237323 ORIGINAL TO CITY GLERK /� `�/� CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� "'� � "' F E OF E CITY CLERK F��E NO. _ ,�= ESOL ION— NE fORM . PRESENTEO BY . COM M I S51 ON E DATF ___ ' �0�1�� �� �� ' In the aatter of gra�le �,nd surface irith bitwai.nous material W40DSRIDGS ST1�BT FROIyI I�ebraska North to and including cul-de-esc. Also eonstruct vater service connectioas and seyrer service connec�ione� under Prelimina►rr order No. �36575, approved Jan�asry 10, 1968. R'F30LVED, That all orders ia the above mattsr be ar�d the same sre h�reby cancelled, amnulled and rescinded, and all proc�edings in such matter discontinued. �E� � � ��68 ' COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson ��� `r' � �`�6$ Dalglish Approved 19— i�o�� � Meredith �—In Favor �r` d , Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne P�BLfSH.ES MAR 2 �968 I �22