236985 � 2369�5 ORIG�NAL TO CITY CLERK � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. _ � LIC�is� C�TTPE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK . COUN L R�FSOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ��, �' � C/" ���� � F8b211 V p�8 COMMISSIONE � �- DATF a� ! 1'," _ RFSOLV�s 'That �'oodstuff, On a�d Off Sa1e Ha1t Bevera�e �d Cigarette liaenses� applied for by �ily 9. Sra�th at 255 Bast Seven�h Street� be and. the same are hereby granted on the condition that �ithin r� d�ps of this date aaid Eni.ly �►. Smith shall comply wifi,h a11 requ3.rements af the Bursaus of Fire� Healt.h� a�ad Police, arxi t�he I�icense Tnspector pnrsnant to the St. Panl I.egislati�e �ode and all other applicable ordi.nance� and la�as• ;� � � NSW Tnfornally a�proved. by �'ouncil Febxv�arg 6, 1968 02d Location �E� � �9ss COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— -Yeas Nays �f��(� :� ��,�� Carlson Dalglish Approved 19� i�e�arnl- � n Favor � Meredith / , Pe�erssri v ���0 . yor Tedesco AS��t e?:?��X>'''��',`�,e�,�4,,�I��'�#1�:: Mr. Vice Presi.lent�(f�oT1;;�n�S';u� ����-I�'F� FEB 10 196� �� � . CITY OF SAINT PAUL � Capital of Minnesota ��� f��,� �e a�t�ce�t o a��ic �a et � � POLICE Tenth and Minnesota Streets HEALTH FIRE PROTECTION WILLIAM E. CARLSON, Commissioner POLICE AND FIRE ALARM ROGER M. CONWAY, Deputy Commiesioner DANIEL P.Mc LAUGHLIN. Lieenee Inepector February 6� 1968 Honorable M�yor and City Council Saint Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen: Emi.1y A. Smith makes application for Foodstuff� t� and Off Sale Malt �everage and Cigarette lieenses at 255 �ast Seventh �treet, �hi.ch is located on the Nflrth side of the street between �acouta and Rosabel Streets. This location ha� been licensed for a similar business since 1934. The present licensee� Kathleen Ann Skaggs� has held such licenses since January 1966. There are no other 3.2 places �ithin two blocks. The closest On Sale Liquor place is within the same block. �e closest Off Sale Liquor Place is about two blocks away. The nearest church is one block and the nearest school is about three blocks away. Mrs. Smith is a hausewife and employed part �time for the G. & K. �leaners. Very txuly yours� i ' ,� `' ` � y��.e�',,G�h�. � y ��� I,3.cense Inspector � � � � ; � CTTY OF SAINT PAU�, � DEPA,RTM�NT OF PUBLIC S�AFBTY LICS�NSE D1V�SI(�+1 `� Date �-�. � 19 C/' � 1,� Application for �. " Liaense 2. Name oF app].icant - �' ��-� ' 3. Buaine s s addre a s - � Re aidenoe`2/ � � ° �o-�..�,� 4., Trade nam�� if any � �� o..�J � 5. $etail Beer Federal Tax 3tamp�Retail Liquor Federal Tax Stamp� ui.11 be used,' 6. Qn �rhat fl4or I�wated_ f�� N�er of rooms used /- ... _ 7. Betw�sen uhat orosa streets (,V� �,..Q�,�. �Phioh aide of streat ---------,. 8� Are premiaea na�air occupied 1Rh�t buainesa _�� [.�Q�Havr long � 9. Are premiaea naw unoccupied�How long vacan� -- Previous uae ----__.:_,. ......_.... �0, Are you a ne�r o�wner"�.,, �ve you baen in a similar busineas before �.���,_ 1Phere �Z.�S' �' 7�-� ,_.._..T hen _ /QS' / Q G �_ /�` � 11. Are you going to operate this bueine�s per on,ally '�� If not� who will opera te it _.---'�� 12, Are you in any other businesa at the preaent tim�s ��. - ... 13. . Bavs �hsre been any c ompla int s �a ga inst your ope rat i on of t hi s type of plaoe�.v �n .�-- 1Nhe re �—" • 14. Eave you ever had any liaenee revol�ed-�p 1Phe►t reason and date ._-------- 15, �re you a oitizen �f th� United 3tate�J�Nativ Naturr►lised i 16. Rh�re vrore you born Date u birth .2 / )---- ��� _. . _ 17. I am �� Bdy (�ife�s) (husband�a) na�e and add sa ia . � �� � � �c� — �� � 18� (If mar�r�ed fean�le) �qy �,iden name is • 19, Ho� l aaig 2�ve you l ive d in St� Pa ul 20. Ha�e you ever been a#�reated��Violation of xhat or�sn.iaal la�r or ordinance • ; _.�2�,,..� � 21. Are you a regiatered voter in the City �f St� Faul__Lr�' �' _ �0�' . ,,,..... . (_r fully and oompletely* These a lications are thorou lzl aheol�ed and an falaification will be aauae for denial� i ♦ 22. Nianber of 3.2 plaQea withi.n tvro blooks � L r p� _ 28. �lo�eet into�icsti.ng liquor plaae. On Sale��=-.=��f Sale ��� dl� 24. �Teare st Church I�eare st 3chool � 25. Nimnber of booths (o Tabl a �$" Chair$�Stouls /�� , „ 26. What occupation have you follvared for the past Pivs years. (Give nt�►►m�s of emploqers and dates so employed.� � � / 27, Give n+ames and addreasea of t�o pereons, residents �f St. Paul, �inn.., who can give inf ormation a ancerning you. �� "�� �iv�� f� Addre s s .�'�d a �...1LG��� °.�l,�y,�, � _ a'�•u� �� ��'�"�. Aaa��� a 9 � r��—��--�-�-•J ` ��--?.� . - �~ �� Signature of d licant $tate of Bdiane a ota� sa co�ty or a��y ) _ _ - _ _ _ . _ • _ : �. =- _Tieing �irst duly sworn, deposee and s�ys upcm osth t t he has read the Poregoirig statement bearing his sign�t;ure and l�var� tha csan.teaate thareof, �nd that �I�a saa� is �rue of �iis vwn lmvo�ledge exaept as to those matters therein atated upon inform�tian and belief and as to those m�ttera hs believes them to be true. - _ _ � . � igaature o .Ilppliaan� Subaoribed and swurn. to before me thia 5"� day o� � 19 �8 � Notsry Pub ,, aey County, eso�Ga My Ca�nmisslcm eapiree i� -�� /�17a (Not,�: These s�atement forma are in duplioate.� Both'oopiee must ba fully filled unt„ note,rized, and return�ad tu the Licenae Division.) L70ROTHY J. �'!!' ''=''�"�..�. N��ary Public, r<_:: ; _. _ . . � . itil�C4mmission E>:�;r�s �ct. zo, 1„�l :� � AFFIDAVIT,BY A,$PLICAN`P F�R � RETILIL BEPR �JR LIQU(�R LICENBE Res � Sale %��.C�L d��-°-�� Lioens�e F Name of applioant Bu$insss addreas 7 ` •�J bre you the so3.e oamer of �his buainess?� T:f not, i� it a partnership? fz,��- a orpore�t ion4 �p`—' , other� ����_ (>thers interested in. bcisinesa, in.clude those b� loan of money, property or other�rS.se: Nam.e Addre a s Ho�ar If a corporation, give its name Are you interested in any way in any other Retail Beer or Liquor business? �� � as sole rn�a.er? Partner? Stoekholder4 Othern�ise3 (Through loan of money, eto. E�cplain) Address oP such buaines8 and nature of interest in saa�e � __ ' _ ��✓t-- Signature o� app icant State of M:in�esota) jss County of �msey ) � � �. — berng first duly aworn, depo�es an.d says upan oetth that h as read the foregoing a fidavit bear�g his aignature and knowe the con.�ents thereof; that the sarr�3 is true vf his o�en knowledge, eacept as to those matters therein stated�upon informstian and belief and as to those m�tters he be- lieves them to be true. ` ip;nature f a pplicant Subacribed and aworx�to befora m�e � thie � day of ��-�) ls g � `���� otary Publ , ey County, M' ota �ll� e ex�ires /o -as 19� °�1���'H�v�: R,..�P:�,�:, �TtJtary Pau;.- ;�_.:. 'M> �;- .,..,:�r . _ ...: . , � STATE OF MINI��ESOTA � ) SS CCIUNTY AF R�RdSEY ) / � � "'l • being firat duly sworn, doth depose and say that�he makes this affidavit in connection with applioatien �or " Sale" liquor I.ieense (" (��j Sale" malt beverage lioenae) in the Cit of . """'" _ State oY �innesota 3aint Faul, Minnesota; that your affiant is a resident of the 0������� arxi has reaided therein fbr �..�f years, month�, and ia .� , State naw and haa been for the time abave mentioned a bona fide resident of said � and tha t �he now re s ide a at N0. 7/ '7 7TiLt,u--o � �i �S' S'/� � � J�7G3��, Bdinne s ota. � � Subsoribed and sworn to before me this �S� day of� 19 �O� � . ar�Zc_c.� Notary Publi , msey Coun.ty, Minnes a II�tyy c ommiss ion expiree �a - �S- /9 7 0 'uC7�cCJTNY T: P,`,"I'�'srrrrrs,-�> �Q��Gry f=ubL R_; � �� MY, Commission �:;.�;i,..,;,. .. _, ,