D001279C I T Y O F S A I N T P A U L OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ovea copies ro: c�er�c t�9��q - Filqnce DeP��s AeCOUM(�q Division - Re9u�tl�9 DePt AD1��NISTRATIYE ORDER: BUDGET REVI5ION !b: Oate: ADMMISTRA7NE ORDER, Consistent wifh the authority grented to fhe Mayor in Secfion 10.07.4 of llie City Charter and based on the request of fhe Director of the Departrnent of Executive Administration - Badget Office to amend tlie 1997 budget of the Generai Fund, the Director of the Office of Financial Services is authorized to amend said budget In the following manner. DEPARTMENT 8 DMSION: PUND AND AGTNITY• FROM: General Fund - Generel Government Accounts Pinancial Forms Printing 001-09080-0242 Dupiicating - all pracesses All other spending TO: \ Generai Fund - Generai Government Accounts C18 Ccmmittee Per Diem 001-09063-0219 Fees - other prof¢ssional services • NI other spemfing NETCHANGE �C �o��� ���7"'" �•-f" (09063 y b9 97 ed by: Activ Manager Date equestetl by: Department Director Date CURRENT APPROVED AMENDED BUDGET CHANGES BUDGET 14,000 (4,000) 10,000 72,400 0 72,400 86,4U0 (4,0�0) 82,4A0 4,500 4,000 8,500 0 0 0 4,500 4,000 8,300 � �Q� ��� Appr v 6y: Ma or Ga}e X:WSERSYBUDGETNI3�XESOWTMO pEROM W/f9IB> u�ota Office of Finarrcial Serviczs - Bruce Engelbrekt 266-8546 OFSIGNATUREPAGES c«K IGT. SERVICES OIR ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Approval of $4,000 transfer from General Govemments: Financial Forms Printing to Ge�erai Govemment Accounts: CIB Committee Per Diem to pay for additional meeting costs related to the 1997 CIB Process. PUWNINGCOAIMASSpN C19 COMMITSEE StAFF DISTRICT GOURT a�IRI _ �� s�� i o7i2srs� '�°' []crrvnrrorw�v �� �^� OBUIX3E�qRECTOR anoat nMAYOR (ORAS55TANT) PERSONK SENV ICE COMfROC15 MUST NlSriIX TNE POLL OV/YIG CllE57 W NS: �ExpN4 aY Ya anvers m sepenhe sheetaM apacn byreen sMet) 1. Has Nis P�rm everKwked undera coritractiorNa depaNnem? YES MO 2 Has fhis Pe�1m EVdl628� e ti(y @Rlpby¢2? VES Id0 3. Ooestlns persoMim p�sess a sWlf not notmallY possessed by any wrreMCity employee? VES NO PR06LE�1, ISSYE. oPPORiUNRY (�. MAUt. NMn. Where. N�M: Members of the CIB Committee receive a$25 per diem for each official Committee meetiog or activity. Per diem costs are significantly higher in odd cale�dar years when the CIB Process is carried out. There is currently insufficient budget to cover al) per diem costs incurred to date and anticipated through year's end. The CIB Gommittee Per Diem budget will be adequate ta cover all per diem costs for the balance of 1997. None. The Financiai Forms Printing activity has sufficient budge# to cover ali 1997 cosis and stili permit a transfer of $4,000 out. CIB Committee members wouid not receive per diems which they have eamed and are entiHed to. Twwsecmr+ $4,0�0 - Net change $� cosrmEVenue auoc�o �Gnc�.e ose� res oa General Fund - General GovYAccts xmmHUr�n ovoso, 090� � V� Off�ceofFina'wialServices-8utlgetSeclion H:ll1SERSENGELNYs�7997G8�CSPERpMWKA �7f{9197 CTTY OF SAINT PAUL, NIINNESOTA �J • ADMII�TISTRATIVE ORDER BUDGET REVISION 1. City Clerk 2. Finance 3. PED No. �� � 2. �� Date:�� Consistent with the authority grarzted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter, the Mayor amends the Cultural STAR Program Budget in the amount shown. Three CuZtural STAR projects have been dropped or withdrmvn. This Administrative Order eliminates the project budgets and transfers the funds back to the Cultural STAR Program budget to be used on other projects. The Director of the offzce of Financial Services is instructed to amend the 1997 Cultural Capital Invesmtent Program (STAR) budget in the following manner: Sales Tax Revenue Fund Gurrent Ghange Amended Budget Budget Cuitural Loan Program P7-930-90309-7304-00000 0 $40,000 40,000 Cuitural Grant Program P7-930-90310-7304-00000 0 $26,500 $26,500 Totals 0 $66,500 $66,500 # Project Name Current Change Amended Budget Budget 95-508 Fitzgerald Capital Improvements 12,500 (12,500) 0 P7-930-90310-0547-77039 96-541 Seventh Place Plaza P7-930-90310-0547-77066 14,000 (14,000) 0 96-544 Commerce Building P7-930-90309-0547-77068 40,000 (40,000) 0 Totals 66,500 (66,500) 0 Prepared y: tivity anager Requeste by: Department Director ��i`'�'`—(� v ' " YY� `' �--�v� A oved by: Budget D°uector oZ [ '—� � Date: •