236883 , � � ' 23�8�3 . INTERMEDIARY ORDER �OUNCIL FILE Na By_, File No. Sti4A-� � In the Matter of constructing and/or reconatructing th� sideaalk on the south side of BastMsgaolia Avent�e from Duluth Street to At1�x�ic Street and on th� north �ide of Eaat l�agaolia Aven�e fram Daluth Street tn Bnrnquist Street and by doiag all other work whieh is necessary and incidental to cetplete said isprc►ve�e,nt � . . . . � +'.N - �d r�-1,:. . . _ _ � ' �w � . . . � . , � �:�� . . under Preliminary Order�-236488 ap�roved Janu�r� 5,` 1958 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance. upon t�he above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted,'and the said improvement is hereby ordered ta be proceeded with. 2. That the n�ture of the improvement which the Council recom�nent�s is � to coastruct and/or reconstrnct the sideWalk on the gouth side o� Eaat �gaolia �.:�. �_�� ���+;;��.sw,at ...3w�_.�.:�,;.-, :;:.�. .. .._ �,._..w ' �wacie frau Dexluth Stre�t to Atlaatic Street aad oa:the �rorth''side of Bast Magnolia k,, Aventie froa Dulnth Street to Burnquist Str+�et and by doimg all other work which is necessary asd iacideatal to conplete said improvedent, except vhere good and sugfi�ient poured sidewelks now exist with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 3.25 ner lin ft fcar 'S' �i.de walk $ 3.80 per lin ft for 6' wide walk...:;:. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 29th day of Fabr�ary, 1968 , at the hour of 10 o'clock A.M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City.Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That-the Commissioner of Finance give notice of � said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter,`stating the time and plaoe of heaxing,' the na.ture of the improvement and the total oost thereof as estimated. COUNCILIUIEN JAN � Q 19G� Adopted by the Council Yeas �.,����,� Nays �p� � � 19�$ � s::.,_�r:d APPro fd�eret��th � Fe�tei sot� n Favor • Tedesco • � Mayor Byrne : _ _ A��n�t �u��FS�� FEe 3 �9ss- 6-66.2M '�°� a.l