237293 � 23'7293 ` CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCTL FILE NO. R.esolution Appmoving Assessment By— and Fixing Time of Hearing Thereon �� In the matter of the asseasment of benefits, costs and expenses for construction or reconstruction of sidewalks and work incidental thereto: Contract 66-M-368, Levy No. S, District No. 3 � __. ___, -._....._ ___._..:.__ __._�.,_._._..._� ��.�. _ _ _ _--- _ _ __.__..___ __.— ...�_ _. , �� ASII'RS�1►EL�t t ' < ' :..�` � �'�a ��-�Y � .�� ^ �4`�F �� , '�� }Y� J� � �,,�4 � � Y F.O. i2�919b -` Bdgexton l��,�i both�all�i�es �`ow Couic Ava. to Magnol�� " � ��zY� , F.O. f�a��sa - P�yme Ave.,�>�aat side fran arang� Av�. to AaathorAiesAve �5;;���� 1�.0. #2274k9 • (?raage Ave. , both sides fraa Weide St. to Arc�de� 3t. � t.0. #229027 - E�sl St., aast side froa Orangs 3t. to Hytcinth St. l.0. �22$977 • �lalah St. . both sidES fram Hsvthorn� �Ave. to Ma�t�rlamd Ava. 8.0. i�22b915 - �sadi�y St. , �rest slds fra� Brainexd Avs. tQ Maryla�ul Av+�. P.O. ��27455 - M�rylaad Av�., bath �ides fro� Eazl St. to Fra�rt St. T.O. #229136 - lor�ert St., ta�t aide fre� Hose A�s. to Gtr:aic� Av�. ., , �.a�0,. ���.9tf�� •:�s�s��t Sx.,,. Es�t �i4s tre� �, G�ra�aiu� I►vs. tc 8. Je�s��taae.Av�. l.�. �i�l��'255 = �per�st St.;_batb sidiYr �i�c�i Co+�c Arn. to L�r�ron Ave. __. . . .; -. -,; , . _ ,. �. • 9B$S�: _ _ -_ ,l.A,�., �139196 -. B�prtom �t.,. both.��..ds� ��P�, Cs!►ok A��.., to..l��nQ1:L� Ave. . ..� �ro♦ �L��y�i7 w M4�gs AV��� �4� �i��� LiVa f�iiQS �7L. �to Arcad� ��• .. _. ... l�»l�. #�229��7. �.,Sarl, St,., e�tst,.�ide �taa 9�'4a�s.St, to �l�raeiath St.. !.0.' #2�$9'7�' ='�fial��tr �t�e , boft� s ia�es is►o�i �ti►ct�os►o� Arre. to tsafql� Ave. ' � ` . _; : �d4., #?,274�;.' I+4�iJ►1�4��,;=�x�.•,,,#�rt�,: �id�e� fram $arl ,�t., ta►, 1►rwttic 5,�, _ l.0. #229E193 • �►�rast St., east side faa�s E.�Gera�iviw Av�r. to �'. Jetsa�ai�' Ave. F�0« ���1$6r -,.�i►�t4,#. �1�•::r, �At4�;lt�}., �s,'�► R�te�Avt. to Geranir� Arr�e. - __ _ nr;�cii,v�U, 7'na� �Y�e said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects appraved. RFSULVED FURTHER, That a public hea'ring be had. on sa.id assessment on the 27th da.y of March,_ 1968 , , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give natice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice ia directed. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays FE�2 � 196$ � Adogted by the Gouncil �:a;`:'tSI�"1 t�a:��-- � �E� 2 � 1�! N,ered;t;� Ap oved Feters�n Tedesco Byrne � In Favor • � ayor Form R-2 2M io-ss e� ABainat p�gLISH�E� I�AR 2 �968