04-494Council �le # � t �' yT T
Referred To
Green Sheet # �b (��(
Committee Date
Resolution to approve District Energy St Paul, Inc's request to amend their customer billing rates.
1 WfIEREAS, District Energy St. Paul, Inc. filed a notice on July 19, 2001 and an official affidavit on
2 September 18, 2001 notifying the City of Saint Paul of a proposed heating rate increase. The heating rate
3 increase became effective in October 2001, until approved or denied by the Saint Paul City Council parsuant
4 to Section 6 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, Appendix F- District Heating Franchise; and
5 WHEREAS, evidence and recommendations have been presented to the City Council in the manner of a
6 City staff report submitted to the City Council on April 26, 2004, in conjunction with a public hearing on
7 this matter; now therefore be it
8 RESOLVED, the City Council approves the following heating system customer billing rate proposed by
9 District Energy St. Paul, Inc.:
10 1. The heating energy rate changes from $ 11.50 to $ 1415 per megawatt hour effective for
11 fiscal year 2002. If actual energy costs are less than estimated, customers receive a refund,
12 and be it;
13 FURTHER RESOLVED, District Energy's operations have changed with the start up of the combined heat
14 and power plant; therefore it is recommended that:
1. District Energy provide documentation that the current energy rate will remain just,
reasonable and nondiscrixninatory to customers in the future as required by the franchise
agreement if they do not request a rate change for fiscal year 2005.
2. District Energy provide the City with an opportunity to review, at the Dishict Energy offices,
the confidential and proprietary plan related to system expansion, modification and capital
maintenance, with anticipated debt financing and, or refinancing, and be it;
o�- y�N
1 FCJRTF3ER RESOLVED, City staff were unable to determine the appropriate level of cash and reserve
2 balances required for all current and anticipated needs of District Energy's operations for 2004 and the
3 foreseeable future; therefore it is recommended that:
4 1. District Energy's Boazd of Director's approve policy statements that specify desired cash
5 balances and reserves for generai operations, rate stabilization, debt service including
6 repayment of city loan and deferred franchise fees, and capital repair and maintenance which
7 includes supporting documentation as to why these amounts aze at an appropriate level for
8 both rate payers and the company, and a policy for spending these reserves.
10 2. Dishict Energy provide the City with an opporhmity to review, at the District Energy offices,
11 the confidential and proprietary Board of Duector's policy statements upon request or when a
12 customer billing rate appiication is submitted, and be it;
13 FINALLY RESOLVED, any modifications to the Cost Aliocation Agreements for District Energy, District
14 Cooling and Market Street Energy can have a significant effect on both annual budgets and billing rates;
15 therefore it is recommended that:
District Energy notify the City of any changes to the cost ailocation agreements between
heating, cooling and Market Street Energy.
Requested by Department of:
Office of Financial Services
Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopted by CouncIl:
Date�� o2LJ('`y
Adoprion Certified by Council Secretary
By: �
Approved by a} o. Date �
By: C%(/
Q:�Shazed�FranchiseTeam�DHDC Rate Re�iew�DH Rate approval resotution-FY04.wpd
� Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green.Sheet_Gceen.Sheet-Gr-eep-�Shee#- �
DepartrneM/officelcouncii: Date Inifiated:
Fs F����� ��R.� Green Sheet NO: 30'i5556
Contad Person 8 Phone � ���ent Sent To Person InitiaUDate
Lori Lee 0 na cial ervi
26&8822 A55ig� 1 ina "a! Services D a nt ir
Must Be on Council Agenda by (Date): Number Z na ci 'c �ce Fi ancial ervi
0`rMAY-04 {/ If�, FOr �_
Routing 3 rtv Attorn
Ordef 4 a r's ce Ma od istant
5 ou cil Ci Council
6 k rk
Total # of Sigrcature Pages _(Clip Aif Locatio�s for Signature)
Action Requested:
Approval of Distxict Enecgy's cequest ta amend the heating eustomer billing mtes.
Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R): Personal Service Contracts Must Mswer the Pollowing Questions:
Planning Commission 1. Has this persor�/firm ever worked under a contract for this departmenY?
CIB Committee Yes No '
Civil Service Commission 2. Has this person/firtn ever been a city employee? ,
Yes No
3. Does this person/firm possess a skili not normally possessed by any
cunent city employee?
Yes No
Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet
Initiating Problem, issues, Opportuniry (Who, What, When, Where, Why)�
In accordance with the Dishict Heating francluse, District Energy has filed norice to amend Schedule A of Saint Paul Legislative Code,
Appendix F, as amended. The City Council must review the evidence of this rate case and approve or deny their request. The attached
resolution recoxnmends approval of the new rates.
Advantages If Approved;
District Energy's heating energy rate will be sufficient to cover energy-related costs.
Disadvantages if Approved:
Disadvanfages HNot.4pproved: REL`E�VE�
The rates wouid not be sufficient to cover energy-related costs.
APR 2 6 2004
� Tohal Amount of
Transadion: CosURevenue Bndgeted:
-- �:....,.,�.
Fundinp Source: Activity Number. `'^"^�°,"�-
�%';A.` q-_' "_ `
Financial lnformation:
(ExPlain) �*a� � � ���J�
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City of Saint Paul
Interdepartmental Memorandum
To: Matt Smith
Financial Services
From: L,oni Lee, Chai
Franchise Te
Date: Apri126, 2004
Subject: Staff Report for Proposed District Heating Energy Rate
This memorandum discusses the Franchise Team's analysis of District Energy St. Paul, Inc.
proposed increase in the heating energy rate.
Pursuant to Section 6(e) of Saint Paul Legislative Code, Appendix F(City Ordinance 16947,
adopted July 20, 1982, as amended); District Energy St. Paul, Inc. filed notice on July 19,
2001 with the City Clerk of its intent to change heating rates effective October 1, 2001.
Subsequently, on September 18, 2001, District Energy St. Paul, Inc. filed an affidavit with the
City, along with an amended Schedule A. The affidavit confirmed that all signed District
Heating customers were notified of the proposed rate changes and the required customer
meetings were held on August 29, 2001 for Mount Airy customers and August 30, 2001 for
downtown customers.
In Mazch, 2003 an interdepartmental team was established to review this request along with
several other franchise related requests as detailed in a memorandum to the Mayor and City
Councilmembers dated March 18, 2003.
The Franchise Team, requested additional information regarding the heating rate increase.
Todd Hurley, I,ori I,ee and Marcia Moermond met with District Heating staff Joyce
Anderson and Andrew Kasid to review District Heating documents and clarify District
Heating's responses to the team's quesrions.
Proper notice, publication, and public hearing on the proposed rate changes will be completed
by May 5, 2004. These steps, along with the process to date, satisfy all procedurai
requirements of the franchise agreement.
by- �f 9y
Staff Report for Proposed FY 2004 Dishict Heating Rates
Apri126, 2004
Page 2
District Energy St. Paul, Inc. proposes the following change to Schedule A:
1. The heating energy rate will change from $11.50 to $14.15 per megawatt hour.
The demand rate will remain $ 435 per kilowatt per month. The rate has remained
unchanged since fiscal yeaz 1998.
The team reviewed:
Comparison of heating rates
Change in overali rates
Cost allocation between cooling and heating
Customer Survey Results
Comparison of Heatint Rates
Demand ($/kW/mo)
Energy ($IMWh)
Overall rate ($/MMBtu)
Increase as °/a
Demand ($/kW /mo)
Energy ($/MWh)
Overall rate ($/MMBtu)
'Net after $86,780 rebate
Actual Actual
FY 20�0 FY 2001
$4.35 $4.35
$11.15 $11.50
$1228 $12.36
0.00% 0.00%
0.00°10 3.14°10
0.00% 0.65%
$8,254,528 $8,325,680
$2,536,609* $3,528,716
Actual Actual
FY 2UO2 FY 2�03
$4.35 $4.35
$14.15 $14.15
$13.16 $13.16
�.��% �.��%
23.04°fo �.00°10
6.47% 0.00%
$8,770,680 $8,811,560
$3,903,606 $4,549,214
FY 2U04
Chanee in Overall Rates
Over the past ten years, overall heating rates have increased by an annual average of i%.
The demand rate covers operations and maintenance; general and administrative; research
and development; debt and capatai expenses. The demand rate has remained stable over the
past 7 years. On July 17, 2003 District Eneigy announced that there would be no increase for
FY 2004.
The energy rate is a pass through to the customer. The rate is based on the projected cost of
fixels utilized. If actual costs are less than budgeted, customers receive a refund. District
Energy reported that the "operation of the new combined heat and power plant, which uses a
renewal fuel - wood waste - to produce heat and electricity, will be the major source of
energy forthe future".
oK- y�y
Staff Report for Proposed FY 2004 District Heating Rates
Apri126, 2004
Page 3
Cost Aliocation between Coolin� and Heating
Allocated costs between District Energy and District Cooling aze based on the Cost
Allocation Agreement dated October 1, 1991 as approved by the Board of Duectors. This
agreement provides that jointiy used plant labor, maintenance, distribution and general and
administrarive items are allocated based on the percentage of energy sales for each company.
All other personnel costs are allocated based on a direct allocation of time sheet information.
Below is the calculation of the cost allocation percentage from F'Y 2002 to FY 2004. The
actual FY 2003 allocation from cooling to heating was $944,344.
Cost Altocation Percentage PY-20D2:
EnerEV Assumptions: TOTAL
Dishict Energy - Aemand (K� 164,250
District Energy - Energy Sales (MWII) 300,000
DH - Demand (Tons) 18,183
DH - Energy Sales (Ton-hr) 21,507,942
DH - Energy Sales (Mwh) (Ton-hrs X 0.0035) 75,278
Cost Allocation Percentage (DH Sales /(DH Sales + DE Sales)� 20.06%
Cost Allocation Percentage FY-2003:
Ener�v Assumntions: TOTAL
District Energy - Demand (KW) 168,500
District Energy - Energy Sales (MWH) 315,000
DH -Demand(Tons) 19,338
DH - Energy Sales (Ton-hr) 22,40Q000
DH - Energy Sales (MWFI) (Ton-hrs X 0.0035) 78,400
Cost Allocation Percentage [DH Sales /(DH Sales +DE Sales)] 19.93%
Cost Allocation Percentage FX-2004:
Enerav Assumutions: TOTAL
District Energy - Demand (K4� 171,500
Dishict Energy - Energy Sales (MWFI) 320,000
DH - Demand (Tons) 2Q900
DH - Energy Sales (Ton-hr) 23,60Q000
DH - Energy Sales (MWII) (Ton-hcs X 0.0035) 82,600
Cost Allocation Percentage [DH Sales /(DH Sales + DE Sales)] 2052%
Staff Report for Proposed FY 2004 Dishict Heating Rates
Apri126, 2Q04
Page 4
Customer Survey Results
The City of Saint Paul, as the chief regulatory authority overseeing District Energy, has had
no customer complaints in the time period since its last rate increase. District Energy and
Dishict Cooling have jointiy undertaken periodic customer service surveys. Dishict Energy
reported that the 2003 customer survey had responses from 45% of their 163 customers. A
sumuiary of the survey results indicates the following:
Customers rated the following services as being extremely important to them:
A. Responsiveness (timeliness and reliability of sta�
B. Technical support (probiem solving and planning)
C. Value (risk management, operating simplicity, training and cost control).
The survey noted that the main concern of customers had to do with the price of services. On
average, survey respondents indicated they found Dishict Cooling's and District Energy's
price of service to be a slightly better value than their competitors. (Rating of approximately
2.4 on a scale where 2 is "the same as" and 3 is "superior to.")
Customers responded that Dastrict Cooling's and District Energy's communication, technical
support, responsiveness and environmental responsibility were somewhat better than the
competition. (Rating of approximately 2.6 on a scale where 2 is "the same as" and 3 is
"superior to.")
On average, customers indicate they are satisfied with the services they receive; in some
cases, very satisfied.
1. The heating energy rates proposed by District Energy St. Paui, Inc. in their request dated
September 18, 2001 should be formally approved by City Council. The energy rate is a
pass through to the customer based on the actual cost of energy and any excess is
refunded to customers.
2. District Energy operations have changed with the start up of the combined heat and power
plant. The team recommends that District Energy provide documentation that the current
energy rate is just, reasonable and nondiscriminatory to customers as required by the
franchise agreement if they do not request a rate change for fiscal yeaz 2005.
3. District Energy provide the City with an opportunity to review, at the District Energy
offices, the confidential and proprietary plan related to system expansion, modification
and capital maintenance, with anticipated debt financing and, or refmancing.
Staff Report for Proposed FY 2004 District Heating Rates
Apri126, 2004
Page 5
4. District Energy's Board of Director's approve policy statements that specify desired
cash balances and reserves for general operations, rate stabilizarion, debt service
including repayment of city loan and deferred franchise fees, and capital repair and
maintenance which includes supporting documentation as to why these amounts aze at
an appropriate level for both rate payers and the company, and a policy for spending
these reserves.
5. District Energy provide the City with an oppoxhinity to review, at the District Energy
offices, the confidential and proprietary Board of D'uector's policy statements upon
request or when a customer billing rate applicarion is submitted.
6. Any modifications to the Cost Allocation Agreements for District Energy, District
Cooling and Mazket Street Energy can have a significant e£fect on both annual budgets
and billing rates. The team recommends that Dishict Energy notify the City of any
changes to the cost allocation agreements.
cc: Franchise Team
Todd Hurley
Mazcia Moermond
Lisa Veith
Q:�Shared�FranchiseTeam�DHDC Ra[e Review�DH Staff Report FY04.wpd
o� -�g�
lu�l�lu � '7:���ililTl
Date: April 1, 2004
To: Council President Daniel Bostrom
Councilmember Jay Benanav
Councilmember Patrick Harris
Councilmember Lee Helgen
Councilmember Kathy Lantry
Councilmember Debbie Montgomery
Councilmember Dave Thune r
From: Marcia Moermond, Policy and Research Lepd_,,✓
and Franchise Team Member �1
Re: District Energy Rate Increase
This memo is to request a public hearing for May 5, 2004 to consider District Energy's request
for a heating rate increase pursuant to Chapter 16 of the Saint Paul City Charter, which states:
`Before any franchise ordinance is adopted or any rates, fares or prices to be charged by a
public utility are increased by the council, the council shall hold a public hearing on the
matter. Notice of such hearing shall be published at least once in the official newspaper
not less than ten (10) days prior to the date of the hearing."
District Energy submitted a request to the City of Saint Paui on September 18, 2001 stating an
interim rate went into effect on October 1, 2001. Hereby, we formally request a public hearing
be set for May 5, 2004 regazding this matter.
Copy: Matt Smith, Director of Financial Services
Lori Lee, Financial Services and Franchise Team Lead
Todd Hurley, Financial Services and Franchise Team
Lisa Veith, City Attorney's Office and Franchise Team
AA-ADA-EEO Pmploye[
St. Paul, Inc.
September 18, 2001
Fred Owusu
Citizen Service O�ce
170 City Hall
St. Paul, MN 55102
Re: District Heating Rates
Dear Mr. Owusu:
Pursuant to the hot water district heating franchise and previous notice filed July 19,
2001, District Energy St. Paul, Inc., hereby files its amended Schedufe A. The rates
therein wiA be charged on afi biffs for hot water sernce beginning with the biliing
month of October 2001 and will remain in effect until superseded.
This is a routine annual rate adjustment as envisioned by the franchise and the Hot
Water Delivery Agreement.
Please contact me at (651) 297-8955 if there are any questions regarding this matter.
Sincerely, ,�
,t�2� ,,
Anders J. Ry ker
Hans O. Nyman
Energy Center
76 Keliog� Blvd. W.
SG Paul, NiN 55�02-16tt
Tei 65'1.297.3955
Fax 651.2L0353
Attachments: Schedule A (Amended)
Affidavit of Compiiance with Council Resolution 85-919
cc: Peter Eiames, lori Lee, Clayton Robinson, Gerafd Fiendrickson,
Wiiliam Mahium, Joyce Anderson, Andrew Kasid
o �I y9 y
granted to
District Heating Development Co. d.b.a.
by the
(Ordinance No. 16947, adopfed July 20, 1982, as amended)
RATES: The foilowing rates shall be effective beginning with the biliing month of October 2001
and shali remain in effect until superseded:
Single rate:
7wo-part rate:
$0.0449 per kilowatt-hour
$4.35 per kilowatt per month
$14.15 per megawatt-hour
SNOWMELT DEMAND RATE: The Snowmelt Demand Rate is 50 percent of the Hot Water
Demand Rate per kilowatt per month.
PROMPT PAYMENT PROVISiON: A charge of 5 percent wiil be added to the net bill
computed at the rate shown above, which charge shaii constitute a discount from the gross bill
for payment within the discount period, all as more specificaily provided in the Hot Water
Delivery Agreement.
FUEL ADJUSTMENT: As provided in the Hot Water Delivery Agreeme�t, the energy charge
may be appropriately adjusted (i.e., spread over the remaining months in the fiscai year) from
time to time during fiscai year to cover cost increases (or decreases) occurring subsequent to
the establishment of projected energy-related costs for such period regarding energy
purchased by District Energy, to the extent such costs are in excess of (or below) those cosYs
projected by District Energy in estabiishing the energy charge for such period.
SURCHARGE: A City fee surcharge of 8J percent will be induded in the gross and net
monthly biils computed under this rate schedule except as otherwise provided by law.
SERVICE CHARGES: The attached service charges shall be effective beginning with the
billing month of October 2001 and shail remain in effect until superseded.
tls\rateshtg�schedule a new.doc
o y- �/9y
Schedule A
Attachment 1
Service Charges Effective October 2001
Pursuant to Sectio� 8.5 of the Hot Water Delivery Agreement as amended, the following rates
are established for performance of specific services more properly charged to an individual
Customer than to al! Customers as a whole. Service charges are payabie within 3D days of
biiling and are in addition to Demand Charges and Energy Charges.
Restoration of service after shutoff by District Energy;
Customer demand under 100 kW: $25.00
Customer demand 100 kW or over: $100.00
2. Damage to District Energy system equipment:
Actual cost of repair or replacement as determined by District Energy plus service
charge of $30.00.
3. Unauthorized drainage of Disfrict Energy system water:
The sum of the following:
(a) Estimated quantity of water (ost times combined water and sewage rate paid by
District Energy during period of drainage;
(b) Estimated heat value of water lost times appiicable Energy Rate; and
(c) Service charge of $70.00/hour.
Note: Drainage of system water creates an unsafe condition and is cause for
suspension of service untii corrected.
4. Service caits made at Customer's �equest by District Energy personne{ for
problems found to be in Customer's and not District Energy's equipment:
Beiween 8:00 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. on Monday through Friday (excluding holidays
observed by District Energy): $70.00/hour
Afl other times: $105.00/hou�
tlsUatesh tglservchg. doc
Pursuant to Section 2 of City Council Resolution 85-919, district Energy St. Paul inc. states the
following facts regarding its compliance with Section 1 of that Resolution:
1. District Energy gave notice of its intent to file a new or amended Schedule A in a letter dated
July 19, 2001, filed with the City Clerk on that date.
2. District Energy sent or delivered a notice of its rate filing and the related customer meeting
to all signed hot water customers on Juiy 18, 2001. The notice included the new rates sought
by District Energy; the time, date, and place of the customer meeting; a�d the Notice of
Customer Rights constituting Exhibit 1 of fhe Resolution. A copy of the notice was provided to
the President of the Greater St. Paul Building Owners and Managers Association (BOMA). The
same information was sent to all Mount Airy residents on August 13, 20Q1, with notice of a
special meeting as described below.
3. District Energy held the required customer meefing on August 30, 2001, at 3:00 p.m. in
District Energy's conference room, Ffans O. Nyman Energy Center, 76 West Keliogg Boulevard,
St. Pau4. One person representing district heating/cooling customers atiended, atong with four
other individuals. No members of the City's rate review staff attended. A second meeting was
held with interested residents of the Mount Airy homes an August 29, 2001, at 10:06 a.m. at the
Mount Airy Community Center. Eighteen residents attended, along with ten other individuals,
including three Public Housing staff inembers.
Copies of District Energy's filing notice with the City, the proposed new Schedule A, and the hot
water franchise (Ordinance No. 16947, as amended) were made available to meeting
attendees. At each meeting, the new rates were expiained, customers were advised that the
City Council must approve the new rates before they become finaily effective, and customers
were ailowed a reasonabie opportunity to comment on the proposed rates both formaliy and
informaily. .
/�Gi`�/Gl�iz ,�•'.�c-�---
Anders J. Rydake /
g /�� /D
tlslrates htglaffidavt. doc