236972 ORt�.INAL TO CITY CLERK 2369�2 , CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCI UTION- E RAL FORM PRESENTED BY R t F F 8 ��"' C�MMISSI�NE TF _� Whereas, Additions and Deductions which might pro�re to be necessar� in the Isprovement described as Grading and Snrfaciag MA�CK[JBIN STRHIsT fros 41. Cook Avetrue to W. t�tarqland Avenue; JESSAMINE AVBNUE frow Maekubin Street to Kent Street; JSSSAMINE COUxT fron Jessawine Aver►c�e to exteaded south line of Lot 16, Block 9, Como Pro�pect Addition; slso constrtict a stur� sewer eyster, Cosp�roller's Contr�tct L-6847-A� J. A. W�,lker & Sons, Inc., Contractor, have been prc�vided for in the Specifications, and Whereas, It has been foc�nd necessary to �ake the following Additions and Deductions to cosplete the project: ADDITIONS As per attached Contract Change Agree�ent No. 1 $ 2594.85 DEDIICTIONS As per attached Contract Change Agree�aent No. 1 $ 1878.11 TOTAL NST ADDITIOAI - $ 716.74 snd Wherea�, The total addition is $716.74 and the Coaaissioner of Public Works has agreed with the Contra�ctor that the aaount of $716.74 is the correct swn to be added to said contract; therefore be it Resolved, That the City of St. Paul through its City Council approves the fore- going additions dade in accordance �ith the Specif ications in the su� of $716.74, said eaount to be added to the lu�ap su� consideration naaed in the contract, k.AOwn as Co�ptroller's Contract L-6847-A, and which anount is to be paid for b� assessaent against benefit�ed property. : F E� 2 196� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19._ Yeas Nays �,�� �, ���� Carlson Dalglish Approved 19— Holland Favor Meredith • ' Peterson � l� MsYor Tedesco �ga�gt Mr. President, Byrne '���L1S�EB FEB ], � ���� �zz - • ='. CITY OF SAINT PAUL - DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC�WORKS ��� + ��� . CONTRACT CHANGE AGREEMENT N4. � PRO.JECT N0. b6�Cr�l�b�► CONTRACT N0. I�+G$�@'I�A CONTRACTOR J• R• `�'91��37!" � :"£�Y�1�� �M�':i� " PROJECT DESCRIPTION Gradin� a�d Sur�e�c�.nR ���� ���T ��'�� �• '��� �� i�� �����'�"�'�''`� ����• .a , .���xr� Av�t�u� from r�ackubi.n str��� �o xent s�re��i Nw���$w� �i��� �� �ta'1d$Sw���s"i8,� d�t�+�r , �W47t3L' 8�f3��319• � : , . In accordance with Section g5 of' Che Charter of the City of Saint Paul, the� Commissioner of Public Works �has` agreed with the Contractor �thati the besis of 'payment and prices for items listed i�n the changea describ�d below, not otherwise included in the contract, are ;. the reasonable costs of those items for additions to, or deductions from, the contract. , , , � . _ , '. �dditioAa aad Deductioa� rts li�t�d� boloN dr�asd Asaess�ry �i cc�aqpla�a tl� pr<►�ac�. • , „ . ,, , ,: �D 'T � , . . Catcb Baaim l�ad rsvi�toa ot Jae��auino Ave. snd I°S�cl�bin Sfi. `' li Lir►. �t. 12" R.C.P. Sea�r� C1. IY' �sa� c4Y�h 1as��i��tv msnhoto , ;, � $5.75 per 11A. ft. � _ �63.�3 ` � Lia. Ft. 12" &.C.F. SeW+�r� Ci. XV fron cAtc�► b�im to catab baeia� `. , _,,. Q $5.00 par lin. ft. � � , _ 2�.� , , , Chea�e in siza o! at�sti s�e�s or� �fackubim �t.s St�. �4ta to � ' . ' Sta. 4+SS froa� 21" A.C.P. C1. II to 24" R.C.F. G1. II' . .:,. . 143' Lin. Ft. @ $1.07 p.� lir+. �t. � 153.Q�, , : Chan�e iA claga ot pi�pe froa Cias$ �'V to Cles� V for stora , s�mr on Jessamiae Atie. fro� Sta. 1*30 � 8t�. �+76 Z46 Liz�. Ft. � $0.35 per i3A. ft. � Bb.iQ Chan�e in sise of atoss s�r oA Je�sa�fns Ave., SC�. 1+30 to � c�nhole at center line o� Jeas�ine Ave. �nd A��ub3A �t. �roam 24" R.C.P. Cle�e II to 27"' A.C.F. Clae� XI IttlClittjltt� �,��t��$ 11Y� �fl�AC�.ti� . :; �d ju��za�nt) 12S Lin. Ft. � � $E.02 p�,�r lfn. ft. -_ . i2�.�4 Chan�e in eiss� of �tos�ea asver oa e8se�a�t raor�h af J�se�is� '' 'Ave. to outlet ot I.c�sb Lalc� fr� 24" B.C.E'. Ctasa I� to 30" A.C.�'. ' Claea II (incladiag l�ying and �oiati�� ari�e�s�at) 320 Lin. Ft. @ $1.97 par lin. ft. . 63i9.� Fivo 4•ft. y�° benda c1�n�ed f�c� 24" R.C.�. Cl. �� to 30" �t.C.�. .. Clas� II (includiag �aying oACl 101AttAg �djuet�s��3 S� 7�° �ler►da 11 $12.Z9 �ecb 69�.4� 1 flared end s�ction cban�ed fsro� Z4" R.C.St. CI. YI to 3q" �t.C.I'. ' C1. $ 1.67 por a�ctioa � 13.b7 .�-�� �''' -� i- t �l & Sm s Yn �� _c �.�-t-.. � 19� J. R. elk.�s n a. Co tuCtion Engineer Contract r v • —y�L�C�,�19='� B y W ��� 19 � � e ngfneer -,. ,�. , 'zc��Q ;c:a• � � �/. , i 9 `� ` ,. r . 19 f -Q-�r� , "�� Commissioner o��5"trol er :-�•-�- � � _.__ s � ,�.. Original (Whi Duplfcate (Canary) TriplicaCe (Pink) QuadruPlicate (Blue) To Contractor � To Accounting Div. To Comptroller To Engineer t _ ..._,_. . � ~ CITY OF SAINT YAUL - DEPARTMENT OF PUBLiC WORKS CONTRACT CHANGE AGREEMENT NO_1 PROJECT N0. 66-C-1364 CONTRACT N0. L-6$47-A CUNTRACTUR J.R. W�lker & Sons � In� . MACICUBIN STREET • JESSAMINE AVENUE l�DDITIONS (Continued) Additional 522.57 Cu. Yds. of fill reyuired f rom Loeb Lake to 175' So. to provide 3 ft. of rover over tap of new sewer C $1.35 $705.47 113 Lin. Ft. bituminaus curb replacement on Mackubin St. . @ $1.00 per lin. ft. , 113.00 79 Lin. Ft. driveway openings @ $1.00 per lin. ft. 79.00 � 28 Cu. Yds. of C1. S Aravel base for grade revision at Jessamine Ave. and Kent St. C $3.00 per cu. yd. 84.00 3 Trees @ , $100.00 each � , 300.00 Remove and reconstruct 2 catch basins (survey error) at Jessamine Ave. and Kent St. 130.00 � Adjust manhole at Cook Street intersection 25.00 Total Additions $2594.85 ' DEDll�TIUNS � (:ook Avenue and Mackubin Street intersection: � - 3C 127 Catch Basin $210.00 3� 180.00 2241 Manho'le 1, 300.D� ' 13 Lin. Ft. 12" R.C.�. Sewer, Class IV, f rom catch basin to storm sewer @ $5.75 per lin. ft. 74.75 30 Lin. Ft. 12" R.C.P. Sewer, Class IV, from catch basin t� catch, basin @ $4.7,5 per lin. ft. � � � � 142.50 27 Lin. Ft. 15" R.C.P. Class IV storm sewer, includin� �ost of pipe laying,. joint and excavation @ $6.89 per lin. ft. , 186.03 East Street return at Cook Avenue and Mackubin Street ' l19 Sq. Yds. , including 6" gravel base, 2" bituminous surfacing and seal coat @ $1.57 per sq. yd. 186.83 299 Cu. Yds. sewer trench excavation at adjusted price of $2.00 per C.Y. 598.00 � � � Tott�l Deductions $1878.1I` TUTAL NET ADDITIUN $ `716.74 This additional amount is to be financed by assessment against benefitted property. � . .. � 't � � � , . . . . . . . � � � � � � . . ou�cit�n ro rn�Nne P�U� �OUNCIL e s cmr oF sr. �� No� :�c� � � OFFICE OF THf CITY CLERK ; COUNCIL RESOLUTION—�CENERAL FORM , - . , � � o��o�� � ..:.:�`R��' , . �� � ' '4��ii�-�.. ��.^s���*��:.•�,Y� r;� �' ' ". E' � �' ' � . �. �y �.�.+.''aM'¢N kh. „�'� . � . ,. : d� ' . . � � , . . . � . . � � � , . i � , r . � . . � . � .. � . . .. . . 1 i .. I � . � . � , ' . ... i . ' . . . � . � . � . � � � . �.. , . .. . . `.... 1 ' ��•�� 'r�''1�'�r�1��..� �f t '�����������^�1��.:�..`����� �i : . .. � �i �I�A���.���� p}�:\� ����f��f�•�`� • . . . . i . . . . . .. . . v �p r � i�a ��� ... � � ' . . ��� S • j_'. ' '�'•.�� � ,�`���,�^r �"�� e I �' 711�I��1�I���� � ��;��~�"�`�"' ;�"r�f'�'* �IN ��� : �Iw�M�f► ��s�ii�r�'�r�r�.wr�`'��Ilr���,� ;�+�T_`� �'��I��II���`��` �s:, , ���i���'�','�""�iiw'; �, � , ;, , � . rli , i�t,�^ i�.�i� . . , . . . . . , . .. .� . ��il�� � . ,'.5��"� ;r� . . �•ti�1"` ; � i/',i��t.o��.� �� � . . �� �"� ,�i�� 1�/� ��il�..'bl�l�''��`,� � '�'1��'�� ����' . ... ., .. ,.:�.�:. -., �'� . �,.,�' ' , , ,. � � , , . rl � i i, Y� 1 � . . , ,f' t' I'., f . . �_. �� i� T � n��7� r. � r �' , , . � t � �.� �1 , 1�� ���t 1 ! ,��IJ-,1 �i.! � � i . , i�� , . � - . , . . F t , � I ! ,� � . :. , , 1 ; j . / �� � M `���" ' I • . � � � - J �1 if � �� �`'�`c���ii�-0����qwir�ir..�����; � , ,�_ � ., ���,._ , � t' , y.� r�.� /� ! �4�J . � �., 1 . 1 � , ..' L t'�r ' .n � ., n. ', ��.�� � ., . �. � �� " f�'���� �� ;�, �J�� [ ';��:{i �I, �I!: i� �:9' � i �r '' '' � ` _ ' � . . , �..� f'.. ,��'��������'�ll�� ��;i����7 �i } ���g�` � '.. � ., „r.x y . .9 � � . 5 ,i� � ' y ' . . . � �1 .. � � i f..'r . , . . . � .1. � ': � . t 1 t i � y _ � � '� �� . ��{�� ��� �.:�,,��t�� •. � �. a �I��Y( eQ`• � `,r-� i t t 4'. '�":1� .. . ( .! . � � : . . r�� �!��'�''�'�'°`�"'��`�`�"`�`'!�`��"'� ''�'� �'`�`�' �"��'��`�' �v�'``�'��"�`�M������ � . �,, - .. ._, �.;�..����<' , �. r� ,•,. �� M _ `�� ; , "'^s �,i� ;:, � .� ,'' ; � . ,, ; . . . �t a�����r�� �;��{�Y �`� ��'�'��� 1;'�`�:� �����II���'���� �"'�` `��`�r����� . , .. , . . . � r�� �� . . �• .:�M���`�"i�� � � �l��� � „ ,. ' „ . . ,.� , ; �",�t� x,. ������`����Mi�'�`.�: �"� •�`���f�'� `i�1�'� ���` . .. :.��-:._ �,��"��f::: ��w ✓ ,. , ,� ,.b,.:.r . . .. `e ��,��� �u . . � . �� '`' . . .. . , . � � a � . ,. �� .. ,��;;� , . � �}: � � . .. , . . . . � , _ . . �� � u . � � � �. . � ... � .� . _ , . . � . , .. . ��..� . , ... . • -� � . . :, . � _ . � . , .. � . . ,. . � � .. . � . �, i i , . r. � , , , . , . , . - - . . . , .. ' , : . ,. . � ` FE�Ei� 21968 COU�TC�LMEN „AdQPted.by the Council 19_ Yea� I�ays _ Carlaon �EB � �2'1g68 ;Dalgli�h�: ApProved , 1�� Hoiland � Favor: Meredith . Peterson � ��'� s�;.,�� . Tedesco Mr. President, Byrne ' f� �. . - � CITY OF SAINT PAUL - DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ���� � . !� CONTRACT CHANGE AGREEMENT N0. �, , PROJECT N0. 65•G�1366 CONTRACT N0. L-$847•A CONTRACTOR J. Ft. '����9':1� � �msz::^, ��y� PROJECT DESCRIPTION Gredin�t atxd Se�rt�i�� :��i3�I:� S�C�t�� fro�a �T. C�rs3iz Ctt �T. �s'������'s��.. � �.�5�i2I�E AV�IIi3JS fra� Mackubin Str�et to l�ea�t 5treoC; J�S��I�"� C0�'P� �r�a ������.r�� d.v�. . � ; : �s+t�;�r s�st�n. , _ Yn accordance with Section 95 of' the CharCer of the City of Saint Pau1, the Commissfaner qf Public Work� �has agreed with the Contractor �thaC the basis of payment and prfces� for items 'listed fn the changes described below, not otherwise included in the contract, ar� . the reasonable costs of those items for additions to, or deductions from, the contract. , , , . , , � � Addition� sad Deductioua a� li�tod baloa da�ed ne�ess:ry to complet►e � ����L. � , , , . , ,, � ,R1�A7���4�BdS � Catch Basin lsad revi4ion �t Jeasa�ins Ave. and Mmckubin St. I1 Lin. Ft. 12" R.C.P�. Sever, C1. IV' grcmi cat��► bnsci� to �boio Q $5.75 per lin. ft. , �63.2� $ Lia. Ft. 12" &.C.g. Sew�r. C1. 'IV from aatckr b�sin to ca'�cth b��iit ; @ 55.00 per 13n. ft. ! ; � � 23.t� . Chenffie ia aize o� �tor�o swaer on �c2�bin BC., �Ln. 3+1Z to ' ` , ' '' �ta. 4+SS from 21" R.C.P. C1. II ta Z4" R.C.�'. Ci. I'� � 143�Lin. Ft'. @ �1.0� p'air lin. £t. 153.+�� , Ct�n�,Q in claes of pipe fsro� Clc►�$ IV to Clns� V for stos�o� ' ��wer on .Tassamine Ave. #ro� Sta. 1+30 to Sr.a�. 3+T6 246 Lin. Ft. ! $0.35 psx li�. �t. �ib.l�}. Chmn�e in sirae o£ atorn s�asr oA Jass�mit� svr�., Sta. 1+30 ttr '; c�ant�10 at cent�r line o� .Terns�ine Ave. and 2���b�n St. fro� x4" '� lt.C.P. Clesa i1 to 27" R.C.B`. Cl�$8 II tir+clud�ng Yayi�ag e�l fointiug . ` ' ad��stuenty 12S Lin. Ft. � � $1.�2 p�r lis�. ft. I27.3�3 Chan�e ia aiae of �toxm asxer oa snsesa�r�t t�oxrb o� Ja�as�ir�� ` `Avo. to outl�t at Loeb Lal� f� 24" R.C.F. Clasa I� to 30" 1l.C.P. ' Claaa II �iuclu�ing layia� s�d �olatiAg ad jes�t�aat? , 320 Lin. Ft. @ �1.97 per igt�. ft. . , 6��.� Fivo 4•!t. 7�° hend� c�a�aged frc� 24" A.C.�. C1. IZ to 30" It.C�. � CYasa YI (includiag layiug and ,�aix�tia� 4d�tsee�nt) S 7�° Bensl$ 4 �12.29 a�e0� 6A.�+S 1 fler�d end eoction ctyn�ed frco �4� R.C.'�. CI. II to.30" A.C�. � _� C1. �.I-, ,."�S� � 1.67 por �+ction • A1.67 . •�—�("� 'f c ,<-e., i- 3 � 19� J. �. t381ker b 5otas Iau. Ca r�tCtion Engineer _ Contract r < � -�����19---� g y "v _ `�� 19 � � e ngineer 3, ; 'z,��� :�� ������ v'`y a, 19-1� � : ^ -=y�.,�----19 ` Commissioner G�G� o�ptro1 er - _ ��� . � .... _,� _. .,ct�::� Original (Whi Duplicate (Canary) Triplicate (Pink) Quadruplicate (Blue) To Contractor . To Accounting Div. To Comptroller To Engineer _.. ._ _ �- -.�.__ ,:__ .._ _.. ._ �_:__. .____... ,_.. _ _ __ __. .,_ .. . _:...._..� _.._ f � CITY OF SAINT YAUL - DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACT CHAhGE AGREEMENT NO_1 PROJECT N0. 66•G-1364 CONTRACT N0. L-6847-A CONTRACTOR J.F. Walker & Sons, In� . MACKUBIN STREET - JESSAMINE AVENUE ADDITIONS (Continued) Additional 522.57 Cu. Yds. of fill reyuired f rom Loeb Lake to 175' So. to provide 3 ft. of cover over top of new sewer @ $1.35 $705.47 113 Lfn. Ft. bituminous curb replacement on Mackubin SC. . @ $1.00 per lir►. ft. . 113.00 79 Lin. Ft. driveway openings @ $1.00 per li.n. ft. 79.00 � 28 Cu. Yds. of C1. S Rravel base for grade revision aC Jessamine Ave. end Kent St. C $3.00 per cu. yd. 84.00 3 Trees @ , $100.00 each � , . 300.00 Remove and reconstruct 2 cat�h basins (survey error) at Jessamine Ave. and Kent St. 130.00 � Adjust manhole at Cook Street intersection 25.00 Tota1 Additions $2594.85 DEDUCTIUNS _ Cook Avenue and Mackubin Street intersection: 3C 127 Catch Basin $210.00 3� �� �� 180.00 2241� Manhale 300.D0 13 Lin. Ft. 12" R.C.P. Sewer, Class IV, f rom catch basin to storm sewer @ $5.75 per lin. ft. 74.75 30 Lin. Ft. 12" R.C.P. Sewer, Class IV, from catch basin t� catch, basin C� $4.7.5 per lin. ft. � � � � � 142.50 27 Lin. Ft. 15" R.C.P. Class IV storm sewer, including cost of`pipe laying,. joint and exr_avation @ $6.89 per lin. ft. ; 1$6.03 East Street return at Cook Avenue and Mackubin Street ' l19 Sq. Yds. , including 6" gravel base, 2" bituminous surfacing and seal coat @ $1.57 per �q. yd. 186.83 299 Cu. Xds. sewer trench excavation at adjusted price �f $2.00 per C..Y. 598.00 - • Total Deductions $1878.T1'� TUTAL NET ADDITIUN $ �716.74 This edditional amount is to be financed by assessment against benefitted property.