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' Thsnader�a4db�ecebX y�mp+�ao�e.�e.no�r�of thefoll_o_wingpublioimprovemeat by the City ot Baint Psul,vis,;_.,.,�,�,; ._
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! Opes, viden an�d extand WHIT� BEAR AVENUE tro� Iciaho Avernie to. I,ar,pentntur A�siu yy. _
co�d�ing a�o�3.ta]d.ng t'or a#xe�t PurPoses tha fo].�.cnriag c7sscribsd p�►rae1. of ].a�d, .
located in the Citq of St. Pa�ul, Minnesota: Tbe west 16.5 feet oP Lot l, Bloek $,
Hillcrest Center, accor�.ing to the plat thereof lfled o� record in the Office of
the Registrar oP Title� �rithin and for the County of Ra�sey, State ot Minnesota.
Also ��c anw�. t�tki�ag per�aneet and te�c�xsry conetruct�.c�a easem�at� ia �he
land nece�sary Por the slc�pes, cuts and fills, i�].uding #�he��i��t zo�'re�►oval of
lateral support from sub�ect land or re�sinder �reof, ocession�����'��1tavl���on8
thereof or construction of slop�a in the grading and pdving of said White Bear l�venue.
_ . :- . ..
WHEREAB, A written propoesl for the msking_of the following improvement� vis.s
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r t�en, irl.den and exi�srx� iLHi� �'A��tG�µt�a� Irlahc� llcr�aaer to 3�ir�uoR���ra�ae b�►.
eoade�i.ng•a�d te�d.�g �or�-r#�e� •��eee #�he f��o�ring d�escr�bed pa�e�� 0f lsnd� ..
loeated iu the City of St. Paul, Minnesota: The xsst 16.5 feet of Lot 1, Hlock �,
Hillcrest Center, according to the plat thereo� filed of' record ia"�]ie 0itice o�
the Registrar of Titles �rithin an,d for t2�e County. of Ra�sey, State of Minne.eQta.
1�so�by eo�ing esd �:tg pe�Bt and te�orar�r coas�ractios ee.�meats in the
1a�3 .aeceseary for the slopes, cuts and fills, including the right of re�rai cP
lateral s�{ppart �rou s�b���#t,��d Ar r��,tnd,�r_ thereoP, occ�s�o�d bp ex��vations
thereof or construction o� sl � � �
c�pes in the �ading an� paving o� saic� Whi�e Beax Avenue.
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. .. �C� � . .. v�:.. � ' . . .. . .. . .- . . . .. - . . . . . .�. . . .. . , '. ., .
� 8. To furnieh a plan, profile or eketch of said improvement. •
4. To stste whether or not ssid improvement ie aeked for on 4,he petition of three or more owners.
6. To report npon aU of P,he foregoing mattere to the Commieeioaer of Finsnoe.
Adopted by the CounoiL.._.............•---.._.........._......"...:.....-----.:............
Councilman Carlson ��►� � �Q�g
Dal g l ish Apptoved..........................r........................................
Meredith �
P-e�teT��tr N�
Tedesco �----- •---�-- -�»-----------
�1�. P��e"a�de"A`t.,.`flysste � .���,,;.7�; Maqor.
�000 ��'��...b r.., _ _. , _ ._y.1�,'
!�` -- C� ?�l��F_�,�.f-IF� ���.�� �� �3��