237282 � 23'�2g�
-" � By
File No. 16985
In the Matter of
� , , k
� ` �
under Prelirninary Ordex
225068 approve Au st 31 1965
The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance
upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves:
1, That the said rePort and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement
is hereby ordered to be prceeeded with.
2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is
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����>>i, ���i�lc,n ,Zn�l extencl L�����y�'t te R������� 1�y c�ndemning and takin�; the f�1:L��win�
clu:;��i�� i_I���cl l ��t:� ,iilit ptli�ce:l_s oC 1.a1�cl , �all_ .i_ti �thc City of S�. Pau1.:
`C1i;i t i�n��L n l' �,�,L- ?_ of J�r.�vis T �ul��l i v i 5 i.��n �F Lo t No. 3, of Iiass' 1lcldi t.ir�n �E
Oli�l� l,��t-� L�� �t_. P�til_, th:�t ParL �I� LVc�,�Lmi_nster Str.eet vacated., �hor,e �arts
� „�.� 1,�,�:� i� , �; �;, 7 , 8, ancl � oC� (;rcy �nd Cobhs Subdivision of Lot T1o. G i_n
1t,i�:; ' r; 1lcicl=i.i. ic>n o(' Out I,�t� to S��i_nL Paul., those par_ts of Lots ��, 5, 6, ancl 7
i i� P, I.��c�l� 2 c�[_� l���l�rer' s I�dd.itio�n �� St P�=iu1 Minn. , those parts oi� Lots 7 and Si I
i 1� I3 Lr,cl� -1_ �,f' 13��1�r_er' s Acldition to St Paul Minn. , that part of Lot H, Soo Linc
}�� �rt: Nlr:l�l�c�� 7 , ancl that p�rt o_C ]3ohr.er C�urt vacated lying within the follow- �,
irl„ clesci�_i.l�ec1 l.:ines: Commencin� �t the point or intersection of the center j
I i.ne �I, tiniver. :�_i.ty Avenue and -the hereinafter described line designatea as
''Line 11"; tl�cncc westerly alon� the cen�ter line of University Avenue a dis- i,
t_�l�cc ��:T 151 .(12 fec��-���o a point; thenee no�therly at a right angle a dis-
t:�nce o:1, �O 1:'cet to the north line of University Avenue, the point of he�in-
n.:i n�� �:� tl�c L inc to be descril�ed; thence northeasterly along the arc of a
c ircle tnn�ent i-o the north 1_ine of University Avenue and with a radius of
1 ;1_.c�9 _l.'ee�t, ,i cl:istance of 103 .16 feet to a point; thence northeasterly alon�
a st���=�_�rl�t 1 ine which is tangent to the aforesaid arc �f the circle at the
Last cleseri.l�ccl }�oint and 37 feet northwesterly of and parallel to the herein-
�l[:tc�r clescr. i.l�ec] line dc�si�nated as "Line BT' to the point of intersection with i
a l.inc� 30 t'eet northeasterly of and parallel with the southwesterly line of
l,ot II, Soo L�ine Plat Number 7, extended northwesterly; thence southeasterly
a7 �n; said }�ar��llel line to the present northwesterly line of Lafayette
R�ad; thence sniithwesterly alon� the said northwesterly line of Lafayette Road
to tl�e point oP intersection with the northerly line of University Avenue; �
thence �aestc�rl_y al_on� -the northerly line of ilniversity Avenue to the p�int of
be�;inni.ng, -t:ohether with the ri�ht of access, being the rioht of in�ress to
and e�ress :['r. ��m all those portions of the said above descri.bed lats and par-
cels of l.and n�t acquired herein, to the realigned Lafayetfie Road, as shown
by Prawin� N��. -1807, Drawer ��, clated Sept. 23, 1965, on file in the Department
of Publ_ic Uloi:�l:s. - � �
_ , : __ _„_ , __.
�` �11so th�se Parts of I.ots 5, 6, 8; 9 , and 10, in B1ock 7 of Warren & Winslows
add:i_tion to the Town of. St. Paul, that part of Lafayette Avenue vacated (for-
m�r.ly IIerlcime�� Sti eet) , bounded on the southwest by the northeasterly line oi
the Nortl�e7,n Pacific Rail_�vay Company right-of-way, which is located northeas-
ter.ly of l3ase I�ine D1o. 2 , as descriUed in 7_7�� Deeds 74, on the southeast by
th� northwestcrly li_ne of the Present Lalayette Road, on the northeast by the
soutl�erly 1_ine of Arl<wright Street, and on the northwest by a line that is 37
£eet northwesterly of and parallel to the hereinafter described line desi7natecl
as T'Line I3'T.
, _
A].so condemning and talcing an easement for bridge and highway purposes yn,� �
"" �ver, 'and across that certain. parcel of land bounded on the southeast b
- L Lile tha t i.s 33 feet southeasterly of an.d parallel to the hereinafter des-
cr. i.bed line desi�nt�ted as "Line ]3T', on the southwest by a line 30 feet
� n��r.t:heaster.ly of and parallel with the southwesterly line of Lot H, Soo L.ine
Plat Number 7, and the northwesterly extension thereof, on the northwest by
a line 37 feet northwesterly of and parallel� to said Line B, and on the north-
.t . .,
, , - east by tl�c northeasterly l.i���Y�k��""�'�l������'#'����'i�ti�° Ra,ilway Company right- `
!' '�;',�, ol-way which is located northeasterly of I�ase Line No. 2, as described in
�� � 274 Deeds 74. _ � � � � � _
� �
I _ ,. �