236892 2��8�? co��Fue xo...�...�... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. ' Theunde�edhereby propoeeethemaldngof thefollowingpubliaimprovement by the City oi 8aint Psul,vis.: reconstruct the sidewalk on both sides of Ba ard Ave. from Canton St, to Ba� St. ._....................._____......................-•---........................._.........�:...........................»........................................ ...._............ and b�.doin��all other work which is necessarY..and incidental to com�lete said im- ..P._rovement. ...............................................................-----......... ........................._____..........................._...............----........... ................ Dsted thie.... 30ths.......dsy o4.................Januar.Y...................... ..............., lg ..6�,8, .......---»......... ..........._�.......�.�..r.!G�'.»�...�.. .�!. ............... Counoilman. PRELIMINARY ORDElZ. WHEREAB, A written propoeal for the making of the following impsovement, vis.s reconstruct,the _sidewalk,on both_sides of.Bayard _Ave. .from .Canton_St:_.to _Bay_St:.�'r and by ddng all other work which is necessary and incidental to complete said imA ...........................................................................__-------..._._.._........-----........................................_................_...................._..._.. provement. ...._.....................................................................___........_.........---............--•-••-----............---..............................-----•---.......»........_ _........................................................................._____..................---•----.._.....--------•---.........._....._...................._............................_ l� having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul.------...._.._............................•---.........................._......... �herefore, be it �\� R.ESOLVED, That the Commisaioner of Publio Worka be and ie herebq ordered and direoted: � ` 1. To investigate the necesaity for� or deairsbility of,,the making of eaid improvement. 2. To inveetigate the nature� extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total ooat thereof. 3. To furnieh s plan, proSle or aketch of said improvement. � 4. To stete whether or no�eaid improvement ie seked for oa�he petitiom of t�ree �r more ownere. b. To report upon all of t,he foregoing mattere to the �mmiesioner of Finanoe. Adopted by the CounciL.._..-•--•........................_..............---•���V_� t�.1g68 Yses Councilman Carlson ,j�� � � 1��� � D a 1 g 1 i s h Apptoved.........................................._......--••---•---....... Holland Meredith Peterson . ' Tedesco ----•-•-= •• •• • • ---- Mr. President Bytrre Mayor. •000 �.a4 � — � Pl�gt�s�t�e FEB 3 1968