236753 ORIGIJiAI TO CITY CLERK 236'7�3 CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. _ I�IC� c�irPT� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY a�r� 23, �.� COM M I551 ON E DATE — RE�OLY�t That Applica�tion �-r932 for �Oa� 3ale Liquorw I,9.ce�es apPlied for by 1�'rrai k C. Kaa�ho�ec at 995 �1est Seventh 9treet� be and. tyhe $au�e is hereby granteci� that the bond filed by the 1ic�nsee i� her�by approved� that the �S,ty Cl,erk is direc�t,ed to issue sa3,d li,oesi�a. (P'IaM »Iaacstivs� oa license eupiri.ag 1�31-68 To �'aati�a,� at,995 w. Tt►h �. for iss�isace af n�t licensej .��1�12 � 195� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson ���� � '� ���� Dalglish � Approved 19— Holland ^ n Favor .�r Meredith �.��1 Msyor J Against �c$d� Tedesco ,'„�`,,,°,�I��r�.������� Mr, Vice I'resident {Y�tc+,•waz�� �UBLISH�E9 JAN 2 � I96� �� CITY OF SAINT PAUL � � / - • Capital of Minnesota �,�r � •�f 5 3 , �� �� � �e a�ti�e�t o c�bCic �a et p � POLICE Tenth and Minnesota Streets HEALTH FIAE PROTECTION WILLIAM E. CAftLSON, Camrnissioner POLICE AND FIAE ALARM ROGER M. CONWAY, Deputy Commieaioner DANIEL P. Mc LAUGHLIN, Lieense Inepector January 11� 1968 Honorable I�Iayor and City Council Sa.int Paul, P•'.innesota GentleMen: Currentl�T i,rank �. P�Tachovec is holder of On �ale Liquor License ori;inally assi�ned to the Sportsman�s �3a:�, Inc. at 995 West �eventh Street �nd holds same as 'tInactive.�� Due to a fire �:nd legal matters at t�-�is place of business it has been closed and inoperative. I:Ir. T°'.achovec ��i11 open the business on or abcAZt February 1� 19�$ and has aaplied for the renewal ot the license as well � as the necessar�,� rniscella:�.eous licenses to�e issued to him at 99� '�est Seventh �treet in place of '�inactive." �ttached is a Ietter of expla.nation issued throu;h his attorney. VerrT truly yours� �_�/ � � � ,�3�%�'�� �����"• License Inspector � � . . i . A � • , i , KELLY dc FINLEY ATTORNBYS AT UW 7so MRdNSSO?A BUILDING S'I'.PAUI„ MINfi8S01'A SSi01 R.DONALD KBLLY JAMES P. PINLBY Q/ILLIAM W. THOMPSON P6one: 222�6e91 December 20; 1967 Mr. Daniel P. McLaughlin License Inspector . Department of Public 5afety � _ Tenth & Minnesota Streets � St. Pau1, Minnesota 55101 Re: Sportsman 's Bar, Inc. , 995 W. 7th Street Dear Mr. McLaughlin: . As we previously advised you, final settlement was made with the insurance companies on the above premises.- on October 20, 1967. Mr. Machovec is presently repairing and renovating the premises, with a view toward reopening his busin�ss 'by January 15, 1968. The repair work is ext�nsive and inclu�es an entire new roof and complete rewiring of t�e building, but �Mr. Machovec is hopeful that the work can be c�mpleted for the Janugry 15 opening. In any event, the opening;will be prior to February 1. Cons�quently, we ask that the license by changed from an "inactive" to an "active" sCatus jusC as soon as this can be done. If you wishany further infonnation or- clarificatiion we would be happy to meet with you at your eonvenience. , __ � _ _ - --__.�_._ . Very truly your"-s, ' ; � �' KELLY & FINLEY � : � � . < . .�' � � � �sy �I�0��� , ` ' R. Donald Ke11y � , �•�� � RDK:mk , 4 � . cc: Frank Machovec . _ � � � ,., . i `� �