D001282Originai- Cily Clerk C��ies-a Fin. 8 Mgmt Services wubiic Works Accourrting . .Engineer Corrtractor • CITY OF SAIINT PAUL - OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER for COPITRACT CHAPIGE AGREEMENIT NO. , . �t . �. .. - ♦ � ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Whereas, additans which proved to be necessary to the Improvemer� described as EUSTIS-FRANffi.IN SEWER SEPARATION krawn as adiviry no. 29197 , City Project No. 94-S-8098 8c 94-P-8079 Lameiti & Sons, Inc. Corrtractor, is composed of the foibwing: Extra Work as described on the attachments. Part lA Part iR Part 1B TOTAL $ 9,490.10 $32,137.82 $27.903.48 $69,531.40 • ORDERED, That the Cdy of Saird Paul, through its Mayor, approves the toregoing additions made in accordance with the spec'rfications in the sum of $ 69,531.40 , said artaunt to be added to the lump sum consideration named on the contrac[, known as Activfty No. 29197 , and which amouM is to be financed from: CSSP Funding $ 37,393.58 PORT AUTHORITY FUNDING $ 32,137.82 "'�� 19� 7 / 97 �23 19 � / T's-� Assistant to the Mayor ��� � ta�h�L Th ��o ►! S � e.L C. Contractor i . /� '�i �Y1��o� • • • ceeers�errt�Iarn�cElcart+ca n.oe aaam�a �' �"� V w Pubac wor�cs construcnon �/z�/9� GREEN SHEET xo. s�8S �r�w �,%+ coxrecreeasoxerttonre n�smax�rruvee�rn �C[1SCWNC6 � LarryH.Lueth 266-6083 .+�u � �cnrc�rmc a�vsr ee ox mua�cn.�c�roesr � nov�mw� O�,� � � rn¢ e s�cc se o�nas � � Z, � _J Lueth 7 �mrec�or�siaaeeeam 2 (aaerzror+aoxrroQaa�sivaq Q wssocue� �urrc 7/z3 7 �'� � proval of Adminisirative Order for Contract Change Agreement No. 1 EUSTiSFRANHIIN CSSP, Clty ProJect No. 94-58096 & 94P-8079 Contractor: Lamettl & Sons. Inc. �` � W a � QO PSR80RAL BSAVICB CONT3ACT8 YRST dNBWFA 18E FOIIAW7NG gII88TIORS: PIA1amRG coMlusSaW ava ��E�40N I. Ha9 Htia pcfe�/&m ever aco� �md¢ a mntrnct f�'this departmrnt? — — YES PIO _ cID Co�rtrira _ 2. Has this pasoa/&m ever bem a ary empbyce? A 51 .�, YES PAD — — s. n«9 thb pas�/9�m po�e� s atm mr mrmauy no�ea br enr nm�c d�r nxsaxx`crcour�ea _ employee? s[7PaoxCSw[¢cxCO[fficAt.oeJECi1vE7 YFS PIO Sewer Separation �•u yes a..�n �.ap.i.u+b«s affi:«acm w gsem �a«c aur�nimc eaoetxat. �sue, oeeoRmta[tr fwtto, vvt,n7. wt�r. �vt�ae. vvtnl: Additional work was required to complete the pmject. '11ie two largest items aze pavtng a pazking lot as directed by the Port Authority, and abandonment of existing sewers beneath the Case Building. ADVANfAGESIFAPPRO4EU Authorize paymexxt to the Contractor for extra wurk items performed at the direction of the Engineer. �� �p` „�'� �t�§��r��� � �s� �t�L �;; 1��7 �q� �;, �� � � � � e� ���_ ����� D1SAI WAN1'ilGES 0+' APAiOVED: None RECEIVED AUG 4 9991 ClTY CLERK ��������: Difficulty and delay in the tinal payment to the Contractor. mr�i.exwxr�rst,tisacnoir8 �q5.374n oosayltEV�ae�ccmcaEOC� � ao ii 008 ��E C'SSP Rr Pnrt Aiithnrif.v wc[zvrPYPUMBIIt C.94-2TF97-(17R4-2A797 FIlWNCW.7NAORMA170R I�1dln9 i V V u , • EUSTIS FRANSLIN CSSP City Project No. 94-5-8098 & 94-P-8079 Chaage Order No, i Part lA Item Descri�tioa 2" Rigid Insulation 6" D.I.P. Class 50 Sewer Unit Quantity Unit Price 16 $20.00 231 $32.00 6 �45.00 i�op oa$a Total $320.00 Sq. Yds. Lin. Ft. 16" D.I.P. Class 52 Sewer Lin. Ft. Concrete Walk With Sq. Ft. Integral Curb $7,392.00 $270.00 548.4 $2.75 $1,508.10 $9.490.10 • • LHL: 7/15/97 �_.��.� �... CfiANGE ORDER NO. 1-R EtTSTZS/FRANKLIN AREA SEWER SEPARATION • 94=5-8090/94 - P - 8079 CITY OF SAZNT PAUL� MINNESOTA COMMISSIOx NO. 10338 CHANGE IT�M ORDER NO DESCRIPTIOFL - QIIANTITY 2104.501 Remove Concrete Curb 2104.503 Remove Concrete Sidewalk 2104.503 Resnove Concrete Driveway 2104.505 Remove T=ench Pavement � 2104.521 Remove/Salvage Existing Fence 2105_501 Common Excavation 2105.507 Subgrade Excavation 2105.521 Granular Borrow (LV� 2105.525 Topsoil Borrow � 2201.501 Concrete sase (8") 2211.503 Agqregate Base Class 5 Placed (Cv 2331.508 2331 Type 41 Wear Course Mi.x 2331.514 2331 Type 31 Base Course Mix 2357.502 Situminous Material for Tack Coat 2503.541 4" DIP Sewer 2503.541 12" RCP Class 5 Storm Sewer 2506.508 4� Square Manhole 0-9' Type ZV 0506.602 Construct Catch Basin 2521.501 Concrete Walk 4" 2531.501 Concrete Curb & Gutte= • 0564.602 4" Solid Line Striping 2575.505 Sodding 8^ Concrete D=iveway 6" Concrete Walk 15.00 820.00 240.00 10.00 60.00 230.00 230.00 310.00 50.00 10.00 230.00 125.00 170.00 70.00 6.00 145.00 2.00 2.00 75.00 675.00 810.00 360.00 ��� � ol.g o�. � 2`',Q� �;; �hr � 1 i �� �� � �/ QUANTITY UNZT . AMOUNT UNIT TO DATE PRZCE TO DATE LF SF SF SY LF CY CY CY CY SY CY TN TN GA LF LF EA EA SF LF LF SY SY SF 5.00 918.00 79.00 0.00 60.00 230.00 230.00 310.00 65.00 0.00 203.00 183.45 259.23 117.00 6.00 146.00 2.00 2.00 0.00 705.00 979.00 587.00 13.60 56.80 $1.00 $0.40 $0.50 $6.00 52.50 59.00 $0.01 $0.01 $6.00 $18.00 $14.00 $22.00 $18.00 $1.00 $25.00 $26.00 $1,700.00 $1,050.00 $1.80 $6.00 $2.50 $1.50 $24.00 $2.10 $5.00 5367.20 $39.50 $0.00 $150.00 $2,070.00 $2.30 $3.10 $390.00 $0.00 $2,842.00 $4,035.90 $4,666.14 $117.00 $150.00 $3,796.00 53,400.00 $2,100.00 $0.00 $4,230.00 $2,447.50 $580.50 5326.40 $119.28 S32,137.82 • CHANGE ORDER NO.;g • EUSTZS/FRANKLIN CSSP 94-5-8098/94-P-8079 CITY OF ST. PAUL, MINNFSOTA CHANGE ORDER DESCRIPTION: l. Relocate Existing 10" Fire Service - Eustis Street 2. Lower Manhole 507 - Franklin Avenue 3. Lower Manhole 521 - Vacated Myrtle Avenue 4. Pave Prospect Auto Parking Area 5. Reconnect Rainleader - 2555 University Avenue 6. Adjust Manholes 508 & 509 - Wabash Avenue • 7. Lower Manhole 537 - University Avenue 8. Reconnect Sewer Service - 700 Emerald Street G] 10. 11 Install Low Profile Casting on Manhole 532 - Curfew Street Repair Street - Wabash Avenue Repair Fence Gate - 700 Emerald Street 12. Remove Footing Wall - Port Authority Parking Lot 13. Obtain Pernut for Lot Drainage - Port Authority Pazking Lot 14. Abandon Sewer Lines at Case Company TOTAL * St. Paul Port Authority Pazking Lot Related • * * Eligible !f . :. $ 3,187.04 ** $ 534.49 $ 1,261.82 $ 1,155.00 $ 1,019.73 $ 1,330.73 $ 37535 $ 2,746.59 $ 121.91 $ 1,238.60 $ 214.50 $ 628.06 * $ 239.42 * $13,850.24 $27,903.48 :. �: �oo �a,ga � TKDA TOLT2, KING, DUVALI. ANDERSON ANDASSOCIATES.INCOflPORATED ENGINEERS • AFiCHITECTS • PLANNERS 150DPIPERJAFFRAYPLAZA 4C4 CEDAR STREEf SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA SStOt-21S0 PHONE:612/292-4500 FAX612292-0083 MEMORANDUM To• Recorc� Copies To: Larrv Lueth Guy La*son � From: Lome Wikstrom Date• July 1. 1997 Reference: Eustis/Franklin CSSP 94-5-8098/94-P-8079 City of St. Paul, Minnesota Chan�e Order No. 2 Commission No. 10338-02 • A number of work items.outside the scope of the original contract were required to be performed by the Contractor. This work was completed on a force account basis in accordance with MnDOT specification 1904. The following is a summary of the work items completed together with supporting documentation evaluating requests for compensation submitted by the contractor, Lametti and Sons, Inc. All attached documentation was reviewed by the field representative and revisions were made, if necessary, to reflect actual figures. Labor and equipment ra[es were included in this review and agree with wage rate decisions and approved equipment rates. 1. � 3. • Relocate existing 10" Fire service - Eustis Street (Exhibit A) While laying the 36" storm sewer on Eustis Street, the 10" fire service water main for Case Company had to he realigned to allow storm sewer to pass by. Lower manhole 507 - Franklin Avenue (Exhibit B) The build on manhole 507 in Franklin Avenue was too high to match the street grades and was built based on center line elevation.The structure was cut off to fit the grade at the manhole location neaz the gutter. Lower manhole 521 - vacated Myrtle Avenue (Exhibit C) The build on manhole 521 in vacated Myrtle was 1.7' too high. The storm sewer was not constructed at the profile grade location, but at a lower grade elevation. The structure was excavated open, cut lower to fit the grade and the top reconstructed. An EqualOpporfunity Employer �� • :__ • Memo Eustis/Franklin CSSP The build for manhole 537 was too high to match grade on University Avenue. The storm sewer line was not constructed at the centerline of University where the profile • grade is shown.The precast structure was cut off to lower the rim elevation and match the grade near the gutter. 8. Reconnect Sewer Service - 700 Emeraid Street (Exhibit H, J). A sewer service to Weyerhauser from vacated $erry was reconnected to the existing sewer. The service was not shown on City record drawings and was not found untii after Page 2 July i, 1997 4. Pave Prospect Auto Pazking Area (Exhibit D) At the request of Prospect Auto Parts, the parking area along the east side of the building was paved. This work was done on Prospect Auto properry for iheir use. 5. Reconnect Rainleader - 2555 University Avenue (Exhibit E) The rainleader for Inner City Truck service was reconnected to the new storm sewer on Ellis Avenue. Time was spent locating the line and �etting material for the reconnection. Property owner had no record drawing or knowledge of the rainleader line location. 6. Adjust manholes 508 and 509 Elevations - Wabash Avenue (Exhibit F) The builds for the two manholes were too low to properly fit the boulevazd azeas on Wabash Avenue. The manholes were reopened and built up further to match grades. Lower Manhole 537 - University Avenue (Exhibit G) Weyerhauser experienced back-ups. New pavement on vacated Berry Street was removed and replaced to accommodate repair. • F] 10. Install Low-Profile Casting on Manhole 532-Curfew Street (Exhibit K) A low-pro�le casting was used to better fit the street grade. Repair Street - Wabash Avenue (Exhibit L) A deep dip in the street where setdement had occurred was repaired by the Contractor. 11. Repair Fence Gate - 700 Emerald Street (Exhibit M) The gate between Weyerhauser and Scaffold Service had been damaged during consWction activities, according to Weyerhauser. It is unknown how this was damaged. 12. The Contractor had it repaired. Remove Footing Wall - Vacated Eilis Avenue (Exhibit N) A footing wall was found while excavating for the Port Authority pazking lot at Curfew/University. It was removed to facilitate parking lot construction. ; ,� � r Memo Eustis/Franklin CSSP Page 3 �� � a�a July 1, 1997 13. Obtain Permit for Pazking Lot Drainage (Exhibit O) The contractor obtained a stormwater discharge permit for connecuon to Ciry storm sewer in regard to the Port Authority pazking lot. 14. Abandon Sewer Lines - Case Company (Exhibit P) The contractor abandoned the 12" sewer in vacated Clifford from Franklin to vacated Myrtle and the 15" sewer in vacated Myrtle from vacated Clifford to Eustis, per City agreement with the Case Company.. The lines were filled with flowable foam concrete. LGW/jhs �