237096 23�09� ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK � CITY OF ST. PAUL �OE NCIL NO. ,ISCENSE f�TTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM y PRESENTED BY February 13, 1968 COMMISSIONE DATF RESOLVED= That Application K-1886 for the transfer of On Sa1e I,iquor I.3.cense No. 737b, expiring January 31, 1969� issued to Clarence L. Favilla at 901-3 Payne Avenue, be and the saae is hereby transferred to Stub�s Liquors, Inc. at the same address, On Sale Liquor Establishmex�t 3'ransfer (Individual to �orporation) 2-b-68 Qrig. Appn. 1238 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council �E� 1 3 1Qs8 9__. Yeas Nays Carlson ��'.� � 3 1Q6� Dalglish � Approveci 19— Holland '�� Tn Favor Meredit�r- ' Peterson 0 Mayor Against Tedeaco Mr. President, Byrne P�ELIS�EB F�� 1 � 196�- �� ' CITY OF SAINT PAUL � . Capital of Minnesota � � � �ea�t�e�t o u�`ic �a et � �3 ��� p � � POLICE Tenth and Minnesota Streets HEALTH FIRE PROTECTION WILLIAM E. CARLSON, COIttM13310ri0t POL[CE AND FIRE ALARM ROGER M. CONWAY, Deputy Commisaioner DANIEL P. Mc LAUGHLIN. Licenee Inspeetor February �, 1968 Honorable M�yor and City �ouncil Saint Paul, Minnesota (�entlemen: Stub�s Liquors� inc. is 3oined by E].arence Z, Favilla in raaking appli.cation for the transfer of On Sale Liquor License No. ?376, Restaurant� Off Sale Malt �everage� Tavern� ar�d Cigarette Licenses No. 8l�5� all expiring January 31� 1969, fro� the licensee Clarence �. Favilla at 90I-3 �'ayne Avenue to Stub's Liquors� Inc. at the same address, Mr. Favi.11a� as an individual held such licenses since Navember 1965. The officers of the corc�oration are Clarence L. Favilla� President; Peter F. Santucci, Vice-president; and Dena Favilla! Secretaxy and Treasurer. The two stockholders 3.n t,�e corporation are Clarence L, Favilla atxi Peter F. Santucci. Mr. Sanutcci is emplayed at �rmour & Co.� �o. St. Paul for a nwnber of year�. Mrs. Favf.11a is a housewife and ha9 no outside emplayment, Very t ruly yours� ,��� � ,� ` � �l�tT.c.-G�i/'i c2-�� License Inspector F r . �,er1 � �...- � � � � . � � . t E ., . � k � Mr. Daniel P. McLaug,hlin License Inspector Public Safety Department City of Saint Paul saitit Paul, Mtnnesota 55101 Dear Sir: • R.e: Reapplication of Clarence L. Favilla for an On Sale I,iquor License I, Clarence I,. Favilla, doing business at 901 Payne Avenue� Saint Paul� Minnesota 55101, as Stub�s Liquors� request that �r reapplicatio� for an on sale liquor license be granted by the Honorable Mayor and Corr¢nissioners of the City of Saint Paul, Mi.nnesota, and that said license be transferred to the corporation lalown as Stub�s Liquors� Inc. I am sub�.tting copies of the Articles of Incorporation, Minutes of the F3rst Sha,reholders� Mesting, and Minutes of the First Board of D3.rectord Meeting� which documsnts show the nam�es of the shareholders arid the officers� and t.heir respectiv�e tit�7.es. I respecttl�].ly requeat that the license by granted and trana- ferred to the corporatian. � , Very tral.y yours, '��'�zce or �� I�, Clarence L. Favilla Dated: January 17� 1968 � , _ . . � . , ' C ITY OF SA1NT PaUI. . • DEPdRT�EDIT OF PUBLIC SAF.�TY LICEN� DIVISI(�T Date �T��Y' 2 19�.._ ._ 1� �Application, Por pn Salq Lia�ors , Licenae 2. Natae of applioant Clareece L._��T1�1&. ' 8. Buainess addrass qp���A��e Residenae�0_1 P�a,�ne Av_ enues_St, Paul, l�iiqq. . 4, Trade nama� i� any Stub�s Lianors. I�aa. 5. $etail Beer Federal Tax 3tamp�( Retail Liquor Federal Ta� Sta�np Y . will be usad. . ........� 6. On �rhat flqor l�aatad �_ Plumber of roam.s uaed 2 ... _ 7. Be�ween what oross streets Siina and 7fo�k �Phioh side of streat North Wp�t .., 8� Are premiaea n�nr occupied Yes �t business��a�e y���•8Ho!rr long over 6 ,�r,�� 9. Are premiaea now unoccupied�_Hoor Iong vacsant Previous use ��.U. dre you a nex owner No Have you been in a similar buainees before ��s � �� 901 Pavne Anenwe 1Rhen`..�'��. .}�? �..��.� 11• Are you going to operate this buainesa personally �C�s� Por the ca�rporation _, ; If not, �rho wi.11 operate it 12, Are you ia any other busi.ness at the pre�ent ti�a No � .,..... ..... 13. . Bavs there beea any co�nplaints �againat your oparation af thia type of place�_ �an Where . 14. He�ve you ever had any liQenae revol�ad NO 1R�at reasoa and date 15, .Are you a oitizen oP t1�a United States Yes Native Yes Naturalitad . .._.r.,�.�. 16. �ere �w�ere you born 3t. Paul Date of birth Feb: 9, 1918 17. T am mQrried�, Bdy (�vifets) �) name and addresa ie Decia F�ti1]s_ _ _ 901 Ps�yne Aven St Paul nn 0 18, {If m�rr�ted fem�le) my �iden name ia . 19, Hoar l oaig have you l ive d in St� Pa u1. All n�r li f e --- ._. ,... ---- 20. Aave you ever been a�restad No Violation of �rhat arimtrial la�r or ordinance • 21. Are you a registered voter in the City of St� Paul Yea Yea Ro� (�n�er Pully aad aa�pletely* These a lications are thorou lil. aheolflsd and an falaifiaation 1vi11 be cause for denia�.� � . . . • 22. N�ber of 3.2 places �ithia t�ro blooks _ �, ' . 23. Cloaest int�icating liquor placse. Un Sale �blook �� �1e 5 blocks ,' 24, l�earest Churah 8 block� Nearest School $�okaon • 6 bloClcs , 25. �wnbe� of booths, 6 Tables��Chairs 5�____,_Stools ]� 26. What oaoupation. have you follv�ed for the past f3ve y�ears. (Gi�re names af employers and dates so employed.) 3am 27, Givs namss and addraeses of two parsons, residenta of 3t. Paul, Minn.., vrho aan ga.v�e in.f'ox�aatiaa ooncerning you. N� Cha�les O1sQn �aarass �P,$y�e� �yen�," Nam�e Richard H. Ro�ran Addre s s 12pT H�,� Aven�g , , Signature oP Applioant State oP �inne s ota� sa C ouaty oP Rainsey � - _ _ „�,�en�g�, �avilla Tieing f�rat duly sw�orn, depoaes Rnd aays upan c�e►�th tha� he has read the foregoing atatement bearing his eignature and l�para the o anten�s tl�ere cP, aad 'that-��S saa�e� is t;rue of hia rnvn kno�ledge e�caept a� t c tho�e noatters therein stated upon inforrme►tion. and belief and as to those mattera Y�e beliaves them t� be trus. • � ignature of lppliaant Subscribed and smorn to before a�s thi 1 th aa is�8 otary ie, a ounty, Minnaao Yy Co�issian expires Sept. 12� 197� (Not�s Theae a�s►tement forms are i.n duplioe�ta. Ho�th`aop�ea muat b.e fully Pi11ed unt, notarized, and returned to the Licenae Divisivn.) ;; _ AFFIDAV�T BY APPLIGANT • • F�t � . RETAIL BEI:R fJR LIQIIL)R LICENSE �• Re s �_Sra 1e____ r.a....�.. L3oen8e Name of applicant ��.�Q„ L, Fayilla Business addreas Are you the sole a�rn.er oP this buainessR�`. Tf nut, ia it a partnershipR�_ _ 0 orporat ion? Yoa , other3 @thers interestsd in buaine�s, include those by Ioan of money, proparty or otherro�ses Name p te � G �,ddreas?� �• Irn►a Avenue g�, s r . - �tuaci j � � D�n� Fay�,]„],� 901 Pa�y[ie Avenv�s _ C�ts�.,�. r., �'a;rilla g, ��,,.e - If a c�rporation, give ita name . Are you intereated in any �ray in any other Retail Beer or Liquor busine ss? �A as sole aamer? �o Partner? �o Stoekholder3 u� , .., Otherv�ise3 (Through loan of money, eto. E�plaitl) N„ Addreas oP auch busineas and nature of a�.nterest in sa� �.Ga�ce Signature af a li nt State of Minnesota) �ss Co�ty of �►meey being first�duly aworri, depoaes and says upon oath tha e as rea oregoing affidavit bear�a.g hia sig^natu�i�e and kn.ows the con�ents thereof; that the sarrp ia true of h�.s own. l�awledge, eacept as to �hose mattere therein atated �upon informstion and belief and as to thoae matters he be- lieves them to be true. ��� '� Si�;n.ature of a licant Subseribed and s�evorn to before m�e s day 9�i Notary Public, Ramsey o�mty, �inneaota It�y cammi.saion expires��♦ � 19� . . ._ • . STdTE �" l�I19NESOT�, SS COUNTY OF RAMSE7 Clarence L. Favilla being fixat duly aworn, doth depoas and n�y that he makea thia aPfid�vit in connection �ri�h appliaetiaoi for " pp _Sale" liquor licenee (" �ls" malt beverage licenae) in the City of S�ate idt' Minneaot�a �aint Pe�ul, �Iinneaota; that your affiant ia a reaident oP the •nd haa roeidmd therein for liq y�ears, montha, and ia Stats nrnr and he�e b�en for the tims a►bave msntioned a buna f3d• resident of �aid ]Cl��r and that he now reaidea �t N0. qpl PA�*,n� A,_ vgn��e,♦ st_ PAU1„� Mjnn� KK7rn , Minneaota. Subsoribed snd sworn to before i 13th a� of ry 1968 ary a ms y Coun y, M nneso a �r cammiasi�n expirms Sept. 12, 19T0 . , i' ^ � � ' C ITY OF SAINT PAiJL . DEPART�AT OF PUBLIC SAFSTY °. LIC�N� DIVISI(�+T � Date January 2 19 68 .._ 1� �Application Por��S�� i c�or Lioenae 2. Name of applicant p�{,�r F, aantucci ' 3. Business addrass 9� p�.� Avgnue Reaidenoe 73l� ��. Io�aa Avenuet 5t. Paulj Minn. 4. Trade name� if any Stub�s Ia:c�uors, Inc. 5. Retail Beer Federal Tax Stamp Yes Retail Liquor Federal Tax Stalnp Yes will be used. 6. Qn �rhat flctior looated a<;�n Number of ro�s used 2 --_._. _ 7. Bet�reen whst oroas streets �ims and York VPhioh side of street Plarbh taest 8� Are premieea narv ocoupied Yes i�at business pn S�le Haer long 9, Are premisea naw unoccupied�a�ar long vacant Previous use (�fl, Are you a asw aen�r Yes gave you been in a similar buaineas before No . l�ere 'I�han 11• Are you going to operate this buainesa personally "eo If aot, �vho will operate it Clarence L. Favilla 12, Are you in any other bus�ness at the preaent tima No 13. Be►v� thsre beea any eo�nplaints �against your cperation of this type of plaoe Ho � Ahen TRhere • 14. Bave you ever had any lioense revoked No lfhat reason and date _ -. ---- , 15e �re you a oitizen oP t� United States Yes Native Yss Naturalise�d �s , 16. Ahere w�ere you born Anoka County: Atinnesota Date of birth �pri1 3�, 19�5 �_ � _ 17. I am ain l�or�od; �dy (�rife'a) (husband*a) n,am�s and addre s a i$ � 18p (If ine:rx�ed female) u�y �iden name ia • I9. Haw long l�ave you lived in St� Paul Since 19lt6 20. �ve you ever been arreated No Violation of rorhat arimina.l la�r or ordinance • ._ ; Pdone .._..... 21. Are you a regietered voter in the City oP St� Paul Yes Yes Nos (�ns�rer full�and co�Fple_ tely„ These a lications are thorou Izl ohec�sd and an falaifiaation will be eause for denia�.. , . � . 22. N�ber of 3.2 plaoes �ithin. two blooks � , ' 23. Cloaeet intaxiaating liquor place. Ou Sale � �]nek �� Sa►le �,b�.,,�, . 24. �teare st Church g blg�� Neare st Sohool�k•�nn _ b�Q���„ � 25. I��nnber of booths (, Tables �), Chairs K(, Stools ��, ,,.....�._...� _ �-�.- r..,._. 26. What ocoupation. have you follvwed for the past five years. (Giva names of , employera and datea so employad.) A C �' � 27. Give nam,s� an.d addreases of �+ro peraons, residenta of St, Paul, �ix�n.., who cs►n give inf ormatioa o v�cerning you. Name �. �,��� Addresa Q2� F�vne Aven}�e �e►me Cg,+oline irove Addres� � c ignature oP Appliaant $tate of �dinne s ota) )�� cou�t� o� �.�� j � : Pet��F. t��nsve -; . - being first duly sw�orn, depoaea an�d saye upon oath that he �ias read the foregoing atatement bearing hie aignature and la�vwa the aontents thereoP, and that �he same is true uf his v�i l�o�►ledge e�eaept ae to those matters therein atated upon inforn�ation and belief and aa to thoae me►t�era he believes them to be true. _. . c c ��i� . $1g71�A'til2'8 Of .�P�a.1Q$11'�'i - Subacribed and savorn to before � thi th . day of �;:, �_19 �, � �-l'/��/�' otar c; ty, Minneaota S My Ct�tttis83.o11 expi�tes Se=t.Amt��r i2�io?p (DTot�s Theae s�atemen� form� are i:n duplieate,� Buth�aopiee must ba fully fil],ed ont, natarized, and returned to the Licenae Divisioxi.) ,; AFFIDAV3T BY •APPLICANT ' FOR RETAIL BEPsR OR LIQUUR LICEN8E ' Re s �„ Sale_ _ _i.i n„�,,• Lioense Name of applicant pptor F, Sant»r_ci BLiB].AA88 aCjd2888 (]1 PAqna, Avanua St._ Panl �,'�_j,nnesnt�a 5�i101 �re you the sole oamer of this buainess��`. If not, is it a pa rtnership? No c orporat ion.F Yp�� (:n era tj on a O$he2'3 Others interested in buain.ess, include those by loan of aianey, property or otherwises Name Address Hc� 901 Parne l�zrenue Claxance L.�il�n _St_ Paul, Fiinnesota Cor,norate Otf�gr �Qr1� ��9vil�a.. ,RRttIB 3�lTle 734 F�. Iowa :�venue Pst.p,• F� `�an_,y__ti�; ;;t. P� � , ;�i nne�ot�? _,_,_,_same If a corporatiun, give ita name��b's Liny,,Qr,,,,;, Inc. Are you intereated in any way a.n any other Retail Beer or Liquor businesa? p,jo As sole aumer? ,.jo Partner? �,,;� Stoel�older4 �o ^ . f}thex�ise? (Through loan of money, eto. Encplain) �Io � Addresa of auch business and nature of interest in sam.e qp� PaynP :av _n �e�S,.t_ Ya��_ inn. ; i . Si�nature of applicant State oP Minnesota) )sa County of �msey ) • being f iret�duly sworn, deposea and says upon oQth at e has read the fore�oirig a fidavit bear�n.g hia sign.ature and Iaio�s the contenta thereoP; that the sam9 ia true of' lhis o�n. l�onvledge, eacept as to those �ttera therein stated�upan inforrr�tion and belief and as to those m�tters he be- lieves them to be true. �I�C�� . 1 Sit;nature oP applicant Subacribed and aworn to before me thia day of '�,. 19 No ry ie, ey ounty, Il�inneaota My coanmission expires Se�t. 12 15T0 . 3Tl1TS �' MIlQNE$OT$ � S3 Ct7UNTY OF RAMSEY � Peter F. Santucci being fire� daly aworn, doth depoas and aay thnt he makes this aPfidavit in connection �rith appliaatic¢z fcr "�_Sale" liquor license (" Sals" malt beverage licenae) in the City of - 8tate of �nneaota �eint Pa►ul, �inneaota; that your affiant is a reaident oF the •nd has reeided therein for � years, a►ontha, a�r�d is Sts►te naw end he�s b�en for the time abave msntioned a bona Pid• resident of aaid �C a�nd tha t h� no�r re a ide a s t N0,��� Iawa._ -':�:•�nue� St. Paul+ Minnesot� 5�?0� .r... — � ��,. Minne a ote►. e _ Q� Subsaribed �nd svrorn to before m� h a�day o J uar 1968 .��� � ary o msey oun y, nneso a �r cammisaion expires 8eptember 12, 197� . :. , (' ; ' CITY OF SA1NT PdUL� � DEP�,RTMt�NT OF PUBLIC SAF81'Y _ LICENSE DIYISIQI Date Jantury 2 19 b8 �� `� 1,� �Applicatian Por���e auor _,� Lioenae 2. Nanrs of applicant �� Fa�rilj�______ _ i � 3, Buainess addreas ypl p�y�q�Avanne Residenoe_� P�� Av�aue, S�Paul, Mipt�, . 4. Trade na�� if any gtub�s Liauora. Inc. 5. Retail Beer Federal Tax 3tam13'ee Retail Liquor Federal Tax Sta�np 2ea will be u�ed. 6. On �rhat floor I�aated p�,q � N�er of rooms uaed Q ?. Bei,i►een x�t orosa streets $�� �nd York Whioh aide of streat North Weat 8� Are premiaea n�r ocoupiedg��1IPl�t business_On-3ale Liquor H� long o�er 6 �,sara � 9. Are premieee naw unoccupied`�ioa� Iong vacant Previous usa �.0, 11re you a neir owner Np 8ave you been in a similar busineas before � lf�ere qPhen 11. Are you going to operate this buainesa personally O�ficer of Corp. If not, who wi.11 operate it C1a,�dnc�, L F�,v�l�, 12, ,Are you i.n anq other businesa at the preaent tima No _ . . - ... 1S. . Be►v$ there b�en any ca�plaints "against your oparation of this type of plaos��� iR�en 41lhera • 14. Have you ever hsd any liQenae revoked �o xhat reason and date 15. .Ara you a oitizen of tha United 3tates Yee Native �faturalised . �_... , 16. �re �rere you born St. Paul, I"iinn. Date of birth March ].1�, 1921 . _ _ ,,... 17. I am z married� B�y �O■baa (huaband�a) name and addreas is Clarenae L. Fat►i1L 901 Pa Avenue St. Paul Minn. 55101 18. {If ��ed�s) m,y maiden nam�a �s tiae Deaa Milano • 19, Ho� l ong have you l ive d in St� Pa ul A�lif e _ _ - 20. �ve you ever boen a�reated No Niol�tioz� of �hat ariminal law or ordinance - 21. Are you a regiatered voter in the City oP St� Paul Yes Ye$ Ro� (�nswer fu11Y and oam�pletely* T�se a lications are thorou hl oheok�ed aad any falaiPioation �r3.11 be aauae for denial. a _. 22. Ntanber of 3.2 places within two blooks 1 - „ � 23, C1o�eat into�cicating liquor place. On Sale�� Off Sale���g egk� , _ 24. Neare st Church g b � tie Neare st Sohool���., b�eelrs 25. Rumber of booths � Tablee ���Chairs K�toola ��� ..y 26. iPha� �ooupation. have you follow�ed for the �st five years. (Give narr�s of �mployers and dates so employ�ed.j 27. Givs �as an.d ac�dresses of two parsons, residant9 0� St. Paul, Minn., who caa gi�re irif ormatian o oncerning you. NA�B Rl�.wl w� (71 ann 1oLddTA 88 �„P��3Y��4'�3iL N� n±t.,^t�,r�..e,• Addreas � r , Signature of App]. ant $ta te oP �di.nne s ota) )sa cou�ty o� a��� ) _ - _ Den,�-Fp,Yi?� _ Tieing first duly sworn, depoaea azid says upan oath tha� he haa read the foregoing statement bearuig hie aignature and l�rnrs tha a�utenta thereoP, a�d that �he same is �rue of his aoPn l�ao�vledge exeept a� '�o those mattere therei.�n stated upon i.nformation. and belief and as to those mattara Y�e believes them to be true. r , �_� � � Sig�ature of' Applicaat Subacribed and s�rorn. to before me t ' th da o � - 19 68 `..-c:�'r�- '� a t . . �'� No�ry Publio,: 8amaey County, Minnesota My Caamai.ssion eapires $e�� �2. 19T0_ _ .-..— _ _ .. _. _ (Not�s The�e statemen� Porms are in dupl3.Qate, Both��opies mu�� ba fully fillsd ont, notarized, and returned to the Licenae Divisian..) :t $FFIDAVST BY .�PPLIC�,Nfi _ FaR •, RETAIL BEPR +OR LIQUflR LICEN3E ' Re: On Sa1e Liquor LiQense .� -- Name of applicant p�pg Favilla Buainess address �1 Paata� Avaaue,. St! Paul�, Mig�t. _ 5�10� _ bre you the sole oamer of this buainess? Np . If not, i� it a partnership? �p 0 orporat ion? ye8 , other3 Others interested in, bizsiness, include those by loan of money, proparty or othex�rise� 901 Payne Avenue Name Clarence L. Favilla Addreas St. Paul A�f.nn. HoovCorporats Ott`ic� . owa Avenue Petsr F� Santucci 5t. Paul Minn. S�ns ayne venne Deqa Favilla St. Paul, ?�fiqn. 3ams If a corporation, give its name Stub'� Liquorat Inc. Are you intereated in any v�ay in any other Retail Beer or Liquor business? No As sole aa�raer? No Partner? No Stoekholderg No Otherwiae? (Through loan of money, eto. Encplain) No Address oP auch buaS.nesa and nature of interest in same � � . _. � _. S�.gnature of ap iaant State of Minneaota) �ss Goun.ty of Ramsey Dena Favilla being first�duly s�rorn, deposes and says upon c�th that he has read the foregoing affirtavit bear�n.g his aignature and k�a.ows the contanta thereof; that the sams ie true of hia m�en l�.iow'ledge, except as to thos� ma,tters therein stated�upon inform�tion and belief and as to those matters he be- lieves them to be trus, s � C-. � �nna ure oP a ppl cant Subscribed and av�rorn. to be�ore me t�a t,li day f 19 68 /� ����rd a.� Hi ck�, -�.�r Notary Public, Rainsey County, Minnesota My c os�is a ion ezpires Sept, 1215j0 \� � � � r� ' f7�A� � 911PIlYL'�Vl� J . � SS COQI�TY O�F RAMSEY ) Dena Ft�villa being firet duly aworn, doth dapoaa and 8�y that ahe makes this affid�vit in connection writh applicatiari for " Op $als" liquor license (" Sals" malt beverage liaenae) in the City of S'Eate aP �.rmeaota �►int P�ul, �lfinneaota; that your sffiant ia a resident of the and h�►a reaided therei� for !�6 y�ears, montha, and is naw and h�a b�en for the tims e�bave s�sntioned a bana fid• resident of aaidS� and that a he now reaides at N0. 9p1 Payne Avenue, St. Paul, t�.nn. 55�.01 �6l7C� Minne s ota, , ` Subacribed atnd aworn to before m� in 13th day of nu I968 o a ry ia m�ey Coun y, nne s o a My aa�isaion expires Se�pt�nbar� 12� 1970 .� ' �C i w tiT . �" .. x a `x;: nF��� R^.7+ ar � �'�a �,. �� �a•k �� ts . � � e � ,i� �" < ��':�F �'"'�x, r.���`N+Y^ �� a ��'4>,, >4 �� .sa�" ;• 'e�-r.�y� `'��r�„�a,\t y�{�,i �r�*rc.` s -���€�: + �.�t' �.�'�a*� � �'��� �- ;�s",�".� e :��,� � � . . �'.`e 2 '�.��E, `b" _'�`h,.. �'� � �er��.'��. r � � : e. M �t� , . , . . ._:< . ��., . � ;� , . _. ,. . . . _. " � Febrvary 6, 1968 Hon. Wls. �. Ca�lson . t7�srr. at Pnb1i a Ssle�y . Publie S8,!'ety �uilding Dear Sirt Atteat . Deaii�l Me in The City Co�encil today informal]y d th ollo�i,ng spplications snd requeated that you prepnre res ions c ing theae matterss Transfer of On Snle Liquor Lic. I�o. 73 �itaurant� Of� 8a.le Malt Beverege� Tav�era and Cigsre � ee 8+45, e�ll expiring Jan. 31, 196'9s � 9�•3 PrU►nt Av�e. C], e L. �'�►ille� to Stub's Liquora� I1�e. : �: � . , ..._. _ _. nN i�1 w T.tetip�' _ � Z 3�° `�� p,K CITY OF ST. PAUL � APPLICATIVN FOR "C�N SALE" LIQUOR LICENSE Application No � , -...>..._-------- Name of Applicant_.... ..---- . . ..... .�....-_...................._._....._..--�-------........ Age.....s� ..._.....----..__.�/ � � ._.._ ftesidenceAddress..............��I_..._.. ....._ ...._...� .�._._.�...__..._-.__...........-�----......_......................... Telephone No......7.�e�.---�--�,�-�----....1�_..._....__ Are you a citizen of th� United Sta ?_.__.. _ . .. ......................._..........---�--�-�-�--------.._..--��--�----------_....._---•--�-----....___..................--�--_..------- Have you ever been engaged in operating a saloon, cafe, soft drink parlor, or business of similar nature? ....................•---...................... .... ........---------._.......... .------------------------__.___--•--......._........--•--...._.---......._..._...........---�-•---�--�---•--�-•-••------------------_._...---.._...._._...__......._ When and where:..............�,j...�l-------- ..... .. ._._ ° _. .. _ ..�--��y..--.._............................................�-�-----�-----�--•--._...........:.----...._....._..._.._._. If corporation, give �j ��'nd g ner purpose f corporation..................._....._.---...__-------......._...........-------..._._._...._........._...__..._._.._...._ ._..........._._...._.__._......_..�;�,��i���.:. ...._ ......... .��-'�i.,�i...�,�......0..._.___.._.._._..__._ __.............-�................._......---._.........---...._..._..._.._...._...._.._..._..._._._ Whenincorporated?.-�--•---•-•-- ----�- --.._•�_..w--,�1•- .��.�..._............................---.._.._...--�--�--•-�--�-----•--...._._.._.._---�--------------..._.......................__....---........._ If club, how long has corporation owned or leased quarters for club members?........................................._.._._...._._.._._.._........._._...__ Ho«- many membera?............................._...._------�--_...._...._.........._...---.._..._ Names an resses of all offi rs of corporation, and na d address of general manager. . . . . . . . .. . . .. � � ,�'..►t--�.......... �--... . . .. .. ... ...... _.� .. . . .�----........._...� ....�. .. .. ....��..._..��..�-.-�_.--.-:------......_.._---_..........._...----�--......._._ �P.,�-....... . .:,�...� ..- � �-�- -- --- -.+....-.-�---._.....���...�---� ., ---... ...�:-.-�-.-:._.........._----------�--�----...._................��------�-----._....._ , �T.�.•--....... .... . ..... .......:....._.-�---... ....._...._.-.----.._----.--..........._..��...� -.- -�---�---�--:- -- .. ._---- .�=-.-::.....---.......-----�-----._..........................----...._._ Names and ddresses of Stock lders: ..............� .��..�..... - --=--_. . �__---._�Q..dl..�. ..-"..�-5:=-- ----.........�...........�..�...........:..............---------•--...._...._...........---�--....._._� . _.._ .-- ' =---------�-�--`�-.c`°..�...���.....��....�_._..-�----�--............................�--.......------- - .. . .............. ............. .... ... ... ----- ..................... .......�..._-- -._._..---___-=.---- �c .-��..-..�'�..._.:�_......:::...-------.... ...--.--..�.........._->---.---.........,� __._.... Give name of surety company which will write bond, if known....,..�"Y... ........ ....... .. ...... .._......:�:�-4�:�..............._....� Number Street Side Between What Cross Streets Ward c,. � ' : t3�- �` : : C���, I STATE OF MINNE80TA, COUNTY F ' MSEY, 88• ................_.. _��C e- � � ��4-v r� ��i¢ . being Sa�et duly eworn, deposes and says that he has read the foregoing applicstion and lrnowa the contenta thereof, and that the same is true to the best of hia knowledge,inform�ation and belief. /���� �.� -s�s�f' , ...... .�... .�� et..--- Sub$cribed and sworn to before me S �` � this...__.�..::'.-... of_.�-.. r ........._.......... •••_.. ......... _.. .... ._ Public, Ramsey County, Minn. My commission P�7[p1T68....._...._......._..._......l:�ROME EN�IETOR M�nr� �{�ry Public, Ram ir�M Y 23`1��� STATE OF MINNESOTA, Y Commission ExP COUNTY OF RAMSEY, gs' , - ►/ �-�j¢�•e.v c �:--.__.._...��._...��'.�°.l.._..:'.�-----.__...___...._._...___........_.._.being flrst duly sworn, _._.....---�--••----._.... . � - deposes and says t at........ .P..C�.S._.._._.the.. � �`-��' , . ._.__ ... __ , , of_...._....�..._�--- - -,5..---•--�.�,�t...C!:��C�...r_�,E!�.._ _....._..........---_..._..._._. .._____.___._. , a corporation; that................i�...�..---...............................--------...has read the fore oitt a lication and knowa the con t t P� tents tkereof�ani that ths . i . . . saine is true to the best of................._../._.t....i_...._...._.._.._.....l�owledge, mformation and belief; that the seal af8xed to the foregoing instrument is the corporate seal of sa.id corporation; that said application was aigned, aealed and eu� cuted on behalf of said corporation by authority of its Board of Directora, and sa.id application and•the execution thereaf is the voluntary act and deed of said corporation. <�� � ........: ... . ..�.�::t_.._...._...._ .._. _.._. Subscribed and sworn to before me �J� ����'`�"`"�\ .1�� this--�................•----..........day of.----...._..._...._........------� •---- �, . ....._............... ...._.. -- • --•-�---...-�--�---- --.... :...... . ._.=�._ Public, Ramsey Coun1;y, Minn. , , , � JEROP�1E. E. VIETOft My commission expires....._.....�,.y..�v�►�-;���y, Minr,� My Commission E {>ir:�s Ni_,y 23, 19 70