237060 ORIG�NAL TO GITY CLERK ���0� CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� O : OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. _ `� CO NCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSI ONE DATE ___ RESOLVED, that pursuant to the Award of t�e Industrial , Commission dated February 5 , 1968 , William Murphy be paid ji the sum of $3 �150.00 representing 70 weeks of compensation , at the rate of $45 .00 per week for 20� permanent partial dis- ability to the back sustained by employee as a result of an injury of February 2 , 1966 , while employed by the Department of Parks and Recreation and Public Buildings ; and that employer ' shall pay to Dr. Meyer Z. Goldner the sum of $7S.00 , and to the Special Compensation Fund the sum of $63 .00 ; FURTHER RESOLVED, that out of the aforementioned compensation employer shall dedu�t and pay directly to Mr. Gerald B. Forrette, employee's attorney, the sum of $787.50 , which shall constitute complete satisfaction for all legal services rendered herein. t, Cotpo+'�tw� uasel .,, f:;:;�,� , COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council��� � 1��� 19— Yeas Nays ` f',arr-�a=�- Dalglish �EB � �9�� Approved 19— Holland C�" Meredith �J--�In Favor �� � �� A Mayor Tedesco A gainst , ��.�.�:�r�;��'��:�:���� pC AQr Vice Preaif3ent (l'ek��rson) p���,��}{��� ��� � �� �i�l��� �22 DY�L�/1T[TO Ni1NTLR � . .� �' .. . CITY OF.ST. PAUL FoENCi� NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM , n��s�rEO er - COMMISSIONER DATF ' RE34LVED, that pursnant to tha krtard of th• I�dwt�ial Caia�iasion dated Febzruary 5, 196 a� Wi11.1att Murphq b� paid th� sum af 83 *150'.00 representing 70 w��kr o! tac�gsnsation - at the rate of S45.OQ per �»�k for 30; �rmantnt par�ial dis- ability to ths back sustain�d by �mploy�t as a xrsult of tn in3ury o! F�brivary 3 19i6, ahil� ��spl�d by th• H�partitnt of Parks and Raarsat�� ana Pubiio auiiai��s� and'that •aplc�r�r shall pay �o Dr. ;M�yar Z. Goldner th� sum of $?5.00, and to !h� Spaaial Compsnsa�ion Funri the aum of $63.p0 ; �'tJRTk�ER RESOLYED, that out of ths afor�ss�nt#.oASd +�oup•n�ation �sploy�r slull daiduct and pay direartly to Mr. ��ald H. Forratt�, employ�s's atloml�y: the sua� of 5787.SQ, rhiah s�� t11 con�ti�ut� cdaplets satisfa�tion tor all itQa1 ssrvic�s r�Ad�r�d h��c�s#n. COUNCILMEN f EB �r 1968 Adopted by the Council– 19..._ Yeas Nays Csrlson FEB � 1968 nai��n Approved 29— Holland �--- Meredith � i*+ Favor �-- a �y�. Tedegeci A8'ainst �'`,�r°.��!�►..�...��s� � - ]�r. v�ce rre.:aeat cP«,raoa� '�t,ss