237326 23���� c��� No............. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. Theundereignedhereby propoeeethemal�ingofthefollowingpublicimprovementi bythe City of 8eint Paul�vis.: Grade and surface irl.th bitzuninous_material and eonstruct concrete curb and �tt�r. , on MARIO� 3T. from Rebraska Ave. to Wheeloek Ptcw�r. Also construct se�wer service connections and water serviee connections. Dsted this... 28th..»....day of........February................ .. ..._, ig 68 ............. ... .. _�. .............. Counoilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREA$, A written propoeal for the making of the following improvement� vis.s Gra�de and surface vith bituminous material and construct concrete curb and gutter ------------••-•...............................................•---......................._-----..............--•--..........................................................................__ on A�aacion St. �ro�m Nebraska Ave. to Wheelock Pk�r. AJ.�o construct se`rer service ...........................................................................__---•-----...........---•-•----........-----........................---•--••---................_._............_.. eonneetioss and wa�er_service connections._...............................................•---•-•---....�....----...�. ��.. hsving been preeented to the Counail of the City of Saint Paul..............._............................._..................._.........._...... therefore, be it R,ffiOLVED, That the Commissioner of Publia Worke be and is hereby ordered and direoted: 1. To inveetigate the neceaeity for, or desirability of�,the making of eaid improvement. 2. To investigats the nature� extent and ostimated coet of said improvement� and the total ooet thereof. 3. To furnieh a plan, profile or aketch of said improvement. � 4. To stste whether or not eaid improvement ie aekec�gor oa Y,he petition of three er more ownere. b. To report upon all of 4�he foregoing mattere to the �mmiesioner of l�nanoe. Adopted by the f7ounail.---------•--------...._........._.......�.E�.2.�.1�6�.. Y�aae Councilman .Carlson D a 1 g 1 i s h APPtoved.............�.����:.�.���............_...........» K,.,.��-.n�^...� Meredith �� Tedesco ------ •• �•-• - Mr. President BXrrre Mayor. �oo� �-�a ,S�"- C PIaBLISJ��s MAR 2 1968