237075 � � 23'70'�5
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Theundereignedhereby propoeeethemal�iagof thefoIIowingpubtiaimprovement by the City oi Baint Paul,v�s.:
Construct a storm water relief sewer in PORTLAND AVENUE from Saint Albans Street
to Date .Street�_in DALE..STREE?..from Portland.Avenue to a�Point 2�0-feet north of�..
Portland Avenue��thence _50-feet to the east�..in an existi�ng_allex_and easement.
Datedtbis.......................d�y of...............:..........................'..........• -�r'4-�-� 19 .
�.....____....�� ..
� Counoilmsn.
� �Q ;
WHEREA$, A written propoesl for the maldng of the following improvement� vis.:
Construct a storm water relief sewer .in�PORTLAND AVENUE from Saint Albans Street
to Dale.Street: in DALE STREET from Portland Avenue to a Qoint.230-feet north of� �
................. .......................................____.--•---•-----........................................
Portland _Avenue:: thence..50�feet to. the._eastl in..an .exist.in�.at.leX_and�easement ��
having been preeented to the Counoil of the City of 3aint Paul.................................................................._............_....
therefore, be it
RFSOLVED, That the Commisaioner of Publio Worke be and ia hereby ordered aad direoted:
1. To investigate the neaeeeity for� or deairability of,,the making of esid improvement.
2. To inveatigste the nsture, extent and estimated cost of eaid improvement, snd the total coet thereof.
3. To furnieh a plan, proSle or eketch of said improvemen� .
4. To stste whether or no�esid improvement ie saged for on�he petition of tbree or more owners.
b. To report npon a11 of the foregoing msttere to the �mmieeioner of�nanoe.
Adopted by the Couna�..._..................._........._.............���.......':..19�g
� Ysee
� _ ., ���`�
i Councilman Carlson
Da1 g 1 i s h �PPmved..........................»...----•--..........................--
Tedesco �----- ..------- � -- -�----
�'•': ,�,,. ,� 'u.E�� i�?���, �';,!iAY Mayor.
�000 7-�[T. Vi:e 1'i:;s_':;r':c I.Yet�ryre�?�
�--_ �l Q�s��s�ES FEB 1 � 1968