236941 OR{GINAL TO CITV CLERK � 2����� . - � CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOENCIL NO. _ � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK O N JL ESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COM M ISSI O N E DATE - WAEREAS, The City Council, by C. F. No. 235391, directed that rules of procedure be developed for the giving of notice and holding of public hearings before the Zoning Board on all matters involving zoning appeals and the issuance of special use permits; and WHEREAS, Proposed rules o� procedure have been prepared by the Zoning Board and have been submitted to the City Council for its approval, which rules of procedure are more fully set forth in the January 4, 1g68, minutes of the Zoning Board; and WHEREAS, It is proposed therein that following notifica— tion by the Zoning Board, the Commissioner of Finance shall pro— vide mailed and published notice of hearings to be held before the Zoning Board; and WHEREAS, The City Council has reviewed the proposed rules of procedure and the provisions therein for mailing and publiahing notice of public hearings before the Zoning Board; now, therefore, be it ftESOLVED, By the Council of the City of Saint Paul, that the rules of procedure as submitted by the Zoning Board are hereby approved; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Finance is hereby authorized and directed to provide mailed a.n.d published notice of hearings before the Zoning Board as more fully prea— cribed in said rules of procedure. FO APP D u Asst. Corporation Counsel ,�p►� 31 1968 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19.— , Yeas Nays Carlson ��� � �; ��sa Dalglish Approved 19._ Holland n Favor Meredith � ' Peterson J Mayor � A gainst Mr. President, Byrne P��L���E� FE� 3 7�Ei;i �22 . . . �'�'�-���`�� ` CITY PLANNING BOARD OF ST. PAUL 1010 COMMERCE BUILDING • ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55101 • PHONE: 223-4151 N.R.HEIDEN,Ph D.Director C.M.Smith,Assistant Director January 29, 1968 Commissioner James J. Dalglish Department of Finance City Hall and Courthouse St. Paul, Minn. Dear Co�nissioner Dalglish: The enclosed resoultion concerning notification of public hearings before the Board of Zoning has been approved, as to form, by Mr. Gerald Swanson of the Corporation Counsel's office. I am transmitting this resolution to you as I believe you might like to introduce this to Council. Ver �truly yours, � �� ��___. andl R. ei en NRH:FS Director Enc. ao . . � � CITY PLANNING BOARD OF ST. PAUL 1010 COMMERCE BUILDING • ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55101 • PHONE: 223-4151 N.R.HEIDEN,Ph D.Director C. M.Smith,Assistant Director 2�,1,����- January 29, 1968 Honorable Thomas R. Byrne, Mayor and Members of the City Council City Hall and Courthouse St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: Please find attached a copy of Proposed Rules of Procedure For the Board of Zoning. These were officially adopted at the regular monthly meeting of the City Planning Board, Friday, January 26, 1968 upon recommendation of the Zoning Board. In essence, the "Procedures" provide for a public hearing before the Zoning Board on all matters of Appeals, Permits, and Amend- ments which involve the Zoning Code and official action by the Zoning Board. They have been adopted as administrat�_ve procedures for a trial period prior to making any request for any amendment to the Zoning Code itself. I trust that these are satisfactory to the Council, Very ruly yours, � �� ��� , � � and R. eiden NRH:FS cc: City Clerk Commissioner Dalglish Cammissioner Tedeso Commissioner Meredith Commissioner Carlson Commissioner Peterson Commissioner Holland , � �... t f: l �' ` � � �� � � �:� � ... ! �, + F� � � �� U � � . �� CITY �ZA1�TI�TING BOARD OF SAINT FAU� lO1Q Co�erce Bxailding Saint Paui, Mirinesot� SS101 P�tOPOSED RU�ES OF I�ROCEDUIt� FOR THE BOARB 0�` �0�1.�.*IG �' GI1"Y OF SAINT PAUL Ax'ticle I �.��. S�ction ly N�aee: The name of this orgaEtization is t��e Board o�' �?aizin� af �::_.. - .�.:m.. Saint Paul�, as pxovided for in Chapter 64 ef the City'a T,e�islative Cod� as a�:�nded, Sectican 2� Offices: Th� administrative of.fi�es of ttae Bc�ard sha�1 b� Roam :�..��,...�, _ 10Y0 ':���ce Building. Sectiot� �e 0'�a,�ectives: The objectives of th� Ba��c� shall be t�ie carrying ._::,�.2.n----. - - c�u� nf ttie gxov�sic�ns of Ghapters 60 thro�agh 64� of the �,�gist�Cive Zos�i�ag Codeo Articte 7I S�ceion ].. Azaxival Me�ting: Th� annuai meeting oi the Zoning Boax:d sh�a�.�. be held the aecond �eting in Feb�ruaryo Section 2e R��ular Mer�tin�s: Regul.ar a�etings oiE tFae F3aard shal� tse held in �he Ci�y aud County HMsilding or where eYsewhere desiguated zs�on xaat�.c� f��m the Co�mi�sioner of P�r�rs fl PFaygro�snds and Pubtic Buildings ot ;�ai�t Pa�L c�x� th.� €ixst and tt�i�d Thursday of each �nonthe Sectior� 3� S�i�ciat Meetin� Speciai meetings m�y b� ���,Led at ra,�ci� �im��> sb the Co�nissi.on�er or City ConnciP may dete�mineo Sec�ion �aa uosum: Faur members of the Bomrd sh��i �anstitute a t�ualc�ma �n c€��e the�re shall b� na qe�o�.tm on the day fixed fox � m��1�=° v� specia�. �eeti�;� the Board me�nbe�s p�eseat aaay acP�joura from ti� to t3.�.e unf;i3. � q�onim is pges�ns:� Sec�.i, o�a 5 Mee�ing. :Votices: Notice in� earitin� sha11 b�, sent to �?F �embe�s o:� aregu�.a� meeting�Y and the members slh�tl be aotifzed ar. �.���t t��nt�-•�:�susc hou�s i�� advance of a� sperial m�eting or an ac3�c+ux�n�d meetingo '� I��Zvding c&��u�e� rec�nmended by th� Boa�d �f Z�r�.ing a� +anrsary ��� ���a�� .. Z _ _ .s Section 6e Procedures Prior. to Bo��rd Meetin�: Z'he follawing ruLes of proc�dnre sh�ll be followed ia bringing anp matter before the Board for .i.ts consid�ratian; Ae Pnbiic Hearia� (I) The Board shalt hold a public h�ariug on aIl matters cosning before the Board invalving s petition, appeaL or permito tZotice of �he time9 pl�ce �nd purpas� of s�ch hea�ing �hall be m�iled at least ten days befe�re the day of the heariag ta each a�wner o� the sffcected property and propertq situa�ted wholZy or $art�y saithin 200 feet of ttte px'oge�tty C� whiCh the getitions ap�eaL or permiC , Y�Z.8tB8a (21 There shaLl be at least five (5) working days after any petitfons appeal, or per�mit has been referred to the Board of Zanin�� to determine if all necessary £orms, legal d�scriptiaas� maps� platsfl and d�ta pertaining thereto are comptete and su£ficient fa� Board of Znning coa�sideratioao {3) If the supporting documents are faund to t�e incompleee ox insuf- f'iCfeilt' the Board oE Zoning sha1L return the ma�ter to the petitioners sppe2laca� or egplicant� stating the r�asons �ox its rejeCtioaa (4) If all nec�ssary snpportiag documents ax�e. cc�mptete� ti�� Board of Zouing shall file a requ�st with the �vu�:�,issiaaer o£ Finan�� to set a date for a public �ea�iug before the Zoning Board� an� ta mail the necessary notices for such hearin$e The day of t�ie pubLic hearing sha�l be no sooner than twenty (2�J) wo�ckiag days fraas the date of �uch requesta B, Ttie Agenda fox each meetiing of the Board shaYl be d�veloped by t�►� Directox o� City I'lanning. Co 'I'�e Di�eetr�r o€ City �Ianning shall psegar� a �laritten bri�fe �or�cise a�d ao�slasiv� technic�Y study otc r�port on tk�� matters to �+� h�ard, W�ien �x�actiaal, theae xeports shall be mailed r_o the Bo�xd ��nbers befor� the meetiago Sectivu Ta Procedures for th� Boasd M�e�tin�s Th� fo�Lo�raing rul�s u€ p�ac�- da�r� sk��13, be �oklaa�d �hen any mstter �equising a pub�ic n.eariQg is Ii�a�d b�for� t,"n� }3a�Yde A� Th� re�aorr �f th� Dixector of City PlannfugA witla �tts ea�nc�la�sions� sha�.� be p�esented on the indiaidual matt�x� o�ra the agend�o kia The petiti�aer� appellt�nt� om applicsntr o� his r�presentatives s�al�. then be hearde - 2 - 1 .^ �;n '�fnos�: cspp:�s�d to the mat�en shalY thc:� be h�arr�� �U After hea�ing alt thase aff�ct�ed by rhe m�tte�� the Boardfl bp �ajority vcrte aF thos� p$es�a�t, shalA saake a �EC�adaxion on the mattea� and shatl tr�as�i.t i.n w�citiaga by th� Secreta�yp its reecm�nemdatian ta� ttce Caua�ciT£ ta�eth�� �rith th� xea�oas� thereof, aad the vote o� each memberFl E� On motion duly �acl�„ s�condesd* aad carried,the Board maya by e�aa� r.hirds v�n�e oF the �nbEre g�esent at aay uneeting�, sanspena� the rua.es and cox�s i_+��er aray i t�m fcog w�i�h no pub 1 ic he a�c ing is aequ i�ed a wh ir.� it� was not isaeluded iax the prepared Agendaa Articl� III Section lo Boaad of 2o�ing A3�embexship: By virtue of Chapt�r 6�'�s02 af th� _ , Cityfrs Legisiecive 2oning Cod� as ameaded, the 2aning Cau�itte� of the City Plsa�ning Board wit� the additi�rn of the City Arcteitect shall be the Board af Zoniag� Section 2e Zonin� Cas�uittee Member�hip: As set forth in the rules of the _a.r..err.�so w a..�� s.�..d-a.w�rs.�w.�s.na City PLaa�ni.x�g Boa�a3� the Zonin� Canmitte� shall conaist o€ four (4� members �nnd three (3) �ltern�tes, '1"diP Chairman of th� Planning Baarc3 sha1l automaticalYy be the fixst alteriaet�•r,�Ye n�nes of the s�cond aad third alterrnates sh�l.l be specifi� ca11y designated as s�cond and thirde AtternateF shn�.L serve ia their numericaL ord�r o�f �ppai�tmea�t� AYternates wi1L be ca�.Ied to sercve in the absenc� of any reguta� member and sh�el� rerve with the sa�e authority deiegated to the r��ula� tnerabLra o Sect�,ion 30., Oath of Offic�: At the anuual meetiag, the B�oa�d $hali t�ke the usual nat�of offiaen Artic�e ZV Section lo Offia��xs_: The o�ficers nf the Board shaLl consist ofr a Qxa�.x�man� Vice Chairmaa� r�nd Secretary, �nd thr�s� ofrficers shall coust�.tute an E�:cativ� Com�ari��ee m Section 2a Etection of Officers� At the einauai 1si�CCitiga the Baard �halL elect a Chairmana Vic� Chsizman aad Secretary. Each shall hotd his respective office until the seret aaaual meeting or uutil his succeesor is elect�ds Sectioa 3, Bv►ties of the Chairmax�� 7he Chairmaa eha�l preside at the meetiags of the Board� Sectioa �e Duties of the Vice Chairmans The Viee Chaire�aa ahall act in the __-.m..__�.._�� �baenc� o;� tEie Chairffian at emy meetingo S�ction Se Duties af the Secretarv: Tfie aecsetary ehalt s�e that a true aad coneplete record of the proceedings of the Board aad of the Ez�cutive Cammittee ia lceptk. and shall siga tett�rs aad reports by the Bosrd to Couacile - 3p , .. - . , , � Sectioa 6. Duties of the Di.rector of City Plaanin�; �he DisectoY of City e:=.s.w.wr:s r�+na .� r wr � a�u�w.vo�w Plaaniag s�aall be the custodian o£ tbe mi�►ute boaks of th� I3oard of 2oning� committee reports, documeats9 maps, madeYso end equipment �laich properlq beloag to rhe Boarde He shall advise the Board of matters submitt�d to the Boa�d by tiae �ncil which crn�es under its particular �urisdiction ar�d �hall matu� surcveys anc! studies ar�.d do such �esearch work as is required to adv..se the BoaYd of ail the facts in the matter, Arti�cle V 3ection 1. �endments: These R�ules or anq one of the� may be ameaded at axty regular meeting of the Board, but any proposed aax�nd�nt sh�Y�I be mailed to the Boaxd members at Ieast fi�e (5) days before action is taken thereon. Article V2 Section 1. R�emoval �Yom Board: In the event an apgoirs,t�d member is abseat fram thre� consecutine r��ular meetings� unl�ss. excused by tt►e Chai�onaxi of th� I�oardn the Chairmsn may recoa�nd that the Chaitmaa of the Citq Plaaning Board �equest the r�esignstion of such m�mbe� f.ram the Board, Gerald Kimbal�. LC 1-23�&S .� y _