237048 ORI6INAL TO CITY CLBRK /M/��1����'�J CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL N�,. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE OUNCIL,.�i�C�-�-ION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE '' � DATF WHEREAS, The City of Saint Paul ha� secured a quit claim deed conveying to the City a permanen�t e�.s�n�ent described as follows: A permanent eas�m�:nt 15 feet in width for the purpo�� of constructing and maintaining a public �ewer on, und�r, across and through a atrip of land 15 feet in width, said strip of land being the Easterly 15 feet of the Westerly 26.5 f€�et ot Lot 31, Block 1, Merriam Park, Fourth Addition City of Saint Paul, except for that part taken for highway right-of-way, said e�sement being necesaary for the construction and maintenance of a storm sewer in connection with the proposed iinprov�mment of Gilbert Street; n�w, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the proper Cit�r offieers are hereby suthorized and di�ected to accept from the Meldrum M�nufacturing and Engineering - - Co. , n�ndors of �aid easement, the quit claim d�ed to that certain pernaanent ea�ement a� described above; and be it ' � Ft�R��R RES�LV�D, That the said proper City officers are � hereby authorized and directed to record �aid quit claim deed and � do all things necessary and proper in order to complete the �eceptance � o by the City of the quit claim deed as afores�id. � ro � o Ll o, a ►- ¢ � � � � � o � � FE� 7 196� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19� Yeas Nays Carlson ��� � 19 6� Dalglish Approved 19�_ Holland � T� Favor � Meredith � Mayor-. p�terso�r- �te�� A gainst Tedesco _:`•���.���';�.... : P��LISHE� FEB 10 196� ii�Ir. Vice Presi.ien;�;Pct-.x�>;c>n?• ��