236834 �' ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK CI I 1 OF ST. 23f 83L� PAUL FOENCIL NO. . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CO L RESOLU GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE DATE _ WHEREAS, Various Departments of the City of St. Paul have been aud presently are obligated to perform with their own forces a great variety of work under such general headings as new con- struction of streets, alleys� sewers, garbage and refuse collections and related miacellaneous activities together with general maintenance and repair work of streets� sewers and bridges� and also snow plowing and removal work� eCc. and WHEREAS� the City of Saint Paul does not have sufficient equipmenC to carry on such operations properly and efficiently without rentin� privatelp-owned equipment� and WHEREAS� a large percentage of such work is of an emergency nature and requires immediate action in order to operate to the benefit of the public welfare; artd WHEREAS, it frequently happens in connection with such activities that there exi�ts insufficient time to permit calling for competitive bids for the rent�� of the necessary items of equipment and ehe retentioa of services of operators of such equipment; and WHEREAS, the work to be done ie frequently of such a nature that it ia impoasible to know or ascertaia how long rented equipment and operators' services for such equipment may be needed; now� therefore� be it RESOLVED, That the Council finds Chat circumstat�ces presentlq exist where failure to act promptlq wili work an injury to the City and this Council� Cherefore, gives its coaeeat to and authorized the Purchasing AgenC of the City of Saint Paul� with the approval of the Mayor and the Comptroller, to continue in e£fect the authority of Resolution of the Council C. F. No. 208882� sub�ect to the terms conditions and provisione of said Reaolution, Co rent equipment requisitioned by Various Departments of the City of St. Paul for the additional period of one year, such rental to be on the basis of unit prices previously established b� competitive bid. APPROVED AS TO FORM: APPRO • � `7 \ on.��� 1� � �1..� 'lw ��0.. � ' � �SSISTANT CORPORATION CO L MAYOR 3 -�-=� . �^��L��= -- � ,. ._ �,..','�-_.':c�.,'�.k'�..�Yi�&° ���� COl� LER ` ;' _ __�::_:_ --------4 .i �� ;��va- . ,t / PURCHASING AGENT �A�� � � �9�� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 9— Yeas Nays ���� � � Carlson �-�&� Dalglish pproved 19____ Holland n Favor Meredith ^� , Peterson U Mayor Tedesco A Sa�t Mr. President, Byrne PllBLISH:EB JA� 2 �� ��� 1/19j68 Pranke/lb - �22 . DUlLICATt TO NtiNT[R CI� OF ST. PAUL �u��� NO. ��� . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F"� COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM /RESENTED�Y COMMISSION� DATF iiBS&E�.R� Variow prpas�snts of tbs C�tp of St„ Panl haw b�� a�# pYSSS�tly ara obZiga�d to �erfos� ni�h tbair e�rrn fore��• a great variaty o! �work mdar s�ch gs�s�i haadinga ar ue�r eo� strais�l.�oa 4f strrats� alisyr, sex�rs, garb��ge and �^afuss ealleatiau ,md aew��l,a�ed a�isarll�aa a��iti�i�es te►gathex Ni.tb ganeral maintsnanc� aad repair ror1� of streets, ss�ners and bs3,d�+ts� aad ais� a�cra pla�rtag aad rsao�ai �erk� stt. aad itS81lSAS� tHs City o! 9atn� P�tul doas not bav� anifieient eqni�eC to ca�► on s�h o�psaatis�qs ps�opssl� a�d elfici�tly �►itbav�t reating pr#wal:ely-v�mad sqaipmeat� and 1iASA�18, a largs p�scroe�tags ot anah w�ork is of an +a�rgeney as� a�d raqais�• i�rdis�t satiod i,n ordar to o�rnt� to the benetit of xhe p�blic �+�al�sra; and �RSA�� it fsaqwatl�r Iupp�as 3a aaemaatiat �rttll awth satir►ittss �hat th�ts s�dats iafalfiai.s�a � tir �o pss�it �ailing �or competiti�e bids fat tha senta� of tb� n�ess�ary itas oi +�sipr�s� ,;� and t� s�taatias► o!� s��eviet�s ot apsrator• of s�h eqtsipmant; and :,, NHSR8J8. t'!a �rosk to bs dons is fnqirantly oi� �s� a natast that it is i�possibl� �e► kno+r os � asdertain h+�r losa rant�d equip�ant and operators� ssrvic�s fo�r tnoh eqnipw�at � ba na�aed�, „ ;� ae�►, t�erslose� bs it �� ;�� RE30L1tSD, T�at t,�a Coemeil fiads that ciremostaneea praaent3� s:ist vher� lafl� to �t �� p�aeptl� �►i.i1 �►ork im injwry to tha City snd thi• Couaail* thssyfora, gi�s ita �t to �E• �, authos�ssd the Pm��ehas3ng Ag�nC e�f the City of Saint Panl, With the appsa�sl ai �I� Ma�or aat ,� t1u Cos�fts�ollsr� W r�tisus ia •l�fact the auChor�t� oi RssolaLion of t1� Co�n�ti C. 1►. �� 1ie. 20�$82, snbjsct to tbs t�rss aostditie�a md pro�:tsia►s of •aid R�sol�tion, to s�nt ...�� �qnip�s� raqnisitiae�d bp Vsrio,w Depar�nts of the Ci�y of St. Paui tar tha a�d�tioeul � paricd of ca� �aas, such s�aatsl to ba on t� baais of aait pria�s pnr3�si� �stabiisbsd be com�etiti�rs bid. `� , , � . �,�; AP'P�G'P� AS TO FOR1i= APPROVSFi , 8� ?I0� COUNS MJL7CdA J����i� I � ��y C�sasngtrol er `,' � tt >::�: �' � - -� �, � • �� � a� �rol � �°�'� ' ` ?�,�'� P IpG lIQBNT � ,AN 2 5 19&,6 ``� �� CQUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councii 19_. � Yeas� Nays � � � y�� Carlson � � � .1�1M 2 5 196$ � � �' Dalgliah Approveci 19.._ Holland � Tn Favor Meredith Peterson � Mayor 3; Tedeaco Ag�� �' Mr. President, Byrne 1/19/68 �r�ke/!b . �22