subject to inspection during regular business hours, the same, by reference, hereby are incorporated herein and made part and parcel hereof with the same intent, purpose and effect as if said documents and all of the same were fully set forth herein; that pursuant to Section 462. 521 , Minnesota Statutes An.notated, this Council hereby determines and provides that it shall hold a public hearing on said proposed Redevelopment Plan and said proposed Redevelopment Projeet for said Concord Terrace Urban Renewal Area, Minn. R-37, presented by said Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, as aforesaid, and that said public hearing thereon shall be held be�ore this Council in the Council Chambers in the Court House at the City ; of Saint Paul , Minnesota, on the 15th day of March, 1968, at ,� 10:00 o ' clock a.m. ; that upon said public hearing and definitive of the purpose of the same this Council shall consider said Redevelopment Plan for said Concord Terrace Urban Renewal Area, Minn. R-37 , and said Redevelopment Project thereby proposed and, among other things, determine whether or not this Council ' s Resolution thereat to be considered shall be adopted approving said Redevelopment Plan and said Redevelopment Project and permitting said Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul , Minnesota, to undertake an urban renewal project under State and local law with Federal Financial assistance under Title I of the Housing Act of 194g, as amended; to acquire land in the project area; to demolish or remove buildings and improvements; to install , construct or reconstruct streets, utilities, parks, playgrounds and other project improvements, to make land available for development or redevelopment by private enterprise or public or non-profit agencies as authorized by law, and to undertake a program of repair and rehabilitation of existing housing, and, among other things, in connection with OJ2IGINAL TO CITY CLHRK 2 J /3[�t� . , �, ;�- - � • CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOENCIL N�,. ' � � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF Page 5. said Resolution to be considered at said meeting this Council will determine and make findings accordingly upon the questions whether or not (1) the financial aid to be provided in the contract is necessary to enable the project to be undertaken in accordance with the Redevelopment Plan; (2) the Redevelopment Plan will afford maximum opportunity, consistent with the sound needs of the locality as a whole, for the rehabilitation or redevelopment of the urban renewal area by private enterprise; (3) the Redevelopment Plan conforms to a general plan for the development of the locality as a whole; and (4) the Redevelop— ment Plan gives due consideration to the provision of adequate park and recreational areas and facilities, as may be desirable for neighborhood improvement, with special consideration for the health, safety, and welfare of children residing in the general vicinity of the site covered by the Plan; be it FUR.THER RESOLVED, That not less than 10 days prior to the date of said public hearing the City Clerk shall cause published notice of the same to be given in a newspaper of general cireulation in said City of Saint Paul at least onee not less than 1�1 days prior to the date of said hearing. EEB � � 1958 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays ��� � � ��6� Carlson Dalglish Approved 19�_. Holland �n Favor Meredith � � 0 Mayor A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, Byrne p���rs�t�, MAR 2 19� �o 421 Wabasha Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota 551 02. Edward N.Helfeld,executive director. phone 223 5218 ` J ��� r��� HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Honorable Harry E. Marshall February 28, 1968 City Clerk 355 City Hall and Court House St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Re: Concord Terrace Urban Renewal Area Project Minn. R-37 Dear Mr. Marshall: Transmitted herewith for Council consideration is the Application For Approval of Redevelopment Plan For Concord Terrace Renewal Project, dated February, 1968, contain- ing the proposed Redevelopment Plan, a Relocation Plan and Financial Plan and other supporting data. Transmitted also is a copy of the Final Project Report, Part I, Concord Terrace Pxoject, Minn. R-37, dated April 19, 1967, containing project infonna- tion and the Authority's application to the Federal Goverrnaent for a loan and capital grant contract. The Authority requests that the Council set a date for public hearing upon the Redevel� opment Plan for Friday, March 15, 1968, and publish notice thereof in the Dispatch- Pioneer Press at least ten days prior to said date, all as required by the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Section 462.521, Subdivision 1. Sincerely, � Edward N. Helfel Executive Director Lawrence J. Hayes, Harry P. Strong, Jr., Orville E. Anderson, Henry �. Thomas, Kenneth J. Lynch, James J. Dalglish, Victor J. Tedesco Chaiiman