237025 , / ORI6INAL TO CITY CLBRK 2'�' � �/�v� . ' � CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOENCIL N�,. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK U L S LUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY � COMMISSIONE DATF WHER S, the Corporation Counsel of the City of Saint Paul, pursuant to the provisions of Minnesota Statutes 138. 17 has heretofore made applieation to the Minnesota State Archives Commission for authority to destroy eertain public records of the City of Saint Paul after such reeords have been microfilmed; and WHEREAS, the records for which authority to destroy the same was sought consists of the Workmen ' s Compensation reco rds fo r the years i926 through 1961, which reco rds are maintained in the office of the Corporation Counsel ; and WHEREAS, it appears necessary and desirable, in order to afford additional space to dispose of such voluminous records and to have the same reduced by microfilming, so that the same may be maintained as a much smaller and more compact set of records; Now, Therefore, be it RESOLVED, by the Council of the Gity of Saint Paul, that upon the recommendation of the Corporation Counsel, and pursuant to the Order of the Commissioner of Administration, Chairman of the State Archives Commission, dated January 17, 1968, copy of which is hereto attached and incorporated herein by reference as fully and completely as if set fo rth herein verbatim, that the Corporation Gounsel is hereby authorized to destroy the records described aforesaid upon completion of the microfilming of such documents. F0. PPROVE . , i ��' , ::"►�.�:�:(/ Asst. Corporation Co sel � F�B 6 ���� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlaon �'� � 1��$ Dalglish Approved 19___ �� �n Favor /%�� `��- ^ Meredith ` P�� � ;��;�y�� Mayor A gainat Tedesco �:���������"s��, '�� P����s�t�� ��� 1 �i 1968 ..�...a..�.,:..:.:...........���..��..,..�...,......:: Mr. Vice President (Holland) �� I _ , •''Rs a°'�r"2°.r' �el� MINNESOTA STATE ARCHIVES AND RECORDS SERVICE � � '� � 117 University Avenue, St. Paul 1, Minnesota ���C'- APPLICATION FOR AUTHORITY TO DESTROY PUBLIC RECORDS �'��� 1. TO: Minnesota State Archives Commission DO NOT USE THISSPACE Cor oration Counsel Ci of St. Paul A plication No. E3�6 2. FROM• p � / Department or agency Divislon or section Date received: f����� 3. Space occupied by recocds: 60 cubic feet approximately. The records listed in the application are not 4. Location of records:Cl'ty ��COUZ't H01�8@+�Basement Vault need d for posc audic purposes. � 5. Laws other than M.S. 138.17 which relate to the destruction or safekeeping of the j�e,,�ya�tt�ni � Lf records• i�Ullf9 Pubiic Ezaminer Dept. D�te 6. I certify that the records listed in this application are accurately described, and that PPROV LS: they have no further administrative, legal or fiscal value fo this agency. �_.;�- / Q ��G�i�i'ivC a�.�i✓ �_�-C 8 \ �-=9-�b7 pubi� fF,xe,�i„Qr.. .„ , � . � :J D artment ead or uthorized signature Date �'� � Under anthority of Minnesota Statutes, Section 138.17, it is heteby ordered that the Attorney General ace records lisfed in this application be destro ed. �� a ' � ��\�Y�4����� p� ,,, Sta udi �/ ate �r�-y � � 7 i968 Commissioner of Administra ion Date D ector,Minnesot Histori / ate Chairman,3tate Archlves CommLsion DO NOT USE THIS SPACE ADDENDUM: The records described on thia application are being micro�il�med according to proaedures daai�nned to produce microfil�a oP permanent record quality* as detailed in the a�tached letter of Dec�nber 20, t967, from the Corpor� atiast Cannsel to the State As�chivist and Recoxds Adminimtrator. The original recorde n9ay be destroyed when the Eorporatiott Ccunsel �eter- mines that the microfilm aopy will aerve tha necessary purposes of the original records. � � I recamm�end the approval oY thie appli.cation. ' ��� � ��� Frank].in �i. Burch � State Archivist and � • ` R�co�de Acl�inistrator - ._ . � _ .-�- -• Janue►ry b: 19� . � � �� � �� � . ��N � g 1��p C�A'�'AFZqT1�1y 6�IJIWBBL � Prepare in quadruplicate. Complete items 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, and list records to be destroyed on reverse side of this sheet. If additional space is needed, use ARS Form 20-12 (61) continuation sheets. Submit original and 2 copies to the State Archives and Records Servicey. 117 University Avenue, Sc. Paul I, Minnesota. Retain one copy until approved copy is retucned to you. �� �. �'�IA�I3S SQ�IOJ3� � 'staays uo:�»nu:�uo� (19)Zi-OZ �I�3 S2IV asn 'papaau sT a�eds jeuop�ppe JI � � , • � � � • L961 � � a�a ���IC�t�v° ����� �� s�h� � ` �+ � ��� �� �r �(R� a�..���l�,;'�� k'���'"� . � ��� ��r � ;��� �:� �? � �:�: � ��r ��.�tr��� ��� � .1 . � . � •IIa��ao�tdd� r�q� s��n�sd�oao4 !�u'�eiTio3o�■ sT�t� ��'[P8� �a��}.�sd4p oq1 ��=5 ���i r '��'t3o.:a;� Aa��rq s.t* sp�too•a o.aqy '9E-6fit �{$nas��. t-T sajt3 •s�unoaae ���paZ c[� p�z�.zeurmns MeZ ao��ss�ad�uo� s�u���zoM sopun s�u�a��ed •set�� t�+u�8t.zp t96'L - 9L6 'P�AjOA�t'� s� ��,�t�qBS�p ou asaqM saj�3 voi�PSUad�uo� s�uau�x,zo�y z . ''Z " �' sa'[�3 j�oT�Bq�t�dT� 's�ano��8 �zaupat ut pazi�z�ununs M� uo���escteduco� e��amx�xoM stpttn aps�� s�.ua�ueted •saT1�3 T96t - 9Z6 Tp�z��FsO '�tZ�QB$�P ���nton�z sat�r3 tto-��.as�adu�o� s��auz�{soM j S31Va 3�IS(1l�Nl Sa210�321 d0 NOIld12lJS34 'ON W311 •pa.So»sap aq o� dnoi8�o add� pao�al q�ea io3 sa�ep �sa�aT pas isatT�sa anr� •a�aqmasja pazi�emmns �o pa�$�ridnp sr ure�no� daq� y�ryb uonsw ao�ut aq�saq�aqm pue 'sardo� �o sjeolBTio a�e spio�a� aq> >aq3aqm a�e�s •nopavn; �o asodmd s�t 'saiEja� dnor8 �o pJO�ai q�ea q�rq,n o� d�rnt»e aq3 moqe �uama�E�s �anq e ant� •szaqnmo mro� pne sal3?� 8vrpnl�ot `�italEm��e aqi»saQ •ma�i a3e�edas s se sp�o�a�;o dno�8 ro ad.ia q�ea �st-I NOIlV71�ddV 3H1 �0 NOIlaOd SIHl 9NI13�dW0� ?lOd SNOIl�flalSNl , r-• � _ , . ., � . • : Docember 20, �.967 . Dr. r�an.:�.in S,� �3urcii . � . State �'lrci��.vist ��.azd �i�cor€�� 1�c2ui.ni3tratflr � State oi� 1�i3.n�le�:a ta S:iin�t Paul , ii�.iz�3esota 5�101 Dear Dr. �urei�: , . . I�o: I�iicro�i�.r.ain� o� 1,or��i�en' s Co�ypea�3ati.ozi :iocorc�s :�or t�ie Ci�ty o� Sair�.f; P�.uI, L'nrj�o��fi;ioy� Cou��.je3. . T��is le�t;ter is to cer���y tti�.�L �s3e ��'�x•l:r�en' � Co��I�ei���.— tion R.eeorc�s, ye:��•� 19`-'6 t�arou��� 1.96�., a�•o �.�a t?�c� �3r.oce�� o� Ue:ing ►aiero�'i7.F;zec� ancl }>roe���ed �iocordin� ta pr�c�c�z.�res c'c�iga?ec� to proc2uce n�ic�a:��.lr�� o� ��e��aaneait r�corcl c�ualityy a� fo7.log•�:�a 1��.t�� �ie�r�o�a.1i:� �?iall co��o�r� to As���;�^ic�n S���cl�.rc� �;��e�.i'�.— c��io�� �or sa�ety Pllo�o��ra��tiie I'3.1r;� (P�I 1.25 -- 19��, 1��.�€;�•ic�� Sta��clard� Assoczati:cn) . Co��.�Lrollecl e�jao:��.are o� t�2e r�a�r �a:3_cro�- �ilt;z �j�aal2 �3L' t�.��.�3't,�1121Ct� iay �t��e C�.�y Coun�y Servfei� — 2-Iic�^o�il�.i D�a3zrtr:�en�;, �;o c�'ai;��.xi ���.c1��rc���zc1 cter��ity in t:�F� o�i�inal fi i?i;i �.c��,E�.�:ive v�' .9 t� �.0 36 Tn� Tliero�i�.i� Dr,z:��.rtzs�;xat si1a�I �jro�:;ss �;t�e; e��osea iila3 to l�.al�] �tz�.:� cle;ZSity. Clear i�a�� ctet;si-�;�� pl�a� �.z�xi�;����.�t ��°o;�s �oa, sli�a3.1 n�-� l�e la�.�':���° �;tian . 1�.. }.e7ic��a�.1 �2`yr�)C. �':�ii iv �.°i::�.L'Lz i�Ei} ]LIi �i}lE: #)?^�C8:��3t.f� �I.�I1 5�2��.�. I�.O v G':SCE.'c".L� •���.C7 . �ai.�.Zi�r�:c?:.� ��e� �c;ua�e �����, �.ra ncco�°cl�+_��.�c ��•i�;3� 1'�r��ric���2 5�:•�.r?��rci S:�et�i�ie�?�ioras �c�� �'1�c,�;o�,r���A��ic I�':�:iLZ �a� i'e�m��:.er�t �?e�o�ti�� � (I'�� 2.23 -- �.957p h:�e�icw�i 5ue.�2c����°c1:� As�oci�t�c���. Si�ce�°cly9 J Jo�c�>t� P. ats��;�e�� Co�°�ar�tio�. Cou��.r�:l DUPLICATE TO PRINTER . ... CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� N�,. `�r �?4�?�� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE _ COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF W�3EREA5, the Corporation Counsel of the City of Saint Paul, pursuant to the pravisions of Minnesata Statutes 138. 17 has heretofore made applieation ta the M�.nnesata State Archives Commie�ian �or authority to destroy certain pul�lie recorda of �he City o� Saint Paul after such records have been �ierofil�ned; and W�i'EREAS, the reeords �or whieh aut��arity to destroy the same was sought consists of the Workmen's Compensation records fo r the year� 1926 through 1961, which recards �re r�r�intained i�. the office �a� the Cnr�oration Counael; and ��'T�I��.�S, it ap�ears necessary and desirable, in order to af�ard ad�i�ional s��.ce to dispase of such volunninous records� mncl to �aave td�� same redueed by microfilaning, so t�iat the sarme may be mainta�.ned �s a mue� small.er and more esam�ACt set of records� T�?osv, There�ore, be �.t �.r�S�LVEl�, �y the Cauncil of the �it� a� Sa�int �au1, that upon t�.e reeo�nmendation of ti�e Cor�oration Couns�l, a�d �ursua�.t to t�e Order c��F t�� Co�aissio�ier of Adminis�tr�.tio�, Ci�air�a.n o� the �t�te l�rchiv�s Conza�issiz�rz, dated January i7, 1968� ec��y o� whicl� is h�reto attacheci ancl inc�r�or�,ted herein �y refer�nce as fully and eon�pletely as if set fart�a lzerein verbatimy t�at tl�e Cor�oratio� Coun�el is here�iy autho��.�ed to destroy the records describecl aforesaid u�on eompletion a� the a�icrofilming o� sueh doeu�e�.t s. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson ' ��' } Dalglish Approved 19—.__ �� �-��n Favor Meredith J Mayor ��J Against Tedesco Mr: President, Byrne `" ;? re3..2,..,:.o'd�� �'z ..t�,:��:t pr r�:,a�r:R.���/ , �