236754 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK �����L� CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. �.tCEN3E COt�IITPgB OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—G NERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �T�1118I'yT �3� 17�v COMMISSI ONE DATE — RS3QLV�D: Zhat appliQaction A«�.29Z for "Oan Sa7.e I+3.quora Li.cenae� apPlied for by $. J. Kitch, Inc. as �IHIGTIVS�� bs and tt�e sa�ae is hereby gi�anted� that �he bond filed by th� lioenaee i� hereby approved, that the CityC'lerk is diracted to is3u8 said, license. (1�'s�a� Bspiring 7daense aa oY 1-•31-68 at 3l�7 �.Robert St.. Z�o •I�GTIV� for issuaace s�f nex licenss� �A� � ;� 1968 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson �A� Z :�a lgs$ Dalglish � Approved 19� Holland Tn j�'SV02' � � Meredith �ters°�r. b A �G��� Mayor Tedesco ��gt ::... I�,.,►��`Ee�ee� •�ir•Vice i'r. ...�_..� �. � ±•4n*11` PUBLIS�iEa JAN 2 7 1968 �2z