04-453��-r5 ��� - ��S�D�
coun�il F;le # —453
Green Sheet# ��`
Referred To
Committee Date
Resolution to approve District Cooling SL Paul, Inc.'s request to amend their customer bi[ling rates.
1 WHEREAS, District Cooling St. Paul, Inc. filed a notice on July 17, 2003 and an official affidavit on September 17,
2 2003 norifying the City of Saint Paul of a proposed cooling rate increase. The cooling rate increase became effective
3 in October 2003, unril approved or denied by the Saint Paul City Council pursuant to Section .11(e) of the District
4 Cooling Franchise; and
5 WHEREAS, District Cooling St. Paul, Inc. agreed to an extension for review of the request by the City of Saint Paul
6 until May 5, 2004; and
7 WHEREAS, evidence and recommendations have been presented to the City Council in the manner of a City staff
8 report submitted to the City Council on April 12, 2004, in conjunction with a public hearing on this matter; now
9 therefore be it
10 RESOLVED, the Fiscal Year 2004 cooling system customer billing rates proposed by District Cooling St.
11 Paul, Inc. appear to be reasonable in today's market conditions, and thus formal approval by City Council
12 Resolution is recommended based on the following:
1) The cooling demand rate changes from $22.82 to $23.28 per ton per month, an increase of 2.0 %.
2) The cooling energy rate remains $0.061 per ton-hour. If actual energy costs are less than
estimated, customers receive a refund, and be it;
16 FURTHER RESOLVED, District Cooling is operating in an expanding/growth mode; therefore, it is
- - - - ... - - �
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21 2) District Cooling provide the City with an opporhxnity to review, at the District Cooling offices,
22 the confidential and proprietary four year pTan related to system expansion and capitai
23 maintenance, with anticipated debt financing and, or refinancing, whenever a customer billing
24 rate application is submitted; and be it
recommended that:
25 FURTHER RESOLVED, it was difficult for City Staffto determine the appropriate level of cash and
26 reserve balances required for all current and anticipated needs of District Cooling's operations for 2004 and
27 for the foreseeable future; therefore it is recommended that:
i) District Cooling's Board of Director's continue to specify desired cash balances and reserves for
general operations, rate stabilization, debt service, and capital repair and maintenance which
includes supporting docuxnentation as to why these amounts aze at an appropriate level for both
4 rate payers and the company, and a policy for spending these reserves.
6 2) District Coolzng provide the Ciry with an opportunity to review, at the District Cooling offices,
7 the confidential and proprietary Boazd of Director's policy statements whenever they are adopted,
8 amended or when a customer billing rate application is submitted; and be it
9 FINALLY RESOLVED, any modifications to the Cost Allocation Agreements for District Energy, District
10 Cooling and Market Street Energy can have a significant effect on both annual budgets and billing rates;
11 therefore it is recommended that:
12 1) District Cooling notify the City of any changes to the cost allocation agreements and provide the
13 City with the most current cost allocation agreements.
** Amended lanugage for lines 18-20 (Page 1)
District Cooling provide documentation to the city that the current customer billing
rate will remain iust, reasonable and nondiscriminatorv to customers in the future a
year �uuu.
�4 b s tc.-I.�
Requested by Departmem o£
Office of Financial Services
By: �
Form Approved by City Attorney
„ :, .
� Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet 5 �
Departmentloffice/counci4: Date Initiated:
Fs -����;ats�� ,2-APR� Green Sheet NO: 3014875
CoMact Berson & Phone � Department Sent To Person Initial/Date
Lori Lee 0 ' n"al ervi
266-$$22 ASSign 1 "nancial Servic De ar�ent Director
Must Be on Council qqenda by (Datej: Number g - nanciat ervi O c Itinancia Se '
2&APR-04 For - �
Roating 3 i Atto ne
Order 4 r' ffice dAssista t
5 ouncil i Council
6 i ler i eTk
Total # of Signafure Pages _(Clip All Locations forSignature)
Adion Requested:
Approval of Dishict Cooling's request to amend the Fiscal Yeaz 2004 cooling customer billing rates.
Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R): Personal Service Contrects Must Answer the Following Questions:
Planning Commission 1. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this department?
CIB Committee Yes No
Civil Service Commission 2. Has this personffirm ever been a city employee?
Yes No
3. Does this persoNfirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any
current city employee?
Yes No
� Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet
initiating Problem, lssues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): � �
In accordance with the cooling francbise agreement, Disfrict Cooling has filed notice to amend Schedule A of Saint Paul Legislarive
Code, Appendix K, as amended. The City Couacil must review the evidence of this rate case and approve or deny theu request. The
attached resolution recommends �pproval of the new rates_
AdvaMaS�es If Approved: ' � .
Dishict Cooling's demand rate will be sufficient to cover demand-related costs.
DisadvaMages If Approved: �
DisadvanWges If Not Approved: �
The rates would not be sufficient to cover demand-related costs.
ToTal Amount of CostlRevenue Budgeted:
Trensadion; '
Funding Source: Activity Number: ���� �¢��`���'� �'����
Financial information:
(Explain) �FR 19 2�04
City of Saint Paul
Interdepartmental Memorandum
To: Council Members
From: Lori Lee
Date: May 5, 2004
Subject: Amendment to Item 32 CF 04-453
At the public hearing on Aprii 28, District Cooling requested that the resolution approving
the cooling rate be amended by strikiug out the staffrecommendations begimiing on page
l, line 16. Stating they were outside of the Franchise and the provisions of (Sec.) 11.
In response, Lisa Veith, Assistant City Attomey and member of the Franchise Team has
reviewed this language. In her opinion "the council, as rate regulator and pursuant to the
applicable franchises, has the legal authority to approve the recommendations set forth in
both of these resolutions", with the exception of recommendation 2, which limits the rate
to FY 2008 (lines 18-20).
District Cooling has a point that the francliise states that proposed changes to the rate can
only be approved or denied, and cannot be modified or amended.
Therefore staff recommends the following amended language to lines 18 - 20.
District Cooling provide documentation to the city that the current customer billing
rate will remain just, reasonable and nondiscriminatory to customers in the future
as required by the franchise agreement if they do not request a rate change before
fiscal yeaz 2008.
The team believes the remaining recommendations are necessary and required to fulfill the
city's regulatory duties and to protect the city's investment. The City is not only this
franchise's rate regulator; it is also a customer and an investor in the company.
Page 1 of 1
Lori Lee - District Cooling Rate Resolufion
From: Lisa Veith
To: Lee, Lori
Date: 4/29l2004 3:29 PM
Subject: District Cooling Rate Resolution
CC: Cervantes, Manuel; Hurley, Todd; Moermond, Marcia
L,ori: this comes in response to your quesrion at our meeting today. I reviewed and approved both the
Heating and Cooling Resolutions regarding rates prior to submission to Council. As I understand it, you
plan to amend the language of Cooling rate recommendation no. 1 to be more in line with the heating
rate recommendation.
My opinion remains the same that the council, as rate regulator and pursuant to the applicable
franchises, has the legai authority to approve the recommendations set forth in both of these resolutions.
Lisa Lynn Veith
Assistant City Attorney
400 City Hall and Courthouse
15 W. Kellogg Boulevard
City of St. Paul, MN 55102
(651) 266-8710
file://C:�Documents%20and%20Settings�lee�I,oca1%20Settings\Temp\GW}00002.HTM 5/5/2004
City of Saint Paul
Interdepartmental Memorandum
To: Council President Bostrom
Councilmember Benanav
Councilmember Harris
CounciImember HeIgen
Councilmember Lanhy
Councilmember Montgomery
Councilmember Thune
Matt Smitk, Director ofFinanciaT Service ��--
Lori Lee, Office of Financial ServicepJ%�
April 12, 2004 `
Subject: StaffReport Regarding District Cooling's Rate Increase Request
District Cooling submitted a request to the City of Saint Paul on September i7, 2003
stating that a rate increase wauld go into effect October 2003. Dishict Cooling agreed to
extend the deadiine for the review and approval of the cooling rates to May 5, 2004. The
attached staffreport pzovides an overview of District Cooling's request and the Rate
Review Team's recommendarions.
The public hearing has been requested for Apri128, 2004. After the public hearing is
closed, Council should direct staff to submit the appropriate resolution. It is imperative
that the Council decide whether to approve or deny District Cooling's request on oz before
May 5, 2004. If the Councif does not pass a resolution by May 5, 2004, District Cooling's
rate increase request is automaticaTly approved per the District Cooling Franchise
If you have any questions, please contact Matt Smith (266-8796) or Lori Lee (266-8822).
cc: Mayor Kelly
Dennis Flaherty
Anders Ryclaker
Andrew Kasid
Franchise Review Tea�n
Todd Hurley
Lori Lee
Marcia Moermond
Lisa Veith
Legislative Aides
Ellen Biales
Jennifer Dunn
Imani Jaafar-Mohunmad
John Marshall
Jane Prince
Scott Renstrom
Donna Swanson
Renee Tyler
G:\Shared\O F S�Franchises\DHDC Rate Review�2004Vteport Cover Memo.wpd
City of Saint Paul
Interdepartmental Mexnorandum
To: Matt Smith
Financial Services
From: I,ori Lee, Ch V��� i C
Franchise Re ew eam
Date_ April 9, 2004
Subject: Staff Report for Proposed Fiscal Yeaz 2004 District Cooling Rates
This memorandum discusses the Franchise Review Team's analysis of District Cooling St.
Paul, Inc. proposed rate changes for fiscal year 2004.
Pursuant to Section .11(e) of Saint Paul Legislative Code, Appendix K(City Ordinance
17816, adopted March 28, 1991); District Cooling St. Paul, Inc. filed notice on July 17, 2003
with the City Clerk of its intent to change cooling rates effective October 1, 2003. The
company stated in this request that the proposed rate changes were determined in accordance
with the District Cooling Service Agreement and approved unanimously by the Board of
Directors on June 13, 2003.
Subsequently, on September 17, 2003, District Cooling St. Paul, Inc. filed an affidavit with
the City, along with an amended Schedule A. The affidavit confirmed that all signed District
Cooling customers were notified of the proposed rate changes and the required customer
meeting was held on August 13, 2003.
The Franchise Team, requested additional information regarding the cooling rate increase.
Todd Hurly, Lori Lee and Marcia Moermond met with Dishict Cooling staff Joyce Anderson
and Andrew Kasid to review District Cooling documents and clarify District Cooling's
responses to the team's questions.
Froper notice, publication, and public hearing on the proposed rate changes will be completed
by Apri128, 2004, within the agreed upon extension time line. These steps, along with the
process to date, satisfy ali procedural requirements of the franchise agreement.
Staff Report for Proposed FY 2004 Dishict Cooling Rates
Page 2
District Cooling St. Paul, Inc. proposes the following changes to Schedule A:
The cooling demand rate changes from $22.82 to $23.28 per ton per month, an increase of
2.0 %.
2_ The cooling energy rate will remain at $0.061 per ton-hour.
3. No changes to District Cooling Service charges are proposed.
The team reviewed:
• Comparison of cooling rates
• Change in overall rates
• Cost allocation agreement
• Customer Survey Results
Demand ($fton/mo)
Energy ($/ton hr)
Overall cost at 1200 hrs
Increase as %
Demand ($/ton/mo)
Energy ($/ton hr)
Overall cost at 1200 hrs
Energy (after rebate)
Chanee in Overall Rates
• Capital Plan
• Capital expenditures
• Debt Service Obligations
• Reserve Accounts
Actual Actual
FY 2000 FY 2001
$21.73 $21.73
$0.055 $0.057
$0.273 $0.274
Actual Actual
FY 2002 FY 2003
$22.38 $22.82
$0.056 $0.058
$0.279 $0.286
FY 2004
0.00% 0.00% 2.99% 1.97%
0.00% 3.64% -1.75% 3.57%
0.00% 0.37% 1.82% 2.51%
$3,591,007 $4,594,096 $4,973,090 $5,492,837
$1,177,363 $1,305,572 $1,334,457 $1,427,541
Over the past ten years, overall cooling rates have increased by an annual average of 1.7%.
The proposed 2004 rate assumes a 5.1% growth in customer demand.
The demand rate covers operations and maintenance; general and administrative; reseazch
and development; debt and capital expenses. Total demand related cost are expected to
increase by $543,106, due to an increase of $695,597 in net cash debt service requirements.
The energy rate is a pass through to the customer. The rate is based on the projected cost of
electricity, which is the major fuel source for cooling. If actual costs are less than budgeted,
customers receive a refund. The actua12003 energy rate was $0.058 compared to the 2003
budgeted rate of $0.061. District Cooling refunded customers a totai of $81,692.
Staff Report for Proposed FY 2004 Dashict Cooling Rates
Aprii 9, 2004
Page 3
Cost Allocation between Heatine and Cooling
Allocated costs between District Energy and District Cooling are based on the Cost
Allocation Agreement dated October 1, 1991 as approved by the Board of Directors. This
agreement provides that jointly used plant labor, maintenance, distribution and general and
adwinistrative items are allocated based on the percentage of energy sales for each company.
All other personnel costs are allocated based on a d'uect allocation of time sheet information.
Below is the calculation of the cost allocation percentage from FY 2002 to FI' 2004. The
actual FY 2003 allocarion from cooling to heating is $944,344.
Cost Allocafion Percentage FY-2002:
Enerev Assumptions: TOTAL
District Energy - Demand (K4� 164,250
District Energy - Energy Sales (MWH) 300,000
DC - Demand (Tons) 18,183
DC - Energy Sales (Ton-hr) 21,507,942
DC - Energy Sales (Mwh) (Ton-hrs X 0.0035) 75,278
Cost Allocation Percentage [DC Sales /(DC Sales + DE Sales)] 20.06%
Cost AIIocation Percentage FY-2003:
EnerQV Assumutions: TOTAL
District Energy - Demand (KW) 168,500
Dish Energy - Energy Sales (MWH) 315,000
DC - Demand (Tons) 19,338
DC - Energy Sales (Ton-hr) 22,400,000
DC - Energy Sales (MWII) (Ton-hrs X 0.0035) 78,400
Cost Allocarion Percentage [DC Sales /(DC Sales + DE Sales)] 19.93%
Cost Allocation Percentage FY-2004:
Enerev Assumptions: TOTAL
District Energy - Dexnand (KW) 171,500
District Enexgy - Energy Sales (MWH) 320,000
DC - Demand (Tons) 20,900
DC - Energy Sales (Ton-hr) 23,600,000
DC - Energy Sales (MWH) (Ton-hrs X 0.0035) 82,600
Cost Allocation Percentage [DC Sales /(DC Sales + DE Sales)J 20.52%
Staff Report for Proposed FI' 2004 Dishict Cooling Rates
Page 4
Customer Survev Results
The City of Saint Paul, as the chief regulatory authority overseeing District Cooling, has had
no customer complaints in the tune period since its last rate increase. Dishict Cooling and
District Energy have joinfly undertaken periodic customer service surveys. District Cooling
reported that the 2003 customer survey had responses from 45% of their 163 customers. A
suumiary of the survey results indicates the foliowing:
Customers rated the following services as being extremely important to them:
A. Responsiveness (timeliness and reliability of sta�
B. Technical support (problem solving and planning)
C. Value (risk management, operating simplicity, training and cost control).
The survey noted that the main concern of customers had to do with the price of services. On
average, survey respondents indicated they found District Cooling's and District Energy's to
be a slightly better value than their competitors. (Rating of approximately 2.4 on a scale
where 2 is "the same as" and 3 is "superior to.")
Customers responded that District Cooling's and District Energy's communication, technical
support, responsiveness and environxnental responsibility were somewhat better than the
competirion. (Raring of approximately 2.6 on a scale where 2 is "the same as" and 3 is
On average, customers indicate they are satisfied with the services they receive; in some
cases, very satisfied. Information on "not satisfied" customers was not included in the
materials reviewed.
Capital Plan
District Cooling obtained a review of its Statement of Forecasted Repair and Replacement
Expenses for the yeazs ending September 30, 2004, 2005 and 2006 from an independent
consultant, Stanley Consultants. The consultant determined that the statement considered the
effect and timing of major non-recurring maintenance projects and found it to be reasonable
in relation to amounts forecasted in prior years.
The consultant also obtained written representation from District Cooling's management that
the Statement of Forecasted Repair and Replacement Expenses is complete and represents its
best estimate of future repair and replacement expenses, and that management believes that a
systematic process is followed in anticipating and preparing for required repair and
Staff Report for Proposed FY 2004 Dishict Cooling Rates
Apri19, 2004
Page 5
Capital Expenditures
The 2004 budgeted capital eacpense is $ 44,800 compazed to actua12003 eapenses of
$6,429,803. This aznount includes $3.9 associated with plant improvements and $2.5
associated with the distribution system. The decrease is due to the complerion of the new
chilled water storage tank on 10�' Street.
After the budget was approved, District Cooling issued two additional variable rate tax-
exempt bonds, in the amounts of $1 million and $3 million, to fund consriuction of new
distribution projects. Therefore, actual capital expenditures during 2004 may be closer to
$4 million.
Debt Service Oblieations
The net principal and interest paid on debt service obligations are covered by the demand rate
and represents 74% of 2004 budgeted demand related cost, exciuding capital expenditures
and use of reserves. The total approved net debt service budget for fiscal year 2004 is $4.8
million, which includes $1.6 million of principal and $3.2 million for interest expense. The
total principal outstanding as of September 30, 2003 was $50.2 million. Of this debt,
approximately $39.9 million is variable rate and $103 million is fixed rate. Therefore, with
80% of the debt outstanding being variable rate, it is difficult to accurately budget for the
interest expense. Distrlct Cooling has entered into interest rate cap agreements to limit the
interest rate expense exposure. One reason for the issuance of variabie rate debt is that
financial institutions are hesitant to provide financing for a period longer than the terms of
the current francMse agreement.
The Dishict Cooling Boazd of Directars approved the 2004 debt service budget in June of
2003 using an overall auerage interest rate of 5.6%. This was based on the long term rate
history of District Energy's 1982 Series A Bonds which had averaged 4.25% from January
1983 through June 2003, combined with estimated rates for District Cooling's taacable debt
and its applicable letter of credit fees. A similar method was used in estimating the interest
expense in each ofthe last two years, resulting in $1.2 million and $l.l million positive
variances in 20Q2 and 20Q3, respectively. District Cooling does not make mid-year budget
adjushnents for interest expense during the year. If rates are below the budgeted level, funds
are initially placed in reserve accounts and are used to offset other demand related costs. If
rates exceed the budgeted level, District Cooling will draw from reserves to meet the interest
expenses. However, with current variable interest rates at less than 1.5%, it is highly
unlikely that this will occur in 2004.
Reserve Accounts
On June 13, 2003, the District Cooling Board approved a policy statement in conjunction
with its 2004 budget establishing a Supplemental Debt Service and Rate Stabilization
Reserve account within the Operating Reserve. It authorized initial funding for this reserve
of $800,000. The purpose of this reserve is to enhance the financial stability of the company
and moderate the impact of fixture rate increases necessitated by the company's financial
Staff Report for Proposed FY 2004 Dishict Cooling Rates
Apri19, 2004
Page 6
The balances at year end for cash and selected reserve accounts were as follows:
Cash and Cash Equivalents
Operating Reserve
Debt Service Reseroe
Supplemental Debt and Rate Stabilization Reserve
Repair and Replacement Account
1. The Fiscal Year 2004 cooling system customer billing rates proposed by District Cooling
St. Paul, Inc. in their request dated September 17, 2003 appear to be reasonable in today's
market conditions, and thus, formal approval by City Council Resolurion is
2. District Cooling is operating in an expanding/growth mode. The team recommends:
A. The City Council approved customer billing rates for 2004, be limited to District
Cooling's operating years of 2004 through 2007; and, that a new customer billing
rate applicarion be submitted no later than fiscal year 2008.
B. District Cooling continue to provide the City with an opportunity to review, at the
District Cooling offices, the confidential and proprietary four year plan related to
system expansion and capital maintenance, with anticipated debt financing and, or
refinancing, whenever a customer billing rate application is submitted.
3. It continues to be difficult for City Staff to determine the appropriate level of cash and
reserve balances required for all current and anticipated needs of District Cooling's
operations for 2004 and for the foreseeable future. The team recommends:
A. District Cooling's Board of Director's specify desired cash balances or reserves for
general operations, rate stabilization, debt service, and capital repair and
maintenance which includes supporting documentation as to why these amounts are
at an appropriate level for both rate payers and the company, and a policy for
spending these reserves.
B. District Cooling continue to provide the City with an opportunity to review, at the
District Cooling offices, the confidential and proprietary Boazd of Director's policy
statements whenever they are adopted, amended or when a customer biliing rate
application is submitted.
Staff Report for Proposed FY 2004 Distdct Cooling Rates
Apri19, 2004
Page 7
4. Any modifications to the Cost Allocarion Agreements far District Energy, District
Cooling and Market Street Energy can have a significant effect on both annual budgets
and biliing rates. The team recommends:
A. District Cooling notify the City of any changes to the cost allocation agreements and
provide the City with the most current cost allocation agreements.
cc: Franchise Review Team
Todd Hurley
Marcia Moermond
Lisa Veith
Q:�Shazed�FranchiseTeam�DADC Rate Review�DC Staff Report FY04.wpd
:,� �
4�� °°,.
Date: April 1, 2004
To: Councii President Daniel Bostrom
Councilmember Jay Benanav
Councilmember Patrick Harris
Counciimember Lee Helgen
Councilmember Kathy Lantry
Councilmember Debbie Montgomery
Councilmember Dave Thune
From: Marcia Moermond, Policy and Research Lead
and Franchise Team Member
Re: District Cooling Rate Increase
� A,t � '"
This memo is to request a pubiic hearing for April 28, 2004 to consider District Cooling's
request for a cooling rate increase pursuant to Chapter 16 of the Saint Paul City Charter, which
`Before any franchise ordinance is adopted or any rates, fares or prices to be charged by a
public utility are increased by the council, the council sha11 hold a public hearing on the
matter. Notice of such heazing shail be published at least once in the official newspaper
not less than ten (10) days prior to the date of the heazing."
District Cooling submitted a request to the City of Saint Paul on September 17, 2043 stating an
interim rate went into effect on October 1, 2003. An extension of the review and approval by
District Cooling was approved for the City of Saint Paul until May 5, 2003. Hereby, we formally
request a public hearing be set for Apri128, 2004 regarding this matter.
Copy: Matt Smith, Director of Financial Services
Lori Lee, Financial Services and Franchise Team Lead
Todd Hurley, Financial Services and Franchise Team
Lisa Veith, City Attorney's Office and Franchise Team
AA-ADA-EEO Employer
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St. Paul, Inc.
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September 17, 2003
Donald Luna
Citizen Service Office/City Clerk
170 City Hall
15 West Kellogg Boulevard
St. Paul, MN 55102
Re: District Cooling Rates
Dear Mr. Luna:
Pursuant to the district cooling franchise and previous notice �iled July 17, 2003,
District Cooling St. Paul, inc., hereby files its amended Schedule A. The rates therein
wifl be charged on all bills for chilled water service beginning with the billing month of
October 2003 and will remain in effect untii superseded.
This is a routine annual rate adjustment as envisioned by the franchise and the District
Cooling Service Agreement.
Please contact me at (651) 297-8955 if there are any questions regarding this matter.
1l!!.U/'�'�-vv� � G�-��_-
Anders J. RydakerJ
i . �.� ��iJi
Attachments: Schedule A (Amended)
cc: Matt Smith, Lori Lee, Manuel Cervantes, Sia Lo
Wilfiam Mahlum, Joyce Anderson, Andrew Kasid
granted to
District Energy Services, Inc.
by the
(Ordinance No. 17816, adopted March 28, 1991)
RATES: The following rates shall be effective beginning with the billing month of October 2003
and shall remain in effect until superseded:
Demand: $23.28 per ton per month
Energy: $0.061 perton-hour
PROMPT PAYMENT PROVISiON: A charge of 5 percent will be added to the net bill
computed at the rates shown above, which charge shall constitute a discount from the gross bili
for payment within the discount period, all as more specifically provided in the District Cooling
Service Agreement.
SURCHARGE: A City franchise fee surcharge of 3.5 percent will be added to the gross and net
monthly bills computed under this rate schedule except as otherwise provided by law.
SERVICE CHARGES: The attached service charges shatl be effective beginning with the
biiling month of October 2003 and shall remain in effect untii superseded.
Schedule A
Service Charges Effective October 2003
Pursuant to Sections 8.3 and 8.4 of the District Cooling Service Agreement as amended, the
following rates are established for performance of specific services more properly charged to an
individual Customer than to ali Customers as a whole. Service charges are payable within 30
days of billing and are in addition to Demand Charges and Energy Charges.
1. Restoration of service after shutoff by District Cooling:
Flat charge: $100.00
2. Damage to district cooling system equipment:
Actuai cost of repair or replacement as determined by District Cooling plus service
charge of $30.00.
3. Unauthorized drainage of district cooling system water:
The sum of the following:
(a) Estimated quantity of water lost times combined water and sewage rate and prorated
water treatment cost paid by District Cooling during period of drainage;
(b) Estimated thermal energy value of water lost times applicable Energy Rate; and
(c) Service charge of $70.00/hour.
Note: Drainage of system water may cause harm to other Customers and is cause for
suspension of service until corrected.
4. Service calis made at Customer's request by District Cooling personnel for
problems found to be in Customer's and not District Cooling's equipment:
Between 8:00 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. on Monday through Friday (excluding holidays
observed by Distric: Ccoling): $?0.00/hour
Ail other times: $105.00/hour
5. Charge for chiilesl water fiow excaeding 190 gallons per ton-hour during June,
July, August or September billing period: $0.60 per thousand gallons above 103
gallons per ton-hour.
6. Credit for chilled water flow below 75 gallons per ton-hour during June, July,
August or September billing period: ($0.60) per thousand gallons below 103 galions
per ton-hour.
Or-t- �153
District Cooling St. Paul inc. states the following facts with regard to the process followed in
communicating its FY 2004 cooling rates:
1. District Cooling gave notice of its intent to file a new or amended Schedule A in a letter
dated-July 17, 2003, filed with the City Clerk on that date.
2. District Cooling sent or delivered a notice of its rate filing and the related customer meeting
to all signed district cooling customers on July 21, 2003. The notice included the new rates
sought by District Cooling; the time, date, and place of the customer meeting; and the Notice of
Customer Rights. A copy of the notice was provided to the President of the Greater St. Paul
Building Owners and Managers Association (BOMA).
3. District Cooling held the required customer meeting on August 13, 2003, at 3:00 p.m. in
District Cooling's conference room, Hans O. Nyman Energy Center, 76 West Kellogg
Boulevard, St. Paul. Three people representing district cooling/heating customers attended,
along with three other individuals. Three members of the City's rate review staff also attended.
Copies of District Cooling's filing notice with the City, the proposed new Schedule A, and the
chilled water franchise (Ordinance No. 17816) were made available to meeting attendees. The
new rates were explained, customers were advised that the City Council must approve the new
rates before they become finally effective, and customers were allowed a reasonable
opportunity to comment on the proposed rates both formally and informally.
/ , � � �
t�l ,?/Yl � 1 �
Anders J. Rydakerl
�/� 7 ��,�
Date �
tls\ratesclg�aff idavt.doc
' �i,�� ���
Apri128, 2004
�� �s.3
District Cooling St. Paul ("District Cooling") STATEMENT regazding
Resolution 04.453-Approving District Cooling's Request to Amend the Fiscal
Year 2004 Cooling customer Billing Rates (Agenda Item No. 31, Public
President Bostrom and Members of the Council:
City Staff Report recommends approval of the District Cooling rate as filed. We wish
to thank the City Staff for this recommendation of approval. Please see
Recommendation No. 1 of the City Staff Report and the recommendations in the first
RESOLVED in the Resolution before the Council today.
However, the staff recommendations that aze set out after the first RESOLVED were
not District Cooling's proposed changes to Schedule A, and, therefore, are outside the
Franchise and the provisions of [Sec.] 11 of that document.
District Cooling and the City of Saint Paul entered into a Franchise Agreement in 1991.
That Franchise is a contract between the City and District Cooling. Sec. 11 of that
Franchise states:
[Sec.] .11. Rates and regulation.
(g) Proposed changes to Schedule A can only be approved, apnroved in
part if severable, or denied and cannot be modified or amended. The city
shall require DES to refund or credit to its customers any increases in
rates which are in excess of the lawful and reasonable rates as finally
deternuned. (Emphasis added)
Hans O. Nyman
Energy Center
76 Kellogg Blvd. W.
St. Paui, MN 55102-t6'I'I
Tel 65t297.8955
Fax 65t22L0353
wwv�.d is[ric[energy,com
District Cooling, consistent with past pracfices, is happy to consider the staff
recommendations set forth in Pazagraphs 2, 3 and 4 of the Staff Report, but, for the
record, District Cooling is not obligated to follow the staff recommendations.
Therefore, we respectfully request that the proposed Resolution be approved through
line 15 after the first RESOLVED. Commencing on line 16 and thereafter, the
Resolution should be amended to strika that language. As above, District Cooling will
consider the staff recommendations as set forth in the balance of the stricken
Thank you.