237248 ORI'GINAL TO CITY CLBRK CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL ������ y ` OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. _ COUNC OLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY V C�M M I551�N E DATE BE IT RE3�LVE�, Tha�,t in accordance w3.th 0rd3.na�ce Bo. 10829, Council File Ro. 179�+1�+, approv�d 3eptember 14, 1956, the ax�nual sew�er �aa.iriteriaa,ce eharges to be made in 1968 again�t the �o7lowix�g cao�ercial, industr3.a1, aa�d res3dential properti�s, other than si�gle amd txo-f'aaoily d�rell3.�gs, which ar� located in the Village Af Falcon Iieights and which s,re connec�ed to the Saint �atil. �ewer 3ystem, be and hereby are detex�i.ned to be �he amcrants set opposite �he locat3.on of the conneetic�n� as follows t A�D�E3S LTSE AM(�NT 1688 Arona Apartments $�+1.44 1687 Fry' Apex�t.�eats 92.09 i69? Fry APar�n.ts 87.10 17�'T F� � bpar��meat� $q.7p 1717 F'�►' Apaxtmemts 89.�o 1781 8��.;?+! Office & Resi:d�nc� 1�.p$ 175� &�1.t�s OPP3ce 8� �esideace 12.36 1810 Holton , Of�'ice & Hesidence 10.0E3 1497 Y. Idaho Offiee & Hesidence 8.76 1561 W. Idah� Apart�ents �1.68 13�7 W. I,ar,penteur Medical C13x�ic 32.0l� 1350 W. La,rpe�rteur �ex�ri�e Staticm 15.52 1�07 W. Irarixntevr 8erv3.ee �tation 16.36 l�#66 N. I,arpente�ar Apar�ents l�.p$ 1�72 w. Larpentr��.r Apart��rts 39.�0 1475 W_-I�S'p�ntemr Apa,r��enta - _ �,2„�'2 1�83 W. I.arpea��r Agai-t�nts 15.12 1�86 w. Larpe�t,eaw.� Apartm�a�s 39.20 1�9E) �T. Larpeatemr Apar�tieents 18.16 1�91 �I. 7,e,rpentemx Apart�ments 13,�2 1�9� �i. I�arpentevr Apart��ents 13.0� 1h96 iT. S,a,rp�a�eur A�xfianent�e 18.16 1g4� W. �srpe��r apart�ats �1�2.16 1Si4 il. Larpe�tenr Aparfi�nts b6.72 1511 W. Larpente�r Apartments �.00 15�5 w. ba,rpen�eur serv�.ee station 32.32 1533 W I,erpentewr Heatauraat 10.48 1611 W. �a.rpenteur 8esta�arant �6.�8 1639 i�. �s,rpentemr Store 57.o�. 1710 W. Larpenteur Apar�ments 176.00 17�+0 W. ?,arpentetlr Apar�um�nts 176.00 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19.- Yeas Nays Carlson Dalglish Approved 19� Holland Tn Favor Meredith Peterson Mayor Tedesco A 8'��st Mr. President, Byrne �22 ORt;INAL TO CITY CLERK ��` �ti`��� �„ , CIN OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � - COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMI551 ONER DATE __ FaleOn Heights Page 2. AU�8E3S t� AlSO�T 1?50 w. I�arpe�te�r Gresnho�e & Residence $26.�0 179c) W. barpente�tr Factory & E)f`Pice 78.�+0 18�5 T�. I,arpente�r Ap�r�at 88.56 1855 W. I,arpenteur Apartmemts 88.36 1875 W. I�.r,pe�ettr Florist 8c �esidence 15.08 2001 ii. I,nrpeatet�r Greeaho�ase 80.56 1707 Lindig Apartmen�s 96.80 1911 Sia�pson E�`Fice & Resideace 16.16 1634 N. snelling Apaxfi.ments �.60 1642 1�. snal'� Ap�zfia�ents �+9•� 1691 N. sne7ling service �t�,tias �0.32 1693-17].5 �. ��ulling �tores 176.60 1700 �T. 8s�,e1ling Res�auraut 36.80 1708 N. 8net�� Restaurant 16.40 170"T Tattian Apart�ents 58•� 1857 Tat� Otfice & Residence 11•52 �E� � �'� 1�9� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson FE� �-' ���� Dalglish � Approved 19� Holland Tn Favor �fereditlr • Peterson � Mayor Tedesco ASa�st PHBLISHEB NIAR 2 1968 Mr. President, Byrne �22