236842 � ORIG NAL TO CITY CLERK � 2j3�84� . . CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOENCIL NO. _ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK U CI R SOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE � DATF _—_ RF�OLVED� That the Council of the City of Saint Paul sha.11 and it hereby does approve and concur in the resolution of the Board of Water Commissioners of the City of Saint Paul adopted January 25, 1968, providing therefor and authorizing the execution of the proposed Service Agreement by and between �aid Board and Charles 0. Georgi covering professional engineering services and f'ixing the compensation payable therefor. �A� �� 1968 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19.— Yeas Nays � ('�'icrr"ii",_vi`r_— �J�B�''� ,� ' ��C1� Dalglish Approved � 19— Holland � Meredith In Favor Peterson � ' Mayor �'�-�— ,against Pl1�LI�i�E'3- ��t� � �96� Mr. President, Byrne �z2 � CITY OF ST. PAUL No._ 2080__���� OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS (��� RESO.LUTION —GENERAL FORM �`' COMMISS ONER Peterson Janua.ry 25, 1�68 — DATE �S� Ths Board of Y�t,er Ca�aissio�ers do�a not havo the forcea neceeeary For carrying on all field aurvey work r�1.��d to and reqnirad for or b�c�►uss ot pcteneions� maintenanQe and operationa af the water�rks aystem; nnd, WW�RFAS� The &sard heretofnre hae eatsrexl into an Agraea�at xith Charles 0. fleargif a prof�a�lor�tl engineer arni land aurreyor ragi,stered in th� 3t�,ts o�' Mi.nneeota and do�,ng bueir�e�s uader the na� o� Charles C3. Qaorgi Comp�ng, ior perfoz�teing esid fi�ld York and related servicss for and wr�ier the direation of th� Board; �►nd� WH�R�3, The terei af said Agre�nt hes ��red and. it being deen:ed de�esir�ble to aaAtinue t�t�e serv3.ae� c,� A�r. Qeorgi for the p�rpo�s afor+e�id under a r�vised t�ra af Agremment, �► c�opy �rhereof ie anne�d heret.a and by this refmr�ace inaor- parat�d ber+e3.n t.he �ms as if set forth hereiu verbatis, �t7W, T�BRl.�OR.E� � IT RE9t�QED, �r the Board af' 'to�ter Commiss#.onere the►t �.d prop�,�ed torm of Agree�nt ehall b� ,�nrl the a�anw 2�reby i� a�roved and t�hat t�s� Proper officera cf th� I3oerd s�li bs and t6ey hsrtby are a�nt�ariaad anci d3,reatred to s�aut�e ae3d AgareRem�ent when and wa appro�ect b� Corporatipn Caun�e2; and� � IT FU�iTIiffii I�OI�ti'�, �t a copy of thle rfsalutiam be preaer�ted Lo t�t Counc3l. +�P tl� �iLy oY 8�+3nt Paul and t�hat that hpnorabl� bvciy be reque�ted to confilrm e►nd rat►ity tlzi� act.ion ot t�e Board ot' �ter +Co�nisaioner$. State of Minnesota 1 County of Ramsey ` ss. City of Saint Paul � I, P. J. Clarke, Assistant Secretary of the Board of Water Commissioners of the City of Saint Paul, do hereby certify t t I have compared the ab ve c of a resolution of the said Board as adopted by the Board on � � , with the original thereof on file in my office and that said c p is a true and�r ect py of said original and the whole thereof. Witnes�e sea e Board of ater Commis ' s f ity of Saint Paul this �day of =A.D. �i � ssistant Secre[ary Q Water Commissioners Adopted by the Board of Water Commissioners Yeas Nays Dalglish _ Januar�g�_ 196� Peterson President Holland In favor�— Opposed � � ,-�=--- �" ASST. SECY. iM DY�LtCATR TO MttNTtR �!*��~�� .. , CITY OF ST. PAUL : Fo�NC�t NO- � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK – COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESlNTED !Y COMMISSIONE� DATF RE8�9�� Tl�t th� C�il of the Qity ot 84int Pat�l �hall and it h�rtb�r d�ws apprav�e and aonaur iu t�e reeolut3.on of tbe B�ard of �atsr Co�t.seioiNrs of t� City of Saint Paul adoptsd January 25, 1968, prov3.dirsg tZurefor a� authori�irig t�e szecut,f.on of t.he proposed Serviae �gi�ee�en� by and btt�sen t�al.d Hoard and f,�arlea 0. (3�orgi cov�ririg protee�c�aal engia�s�ri�g esrvio�s - and t`iad,ng Lt�e comp�tion payable theretor. �A� 2 61968 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19._._ Yeas Nays -F'�e�-- �2�i 1965 Dalglish Holland � Approved 19_ Meredith -�n Favor Peterson �y� T�a.� � � A sainst Mr. President, Byrne ��