237223 ORIGINAL TO CtTY CLERK 23��23 �; CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL N�,. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ' COUNCI S LUTION-G ERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Robert F Peterson �i�'L���U� COMMISSIONER • � DATF WHEREAS, the final costs for the grading and paving of Bir�ingham Street fro�n E. Third Str�et to Fre�nont Ave. and Fremont Ave. fro� Birmingham Ave. to 195 ft. West, Comptroller's Contract L-6858 have been deter�nined, and WHEREAS, upon final allocation of funds f�o� whtch the �bove improve�er�t was to be paid, it was found that the amount origi�ally set up for its financing is insufficient to meet the final costs and that an additional a�ount of $634.55 wi11 be required, tMerefore be=-it, RESOLVED, that the �nount of $634.55 be applied from City's share of local improvea�ent fund, code 0920-701 (1968) to finance the additional cost of the above ir�prove�nent. :�� f�B �= �� 196'� � COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays ,,�+�� Carlson !��.��' :, :..f;_,.: Dalglish Approved 19_.._ Holland �n Favor Meredith � � Mayor Peterson A gainst Tedesco P������� �a�� �� ,� Mr. President, Byrne �O ��i ��;�,p� DUPLICATFi TO PRINTER CITY OF ST. PAUL . �-�`��co�NC�� NO . FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Fiobert F. Peterson DAT COMMISSIONE WHEREAS, the final costs for the grading and pavin9 of Birmingham Street from E. Third Stf�et��t�stFr�Ptro�lerasdConPtr�act Lvb�S�rhave Birmingham Ave. to 95 been determined, and �;HEREAS, upon final allocafiion of funds from which the above tmprovement was to be paid, it was found that the amount originally set up for its financing is�fin�u��f,5ie�i�,tb��equiredf�therefore l��ait, that an additional amaunt ,r RESOLVED, that tfund�code 0�2Q37015 �b968�pto�financeCthe`additional of local improvement , cost of �the above improvement. ��� ''��:�, Adopted by the Council 19— COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ;�(`_r,'�� ;'- Carlson �. Approved 19—__ Dalglish Holland y�n Favor Meredith ' Mayor Peterson �_Against Tedesco Mr. President, Byrne O