04-483Council File # �_ � �� Resolution # Green Sheet # �" ( `-' 1 �� Presented By /� 2 � 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Referred To Committee: Date WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota (hereinafter referred to as the "City") recognizes the benefits of scientific reseazch, including bioscience reseazch, and, acting through its Department of Planning and Economic Development ("PED") together with the Housing and Redevelopment Authority for the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota ("I�RA") and the Saint Paul Port Authority ("Port") has shown a commitment to the development of facilities for technology reseazch and development and the establishment of bioscience industries within Saint Paul; and WFIERAS, among the benefits to the City aze the retention and expansion of our taY base and the ability to make more jobs available to people at all stages of the career ladder; and WI�EREAS, the City recognizes the need to work together with the University of Minnesota, the State, the business community, neighborhood organizations and other partners to promote bioscience enterprises; and WHEREAS, the Capital City Bioscience Corporation ("CCBC'� is a Minnesota non-profit corporation created to facilitate and co-ordinate efforts in economic development through the City, 5tate, University of Minnesota and other partners for the establishment of bioscience enterprises within the City of Saint Paul and the East Metro Area; and WHEREAS, the CCBC is presently without an Executive Directar and there is a need for someone to 21 perform the duties of that position in order to take advantage of immediate opportunities in the field of 22 bioscience; and 23 24 25 26 2? 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 WHEREAS, PED employee, Jeremy Lenz, has been the City's project manager with respect to the development of bioscience industries and has unique qualifications to perform the internn duties of the Execufive Director of the CCBC; and WHEREAS, Minnesota Statutes 15.51 et. se�. provides for the interchange of employees between a governmental entity and a private employer; and WHEREAS, the City and the CCBC desue to enter into an agreement for the assignment of City employee Jeremy Lenz to perform the duties of Interim Executive Director of the CCBC for a six (6) month period; and WI7EREAS, Jeremy Lenz shall remain an employee of the City of Saint Paul during this assignment; 36 now therefore be it 37 38 39 o�f- �3 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 RESOLVED, that based upon the above, the City Council and Mayor of Saint Paul fmd that there is a public purpose to loan the services of CiTy employee Jeremy Lenz to the CCBC as it would assist in the promotion of opportunities to grow the bioscience industry in Saint Paul and serve as a benefit to the connmunity as a whole; and be it FINALLY RESOLVED, that the proper City officials are authorized to enter into a written agceement consistent with the above recitals and applicable laws. Adopted by Council: Adoption Certified By: � Approved by May� By: Date NILL�n S e� L7C� Y Requested by Department of: � Planni < Economic D v�lo me^t ! c g ', Approved by Fin�++�;�rvices By: o�- �f$3 � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet GP$en_Sheet Green Sheet Greeti S#�eet -� PE - Plauning & Economic Development Co�ad Person 8 Phone: Martha Fuller " 266-6628 Must Be on Council Agen Total # of Signature 23-APR-04 y Assign Number For Routing Order � Green Sheet NO: 30'C5475 Deoaitrnent Serrt To Person == - 'InihallDate 0 lanni & E nomic evel - 1 la ' & onomic evelo De ar[ment DirecNF � 3 2 i Attom � A or s �ce ' Ma odAcsistan , 5' b uncil - - . � 9 i Clerk C5 Clerk_ _- (Ciip All Locations for Signature) Ac6on Requestetl: Approval of Agreement for the Ciry to provide the services of Jeremy L,enz to the Capital City Bioscience Corporniton (CCBC) to act as Interim Execurive D'uector of the CCBC for a period of sut months, unless otherwise eactended by the parties. idations: Approve (A) or R Planning Commission CIB Committee Civil Service Commission (R): Service Contracts Must Answer the Following 7. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this department? Yes No 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? . Yes No 3. Does this personNirtn possess a skill not normalty possessed by any current city empioyee? Yes No Explain ali yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, IssueS, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Tlus resolufion authorizes City officials to enter into an agreement consistent with Minuesota Statues Section 15.51 - 15.59 providing for an exchange of personnel with the CCBC. AdvantaQes IfApproved: The City will better realize benefits from the Capital City Bioscience Coporation and the bioscience initiative. This will also provide a professional development opporhwity for Jeremy Lenz. DisadvantapeslfApproved: None ��� � o Zn�� Disadvantages If Not Approved: There will be an adverse affect on the City's ability to work with its partners to create jobs and atal AmouM of T2nsaction: � Fundinp Souroe: GosURevenue Budgeted: Activity Num6er: Financial Information: No net increase in costs. Salary mon�s and benefits aze already bndgeted in PED. (Explain) AGREEMENT BETWEEN TI� CITY OF SAINT PAUL I\�1�7 THE CAPITOL CITY BIOSCIENCE CORPORATION oy yss3 THIS AGREEMENT is by and between THE CITY OF SAINT PAiTL, THROUGH THE DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT (°°CITY"), 1200 City Ha11 Annex, 25 West Fourth Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101 and the CAPITOL CITY BIOSCIENCE CORPORATION ("CCBC"), a Minnesota non-profit company, 501 North Robert Street, Suite 100, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101. WHEREAS, the CITY is a home rule charter city created under the provisions of Minnesota Statutes and has the powers contained therein including the authority to enter into agreements for ihe purpose of creating economic development and publicJprivate partnerships to coordinate economic development; and WHEREAS, CCBC is a Minnesota non-profit corporation created to facilitate and co- ordinate efforts in economic development through the City, State, University of Minnesota and the business community for the establishment of bioscience enterprises within the City of Saint Paul and the East Metro Area; and WHEREAS, at the present time an employment search is ongoing to fill the vacant position of Executive Director of CCBC. L3nti1 this position is occupied, it is necessary to employ an interim director in order to take advantage of the many immediate growth opporluuities in the bioscience industry in Saint Paul, the surrounding region and the State; and oy-�(S3 WI�REAS, it would greatly benefit the City of Saint Paul to have PED employee Jeremy Lenz as Interim Executive Duector, since he has worked on the bioscience project as the City project manager. As Interim Executive Director of CCBC he would be able to establish the necessary relationsl�ips and public/private partnerships that would support the development of the bioscience industry; and WHEREAS, this agreement is authorized by and subject to Minnesota Statutes 15.51 - 15.59; and THEREFORE, it is agreed by and between the parties as follows: Effective upon approval by the Saint Paul City Council and the Board of the CCBC, Jeremy Lenz will be assigned to the CCBC to act as its Interim Executive Director for up to six (6) months commencing March 25, 2004. 2. This Agreement may be extended for an additional period upon agreement by the City and the CCBC. 3. For the duration of this Agreement, Jeremy Lenz remains an employee of the City and continues to accrue and retain any benefits, seniority, compensation with and only from the City in accardance with any current and subsequently approved collective bargaining agreements. 4. Jeremy Lenz will perform such duties as may be determined from time to time by the Boazd of Directors of CCBC. 5. The Agreement may be terminated at any time, with a minimum of thirty (30) calendar day notice by either of the parties. 6. The CCBC shall agree to defend and indexnnify the City for any claims, demands, actions or causes of action that may result from Jeremy Lenz's performance of the duties of 2 oy�- N83 Internn Executive Director of the CCBC. Nothing in this Agreement, explicitly or implicitly, sha11 be construed to be an offer or promise of permanent employment to Jeremy Lenz with the CCBC. 8. Jeremy Lenz retains the right to his previous employment with the City upon expiration of the Agreement or due to termination of the Agreement at any time during the six (6) month period, said rehun to the City is subject to the terms of any relevant collective bargaining agreement and the Civil Service Rules. 9. This Agreement can be amended at any Ume by written agreement of the parties. Dated: , 2004. CAPITOL CITY BIOSCIENCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL CORPORATION � Its: Mayor's Office Director, Planning and Economic Development Director, Financial Services