236957 . rt � � 7RIGINAL TO CITY CLERK ���1�� / � CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa � �� ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. _ NCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE DATF _- 1 - � � ' WHEREAS, Under authorization of Chapter 700, Laws of 1963, aay city ' of the first-class co�prising a part of a sanitary district anthorized pursuant to the provisions of Minnesota Statutes 1961 , Chapter 445, as � aA+ended, �aay preparo and adopt a study aAd plan for sewage service within and withont its boundaries, and ' WHEREAS, Pursuant to the aut4�orization of said Chapter 700, Laws cf 1963, the City of Saint Paul, Depart�aent of Pubiic Works, has prepared �� ` the first phase of the pian ��der date of May, 196b, in a report entitted "Metropolitan Sair�t Paul Sanitary Sewerage Report" with said report beiag concerned priaoari ly with sewerage service for ac�nunities outside t{�e Saint Paul boundaries, aAd WHEREAS, Ue�der date of January, 1967, tMe City of Saint Paul , Depart�nt of Public Works, has prepared a second plaase of �he pl�n in a report entitled "Smrverage and Drainage Report'' with said repc>rt dealing pri�arily with a preliminary identification of sewerage and drainage deficiencies in the sewer systea� withi� the boundaries of Saint Pa�l, and WHEREAS, It is now contea�plated pursuant to a directive dated August 28, 1967, froea tMe Minnesota Pollution Control Agency that a third pha�s of the study and plan be developed with further n+ore detailed proposals for tha iinprov�nent of t�e sewer syste�a within Saint Paul, and WHEREAS, The City of Saint Paul, Departinent of Public Works, has , ' established a project i� the Per�anent Improve�ent Revolving Fund, Caaptroller's Contract 1-6631 for the cc�napiling of expenditures in con- nection with the Ser+er Planning Stady, and WHEREAS, Und�r autMorit� of C. F. No. 217442, approved April 8, 1964, expenditures in an estia�ated amount of $75,000 were authoriaed to be charged to the Per�anent Improve�ent Revoiving Fund, and FO APPROVED/ ✓� Asst. Corporation Counsel COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson Dalglish Approved 19— Holland Meredith In Favor Peterson Mayor Tedesco � against Mr. President, Byrne �sa r . 1�. � • 2369�'7 � ���� ORIGIyAL TO CITY CLERK - ' CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOE NCIL NO. '' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK . COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER �ATE ___ j MIHEREAS, Under authority of C. F. No. 226526, approved �ece�+ber 30, 1965, an additional anwnnt of $40,000 of esti�nated expenditwres were authorized to be charged to the Pera�anent Ir�rovement Revolvir�g Fund; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That to finance the accomplisl�ent of the cont�nplated third phase of the study and plan, an additional 'i autl�orization be giver� for the incurring of �xpenditnres in an estimated + a�ount of $1��,000, and be it � FURTHER RESO�VE�, That these additional expenditures for the Sewer � Plan�ing Stc�dy be charged to the Per�anent Improvemec�t Revolving Fund, � Comptroller's Contract L-6631 and this sa�ne fund to be reimbursed fro� the prxeeds of tbe sale of bonds as authorized by Chapter 700, Laws of 1963. � { , � �E� � �9�� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19.— Yeas Nays �... Carlson �L� " ���s� � Dalglish Approved 19_ � Holland i`' Meredith �In Favor � � Peterson Mayor � Tedeaco � Against � Mr. President, Byrne Pd`LIS1�E� FEB 3 196� �aa �����a�ax.�-°.-. :'�4 z�. . . . . * ' � . . '/� s �� „ a: . � , .� � , '' , � .. �� ;"`"EUGENE V. AVERY ANTF� t , t�a � ` �.��� � c�,eR�Na,HeaR C I T Y �►F S A I N � �A U L • �� �; ,.������� � � . . .� ' � DBJ�Y'�,V . .: ' �l -� �:.:.� r: C�pital of Minnesota �" � � � � - � ,�: _ ; . � �� DEPARTMENT OE.. �UBLIC WORKS f ly ' �4 C�t � & Co�t Ha�se �5102 :,� `, �' , ,.. , . .. � . . .. . f i. /:i �,�, 'k 3� � 4 �. . .:Y��RIY� �i►?i . . . / . � 3 .,� y l .,��..: �,�.+ /�l � , ' f � ���r.� ���'"��,s � f.. ,: ,,. .� � ; ..�1�{7F111S410fl@I`.. � ��,�y�� .. ��� �rr` " � . .,�. � . � ' a / ..l'3/�.G � . ,�. . ' ; . .. . . . .. . � � . �' _. . ' _ e .. . ,.>.L .. ,:,.. N. 4,k 3 ' ... _ -„ ,.. � .� .3'� _ :..� . .,s.. ,n..�s��- i ^ ,._ ��i ' � �,r . . � �r. �s x... .. .. .. .. . ��. . �. .., � �z��. •� . ,��' .GL. .�'...: .: . :�',y .... . '. . . �:';'' '�:" . . � . ..' .:..�"/'�'��i'i���t./\/"F\v,�` � January 29, 1968 �r� , �" �� � Hon. Thomas R. Byrne, Mayor and Members of the City Council City of Saint Paul �' Gentlemen: The attached resolution is for the purpose of funding the Sewer Planning Study set forth in the Public Works Department report of November 2, 1967, and refer�ed to in Council Resolution C. F. 235719, approved by the Council on November 10, 1967. You will recall that the acceleration of sewer system improvement planning is necessitated by recent communications from the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency. Source of funds for the planning is proposed to be the authority granted Saint Paul under Chapter 700, Laws of 1963, wherein the City was authorized to prepare and adopt a study and plan for sewerage service within and without its boundaries. Under the foregoing author- ity two previous reports have been prepared. The first entitled "Metropolitan St. Paul Sewerage Report", May, 1964, dealt primarily with the problem of providing sewerage service to corm�unities outside Saint Paul . The second report entitled "City of St. Paul Sewerage and Drainage Report", January, 1967, was for the purpose of identify- ing the most serious deficiencies and to recommend corrective action in a series of high priority projects involving the sewer system within Saint Paul . The latter report was not complete in the sense that it did not identify all needed projects nor did it propose atl the projects necessary for a separation of the storm and sanitary sewers. The projects that it did propose amounted to an estimated value of $42,717,000.00. The source of funds for this particular _ construction has not yet been identiffed except for a comparatively few projects over the next several years. The scope of the second report was such that the study recommen- dations represented what was thought to be the maximum amount of con- ', struction that would be feasible over the next decade or so. Additional ' projects and prograrns were recognized as needed and desirable, but ' since the initial $43,000,000.00 of construction work is not presently provided for in the City's financing plan, the additional programs and projects were thought to be of comparatively low priority planning-wise. �!I - 1 - � , I � ; �. � � II - Pae2 - 9 , . The August 28, 1967, directive frorn the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, however, makes it necessary to undertake the addi- , tional planning immediately. The general scope and type of investi- !I gation is outlined in the November 2nd report of the Department of � Public Works. We regard the new planning effort as an extension or enlargement upon the report of January, 1967. We have called it Phase 3 in a series of inter-related sewerage planning studies which taken all together will ultimately constitute a comprehensive plan. ,�, Respectfully yours, I� v• ' Eugene V. Avery Chief Engineer iApproved• 'I; � ' Robert F. Peterson Commissioner of Public Works , EVA/j v � � �I � '� , I1 ii ' , � ;.� /''J�C C ,�'ORIGINAL TO U`�N' CLERK � . . ... . . . . . " --IU�J�����. . CITY OF ST. PAUL F°E"��� NO. �� _ OFFICE OF THE CIl'Y CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTEO BY . COMMISSIONER pATF -___ WHEREAS, Under authorization of Chapter 700, Laws of 1963, any city of ths first-class comprising a part of a sanitary district authorized _ pursuant to the provisions of Minnesota Sfiatutes 1961 , Chapter 445, as amehded, may prepare and adopt a study and plan for sewage service within and without its boundaries, and WHEREAS, Pursuant to the authorization of said Chapter 700, Laws of 1963, the City of Saint Paul, bepartment of Pub}ic Works, has prepared the first phas� of the plan under date of May, 1964, in a report entitled "Metropolitan Saint Paul Sanitary Sewerage Report" with said report being concerned primarily with sewerage service for eommunities outside the Saint Paul boundaries, and WHEREAS, Under date of January, 1967, the City of Saint Paul , Department of Public Works, has pr�pared a second phase of fihe plan in s a report entitied "Sewerage and Drainage Report" with said report dealing = primarily with a preliminary identification of sewerage and drainage � deficiencies in the sewer system within the boundari�s of- Saint Paul, and ,,: +' WHEREAS, (t is now contemplated pursuant to a directive dated ; August 28, 1967, from the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency that a ; . third phase of the study and plan be developed with further more detaited � proposals for the improvement of the sewer system within Saint Paul , and + , �; WHEREAS, The City of Saint Paul , Department of Public Works, has ;, established a project in the Pe�manent improvement Revolving Fund, , ; Comptroller's Contract L-6631 for thc compiling of expenditures in con- necXion with the Sewer Planning Study, and . � , � WHEREAS, Und�r authority of C. F. No. 217442, approved April 8, 1964, expenditures in an estimated amount af $75,000 were authorized to be charged to the Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund, and iI a' i i ; 1 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19_ Yeas Nays ; Carlson � Dalglish . Approved 19— i Holland ; Meredith In Favor Peterson Mayas- Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne . . . `�_,�_�'2 1 � � •��ORIGIIy.L 70 C,Y CLCRK . . . . ... . . � �� � . . . ... �. .. . : ' � CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� ��s��� i f _.- FILE NO. _ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM i FRESENTED 6Y w ,� COMMISSIONER DAiF --- 3 + C� � WHEREAS, Under authortty of C. F. No. 226526, approved Decembar 30, � 19b5, an additional amount of $40,000 of estimated expenditures were ; authorized to be charged to the Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund, f NOW, THEREFORE, BE 17 RESOLVED, That to finance the accomplishment ! of the contemplated third phase of fhe study and plan, an additiona] authorization be given for the incurring of expenditures in an estimated � amount of $1�5,000, and be it , �� EURTHER RE50LVED, That these additional expenditures for the Sewer Planning Study be charged to the Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund, Comptroller's Contract L-6631 and this same fund to be reimbursed from the proceeds of the sale of bonds as authorized by Chapter 700, Laws of 1963. � 1 � i � . j a COUNCILMEN �EB � 196� � Adopted by the Councii 19— � Yeas Nays � Carlson �E� � 196� ; Dalglish /�� Approved 19— ;� Holland � � � _ � ' Meredith In Favor Peterson ( - Mayor Tedesco ` Against j Mr. President, Byrne ' �_�^z