237176 � 23�1`7S c���ue xo........_.... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. T6suadereiaaedhereby proposeethemalcingotthefollowingpublioimprovement by the GYty of 8aint Paul,vis.: �roving HOLLY AVENUE_.Prom_Victoria_.Street to Dale Street.by.re�oving.the..present.w �rood block surfacin��..b�.construetin� a�haltic concrete surfacing�.by.reconstructing storm water draina�e.Pacilities�..and.b�_.doin�_e11 other kork which is�aeees�ar�r .and . incidental to co�lete said.....im,�>rc>vement.....�......_. ��.. .......��........���..._N.W....�� Datedthis.. .....dsy of..............................�...................�................_........, lg ....... ................1�.n..�.�.�.I��.......��'�...T.�.lQ.S v.x�..........__ Counailmaa. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHER,EAB, A written pmpoeal for the malung of the following improvement� vis.: I�roving HOLLY AVENUT f`rom Victoria Street to Dale Street 'by remaving the present ...........................................................____..........._..--••-------...........-»---...................................................__» woc�d bloek aurPacing; by constructing as�haltic.concrete surfacing; b�r reeonstruetinp storit water draiaage facilitiea; and. bg doing all other �ork which is nece�asary and. ..................».---................................----...............___...............---......................--•-----••-----.............................................................. 3scidental to co�plete said i�provement hsving been preeented to the Counoil of the City of 8aint Paul..............._._.........__..............._........................_......._.... th�efore, be it R.E$OLYED, That the Commiesioner of Public Worka be and ie hereby ordered and direeted: 1. To inveatigate the neceesitq for, or de$irability of,.the making of esid improvement. � 2. To inveatigste the nature, extent and estimated Qoet of seid improvement, and the total eost thereof. � 3. To furnieh a plan, pmfile or eketch of said improvement. • 4. To stste whether or not eaid improvement ie aeked for on�he petition of three�r more owaere. b. To report apon a11 of 4,he foregoing matters to the Gmmieeioaer of Finsnoe. Adopted by the Counail..._......------•---.._................�.�:�.1 b_19��� Yses Counc i lman .�arrY�svn-- �E B 1 6 198$ �tgtta� APProved...................................•--........ ..........._..... Holland Meredith . D••s�RC�`evern / Tedesco ---�-�-- •--••- L�la�.,��;��,�:we�iaL�ti�.a� Mapor. �oo0 7-d�. vica PreA:d.�uat (�.k.raon) Pus�is�Ea ��� �4 196� ��, J