237177 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK r 23�� /� " CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOENCiI NO. � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL SOLUTION-GENE[tAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE � DATF _ RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby authorized to execute, on behalf of the City of Saint Paul, a petition to vacate Lot 13, Block 6, Boulevard Addition No. 3, Saint Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota. .FORM PROVED #,: rporatien �; � ��� � ;� 136� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19._ Yeas Nays ,.�:F�.l� �. �"a �,'�6� 'A�� Dalglish � Approved 19� Holland fn Favor Meredith � � (� Dgayor Tedesco A 8'��t �,� ;��+�� , PIJBLISkIfL� FEB 2 4 195� :z.; :��.� .� . Mr. Vice Yresidant (Y�rson) a�22 ' ' PETITION FOR VACIITION OI�� PUI3LIC PROP�Ii.TY TO TIi� IiONORAI3L� r�1Y0R AND MLMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL - i � . Your petitioners herein respect�ully request th2� tlLe Council of the City of Saint Paul grant the vacatiori of the �ollowing described lands : , Lot 13, Block 6, Boulevard Addition • No. 3 , Saint Paul , Minnesota, Ramsey County. The petitioners hereto represent the majority of the lando�vners abutting the public property requested to be vacated. The above—described property is surplus to the needs of the City of Saint Paul and the Department of Public Works. It is located in the vieinity of Hamline Avenue and Iiague Avenue. The property was taken for widening of Hamline Avenue and is not needed for Hamline Avenue. The purpose of this request for vaca— tion is to permit the eventual sale c�f tlie real �roper��T by ±h� City of Saint Paul. . Attached hereto and made a part of this petition is Certificate afOwnership of all property abutting the portion of the property requested to be vacated. DATED: T-��/�� /96 d� SIGNED: CITY OF SAINT PAUL, a municipal corporation B `� Y ' Ro ert F. Peterson Commissioner of Public Works � ? ._ __._ � , � /, , `G'��c%C.� � �. ._. FRED L. LUNDSTROM � STAT� OT T7INN�SOTA . � ss. � ' COUNTY OI' R�ZS�Y ROBEIi.T F. PET�RSON, being �irst cluly sworn, deposes and • states that the City o� Saint Paul , a municipal corporation under the laws of the S�a�te o� rlinnesota, is one of the petitioners � herein; tY�at lie is an o�ficer o� the City of Saint Paul and duly authorized by the Ci�Ly Council to execute this petii;ion on behal� of said. City by resolution, C. F. No. , approved ; and 1;hat he has read the petition herein and knoti,�s the contents of said petition. - ' � Subscribed and sworn to before m e t h i s � c1 ay o f ����.�_�.a��_, _ 1g68. � � Notary Publi , Ramsey Co. , inn. My conunission expires - LILA B. FLL30N Min*�� Not+rY P��hlic, R:�msey O.,unty, ����iru F�b,19,��'• STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF RAMSEY � FRED L. LUNDSTRODS, being first duly sworn, deposes and states that he is one of the petitioners herein; that he has read the petition herein and knows the contents of the same and � that he has executed the petition of his own free will. _ ,, �. , � " �� 1 � �i�-�".�i���� � -�l Subscribed and sworn to before me this �o � day of , 1968. � No ar L Ramsey Co. , inn. �� � My comuiission expires � �; LEWIS L � \` y, Minn. Notary r ;ic, � . �. N i Y Cas»n�:ssion Expires Aug.21, 1969 . / PETITION FOR VACA`l'ION OI�' PUT3LIC P1tOPI�RT1' ( i � TO TIIE IIONORABLI: TfAY01t AND . M�MBERS OP' TI�P CI:TY COUNCIL i . • Your petitionei•s l�erein respect�ully reqiiest tli�; tlie Council of the City of Saint I'aul grant the vacation of the following described lancls: Lot 13, IIlock G, Boulevard Addition • No. 3 , Saint Paul , Mirinesota, Ramsey County. The petitioners hereto represent the majority of the landowners abutting the puUlic property requested to be vacated. ' The above-described property is surplus to the needs of the City of Saint Paul and the Department of Public Works. It is located in the vicinity of �iamline Avenue and Iiague Avenue. The property was taken for widening of fIamline Aven�ze and is not needed for Hamline Avenue. The purpose of this request for vaca- tion is to permit the eventual sale of the real property Uy t}i� City oY Saint Paul . . Attached hereto and made a part of this petition is Certificate � Ownership of all property abutting the portion oY the property requested to be vacated. DATED: � i��y 6� SIGNED: CITY OF SAINT PAUL, a municipal corporation . By � ' fto ert F. Peterson Commissioner of Public Wor.ks .��',��:� - - l� FR.ED L. LUNDS ROM . s�rn�rL or r7TNNi�soT� � SS. - covN�rY or R�rTSr,Y ROI3ER`P F. P�TCIZSON, Uci.rig first duly sworn, dcposes anci • states tliat the City of. Sai.i�t l'aul , a municipal corporation wicler the laws of. tlie Sta�;e of Tiinnesota, is one of the petitioner•s hereiri; t��at he is an officei• of tlie City of Saint P�ul a�ld duly authorized by tlie City Cotiilc:il to execute thi_s petil;ion on b�}lalr �,i s���a City Ly resolution , C. F. No. , approved ; ancl �,liat lie Las read the i�eti�,i o» herein and knows the contents of said petitioii. Subscribed and sworn � before me this �� day of � 196g. �X� l� ��e�� . � Notary Public, Ramsey Co. , Mi.nn. My cammis$ion expires - _ LILA $. FELSOPF Notary Puhlic, Ramsey Couetp� M1nw�IM My Commivaa YxQire�Feb.1�,i�. STATE OF MINNESOTA ss. COUNTY OF RAMSEY FRED L. LUNDSTROM, being first duly sworn, deposes and states that he is one of the petitioners herein; that he has read the petition herein and knows the contents of the same and " that he has executed the petition of his own free will . f' , - _ t/^ ..___-=-` �f/..�� ��-��.�1?�� C���% — . Subscribed and s�vorn to before me this o � day of , 1g68. . � No a ftamsey Co. , inn. ��1� Ky conmission expires f, ��� LEWIS L. � r,�u�n. �sry �,!::1: ' MY�'�:u�tiw►wn t.�W'r•�W. Zl. 19N i � f • • .Y .