237152 ��'��_�,?
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and �
� T6eundereignedhereby propoeeethemalcingofthefolYowingpublicimprovemeat by the City of 8ainti Paul,vis.:
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, ,.�. ..... ,.�,�._.. .... W__.__ ... _. .,_.. . . >
.. . ._ .. .�.. . ., ,. z.W. , �,�_ ...__ ..._� _,.. . ,�.:.....r.._. �._ ..b_................._„: .
. .=Ope�;��3�,en, aad. extend VA�DAI�IA �T frv� Cbarles Avo� �a U�iversii�y Atrv@atu��b��
, 'tNk�&�a�td.�o�-the fe�llo�ing deserib�d parcel of la�c�: �at-�art a� �t 6T,
Hewitte Outlots lat Division boun�ded by the Pollowing described line: Beginning at
�he Ncrtheasterly eorner o� Lot 67, Hewitts Outlots lst Divisibn, then�e southtrly
along t�e Ea�terly lin� of said Lot 67 a di�taxice o� �58.03,feet, thence nc>rthWest-
erly along a eurve having a rad3us oP 390 feet for s d3stance o� 162.71 feet to a
point �.�3.�i�'33•�5 �'eet aes�erly of the �rthee►eterlg cor�er of eaid LQt 67, thence
to the point of beginning. Said paxcel containing 17�.�+9 aquAre ,��� �nore or less.
-��- WHEREAS, A written propoesl for the malring of the following improvement� via.s
�.�..._ .._ . _,_.. ....,.
. _ . ,. ,-.....
Opea, wid,ea, e�ad extend V�tDALIA ��T ft�a i�,srlas Avex►ue t�Ei U�.Yersity As�emr� by.. �
taking esid eonds�aiag the :ta�llc�rl�-.c1��ci��ueael of 7.f�d:.::.:��lu►�..�a�=�►�-.-�# ����--- '
Hewitts Outlots l�t Division bounded by the folloWi.ng d.�seribed line: Beginning`at
the Northeasterly eoraer of Le�t 67, Hewitts Outlots lst Divisian, thence eouthe�ly
along the Easterly line of said Lot 67 a dista�nce of 158.03 feet, thence aorthwest-
erly along a curve haviug a radius of 390 feet f'or a distanee of 162.71 feet to a
p�nt, l,�mg ��..�� f'�et veaterlg c�f t}�e •1�orthe�s�Carly corner of �aid Lot 67, th�nae
to .the poin# of beginning. Said parcel containing 1730.�+9 square feet more or lese.
l. To invesWgate Lh8 neCee��q Yor,or aesYraoiutiy ot,.tne mas�ng cn era�u uuprvv��uvno.
2. To inveetigste the nature, extent and estimated coet of said improvement� and the total oost thereof.
3. To furnish a plan, profile or eketch of said improvement. •
4. To stste whether�r no�esid improvement ie aeked for on�he petition of three�r more ownere.
b. To re�wst upon all of the foregoing matters to the �mmieeioaer of F'insnoe.
Adopted by the Conncil..._.............•---...........:....:..:..............����.............
Councilman Carlson '- ��'� � �" ����
Da1 g 1 i s h APProved......._.................__..............................---•----
Tedesco -»-- ..... '...----
Mr. President Byrrte blayor.
•000 �-�
� �
�usiis.�E� FEB � 7 19��