237212 � . ', 23'7�1N •��` GITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL FILE N0. Res�olution App�oving Asaessment By— and Fixing Time of Hearing Thereon � In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and eupenses for construction or recoastruction of sid�walke and work incid�ntal thereto: Contract 66-M-368, L�vy No. 4, District No. 3 . _ . . ..-� .. .. _ _. _ _. _ _ _ . __ _ _ �---_-. - - --------- 1:;._. ; ASSRSSAELB: , ;:� , _ ` � ; F.O. �228374 - Bu�h Avs., aoutl� •i1e irait Edgertoa l��.: t�►�!'ayne Ave. F.O. #226916 - La�rson Streat, both sidas fr� Jack�o� 5treet to Agate 3treet. F.O. �227313 - Cortlaad Place, both aid�s from Ackcr St. to Syca�ore St. F.O. #228757 - M,aryland Ave. � both sides fro! Clark St. to DeSoto St. F.O. #227250 - Buffalo St. , east side fr� Granite St. to Genesee St. and os the wert side of Buffalo St. €row Granite St. to the south li�e of Lot 5, Blk. 5, Edwud xice's 2nd Addition. F.O. #223780 - Cook Av�aue, both aides fros Jackson St. t• Agat• St. F.O. #227k48 - Greenbrier St. , east aide fros Hairthor�e Ave. tca Msryl,�nd Ave. , .,,.. �.�.�,�„.#.22�7.�9� �;,5.� Av�taut,, haxh sides. �x,osa Pf3►aa. Ava. �o Edgar ton-S t.,.. . � F:O. ��2745I� = Jeaks Ave., bot� sides from Greenbrier St. to Walsh St. „.,..,.�',:4u ,�2�$}��...-,. S�iaa...S.t:.,. �oxth s.ide fr� Wal.�h St. .to. �tside St..- . . . , �. _ f�.0. #22'744y - Lswsoa A�e., both sides fro� Weide St. to Arcade St. ,._.,�'..Q,,,-�2�2.Z�7�,� :-.�,t:�+RnA�i,�.x. S.t., bath a,id�,,�r;a� Jass.asias.Ave.. :to. �la�a47,i,s A�re,- NO--.N:�S��!it875 ' , � . , ; , :; . ;.,; , , , . . , . F.O. 7 - Mary�aad Ave. , bot�i aides fron Clark St. tc DaSoto �t. , . �?.Q. #227�$..- :G�es�t�rier St.,, �:t $ids .frpt;#L�►thos�e Aw,e. �0 1�ry3;a�i A�e,- F.O. �227399 - Sixs Av�nue, both �idea fro�a Psyae Ave. to Edaerton St. ._ l�►�?���N2�8�:3�� •. Sfa�s Sit. . �,arth .aide �xd�tF�Ta��ab St. to Weide St. F.O. �227447 - LaWSOa Av�. , beth aidss fro� Weide St. to Arcada St. l�.a.'#t2i3�����'�c#�e��t+�r' �t'., �th sid+�t 'lr�i'Je�s��i�e live. 'te`IKa�iiblil�• Ave. da,y of Marcb� 1968 , , at th� hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court �iouse and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give natice of said meetinga, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the na.ture of the improvement, and the arnount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. COUNCILMEN �EB 2 � 19�� Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council— �;�;:�t�,� t::-�,i�;;:1;� ��:�3 � �i �9�8�, itio';�nti Mere��th Fetersan "`) prove� Tedesca 1 Byrne Tn Favor � �� Mayor A gainst PI�BLIS�IE4 F EB 2 4 196� Form R-2 2M 10-88 8a�