236752 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK �3� /��/ CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa ' � LTCSt3S� COt�� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. _ C NCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COMMISSIONE qTE d��'$� ��� � __ ��t That Application g-1!}13 for the tr�sfer af On Sale Idq�xor 7.ice�se �io. 7191: eapiririg Jarniary 31� 1968� issaed to S. ar�cl 0. Cmrporation at ?99 IIniveraity A4exnie� be a�d t�he �e is h�rr�by transfarr�ed fi�o S. and0. Catporati� (ne�i �orporat3.�oa�n offYcers �d stockholdera) at the sa�e �ddre�♦ � 3als I�qu.or Establish�ent Transfer (�i.censeea) &�tirs esr ovner�hip Inforaally �Proved by �ouacil a�,�.y s, �8 �A�S 2 � 1�68 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays ��� � � �9�� Carlson Dalglish Approved 19� Holland n Favor . Meredith Rste�se�' ���a.�, Mayor Tedesco �—Aga�t �� r,,.e����aae::�:*;;'°°• Vice i'r:;sa�iea� (?wterson)� wu�us�a �1AN 2 7 1968 �•22 ;� � � 3�3 �,� � 3 � 7 Sz '�� � CITY OF ST. PAUL � � �"' A�'�LICATIVN FOR "UN SALE" LIQUOR LICENSE � 1' . Ap iication No. ..._....._...._..._ I,, / — Name of Applicant......���.�D....P.�_.._...C..i!����..�........�[........ .... :���Age....._.�G�-•----__......__.._ ftesidence Addresa.....................................�b_1�...._...._..���..f��....-�-�V_�----..___:�---- Telephone No.......�2..�.-...y�loS� Areyou a citiaen of the United Statea?.....__.._...,1...�.s__�..------._...._.--•--------�--•--...__......---_...............�-•--........_....._........-----......__.........--•--........._..._._._ Have you ever been engaged in operating a saloon, cafe, soft drink parlor, or business of similar nature? .................................................................•-•�-•j- -. . ._ _.. -- -._ _ _......_ _.__ --- -•- ----. ......___._.._................ ...Oa_..._.....---�------_..._.__.._..__. . ... ------........ _................._----------------_....._ When and where?.....................,1."..e,�..---......._.._...._/qS UM—_/�S. ._.... � --�----..,f3.u._�/�S ............... .... .. If corporation, give name and general purpose of corp oration............S�v_...�.�?..ie1.°........._....:...._._.__._...._. ..._..._...._... --..........._._....___._......_.............��--._._._...............___.._...._.......-� o.�A -----�--- '�.,�°.�'��L°u� � ........_................................................_..__...._.._..__. �--- ........._.........._.-----�---......_... Whenincorporated.................._...._....._.__..._._....._��..,lQ_(�.1...._1_.�l-•�--�--�..l�..lP...�.-------...._...._..........-----._._......--•-•._._........_.__....�.-----•-...__..........._..__ If club, how long has corporation owned or leased quarters for club members?............................._....__._.__...__.._....__._..._.....___.._. Ho«� many members?--�..............�--�---....._...._...._...._...._.__..._...._....---._..__ . Names and addresses of all officers of corporation, and name and address of general manager. . . . . . . . .. . . .. .............................._�--�---......._�!/.�.,S4t.��..__�._��-•--..�.I�-._...�!�?_..�.......�0.:� �.� .._.. ....---- � ---. ..._.�_... .Y...�f�'�---,���._...._.............�---------�--�--._... ........._..............._.......................�.,�t..��•��-�:-••.._L._._.�./s�c.rsl.._......._....�pC.�TiQp!e�S....�d o,_,,.d��./.✓...a w.•�d.2_•••_•..........•-•.....•••-._....._ Names and addresses of Stockholders: S�^�,,Q��� /�ji�,✓ �N.�..C------------ --b ........ ...� .......�??......�v�..._.................-----......._ ....... ..._................................���5.t�t..�_.._.�%��._... -�-- �'--,�' � .. YT ... Give name of surety company which w.ill write bond, if known......................._._....._..-----.---.----.........-.-----••-----...-•----.--.......---.................----------•--- Number Street Side Between What Cross Streets Ward - ---�. ��Cf :� : /1/oa�'l : �v o rt/ : (,�/l/i d�.�I.�'y . � (/ . . . How many feet from an academy, college or university (measured along streets) ?...............................Q,1.11..:Q....�!��........ How many feet from a church (measured along streets) ?...............����.....1�.��l��_....._....._...._..............__.._......._..._....__..._.___.... How many feet from closest public or paxochial grade or high school (measured along streets) ?.._......�0...`.:.�....�'� Name of closest school---._.._.__..._................_..�....�..r1s�.?!,�!.,ri�.S....�...C��..vo�'?/---...........................-------......_----•--..._-------�----��-----.............---•------•---------_..___ How are premises classified under Zoning Ordinance?.............�------._.._........._..-•-•----..._....................._........--��------...------------�------.._........------...._..----�----�---- On w•hat floor located?..._...--��.................�---._.........---�----•---------�----��-----__._--��----...............---�--..............---........_.....------...---._.......... --..._.._._...---�---�..................................... Are premises owned by you or leased?...�!U�:..._...._If leased give name of owner............................._.......... ........................_........... If a restaurant give seating capacity?.....-�................/.��...._..........................-�-�------�----....------�--....----..........---._........ ..............��--��---.......-�----............_.__....___ If hotei, seating capacity of main dining room?....._--�--........_..........................•--�---------....._...._-..--..._....._........_._---............-�------...............-----..................--- Give trade nanie..................... --�a-�---a����--------�_�.���_.�-�u tis-�-'s----------------------------------- ----------------- Give below the name, or number, or other description of each additional room in which liquor sales are intended: .................�--.--....................................._...-�-�-----�-��---�--------....._-------...---------�---•--....------------........................--•----...........--------.........---�--...-�----��----.._--��--------�---------.._..........--�-----....---�--............. .......... ................ ....---.........................--------�--.............------..._.............._.....------••----.__......---........_...----•-•---...............---_._.....................__...--•---�-------�---.........----�--......._...._..........._ (The inlormstioa above mnat be givea for hotels and restaurants which use more than one room for liquor �Ales). Howmany guest rooms in hotel?...._....._...__._---�-----�---�--•---••--••..............................._.._..................._.._.---._......---�--------..._...._..........._-------.._.....----........._....---�- Name of resident proprietor or manager (restaurant or hotel)................._......_......__.....................__.._._....__.._...._...._...._...._..__...__.__. Give names and addresses of three business references:_.__.._.___.._..__.._....._.___.._..._...._................_...._...._...._.._............_...__......._.._._.._ 1.._.Sl. .�..1.�,�..,�.-...�..�_�..�j�....su�.�.l.�!,k..____.............._---._.....��",,�r.f��.�r..�c?.....r.�}.�-�.._...:.�'T.��-�_ 2....�.r..�!li-.�:.._.,r_�..,���r ��U-��:._....._.. ._._....-�-�-�-�---�-------..._.5:.��.--�/����.d..........,���..s.� , . �..._ _.. . _ . . .-- , - - � -�.�� 3.._..��.�Gti���:._....�t,�?�,e.�-.,�.��.�.�i�z.,5�.:vi c�---...._�?9'Zo_..F..�-..�.�,�...�,oC.�:.._..��S--'-�-----� THIS APPLICATION MUST BE VERIFIED BY THE APPLICANT, AND IF CORPORATION, BY AN OFFICER OF THE COftPORATION DULY AUTHORIZED TO MAKE THIS APPLICATION; AND THE SEAL OF THE COKPORATION BE ATTACHED: SEE OTHER SIDE STATE OF MINNESOTA, COUNTY OF R,AMSEY, �• C�� ............... _..__._ .�. -� d� �, deposes and says that he has read the foregoing applicution and lrnowa the co ts th ,and that the same is true to the best of his knowledge,information and belief. Subscribed and aworn to before me this...__.........._.___...........day of_.__...___._.�____. 19 ........._.........._...._...._..........__....._...... ........__. _ Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. My commission expirea...._...._....._._.___...___...---_...._. STATE OF MINNESOTA, COUNTY OF RAMSEY, gs' C�.��-�.�,� D -� _..._....._..._...._.._.,.._._..._.... __. ...._.�...___._..___.___._....�._._...._................_...._.._... .......... _�a�t amy eWO�, deposes and saYS that........��__�.._.....the_ ..--..--- . of.--•----.._..._...._...._.._.--•--�--_....s.��.�............CQ.�:�_.._ ...._...._. . _ . , a corporation; ..._..._..__._.___.._....__..__.._...�. that............................�....!�.........:...................has read the foregoing application and knowe the contenta thereof�and that the saine is true to the best of....._....._....�!.,�....__...._...._...........knowledge, information and belief; that the aeal affixed to the foregoing instrument is the.corporate seal of sa.id corporation; that said application w ' ed, seal and e�c� cuted on behalf of said corporation by authority of its B�ard of Directors, and s ' application e execution thereof is the voluntary act and deed of said corporation. Subscribed and swo to before me this.................�.--�--_....day of...-- -...._................_...._....._..19� .� .....__..._.-----�--_..__...._.. ___ . ......-----...----._............. ........__..�...____.�. Not Public, Ramsey Co ty, Minn. My commiasion expirea.....__.._...._._.._....__..__..._ �. �"� � • CITY O�' SAI1�T PAUL � Capital oP Minnesota `1 _-�--� �3°�� // �- �e a�ti�e�t o ccb`cc �a et p � POLICE Tenth and Minnesota Streets HEALTH FIRE PROTECTION WILLIAM E. CARLSON, Cammisaioner POLICE AND FIRE ALARM ROGER,M. CONWAY, DeDUty Commiasioner DANIEL P. Mc LAUGHLIN, Lieenee Inapector January 9, 196�3 Honorable rlayor and City Council Saint Paul, P�Iinnesota Gentlemen: The officers and stockholddrs� as an entire new ownership� of S ?: 0 Corporation� make a�plica�ion ior the transfer of �n Sale Liquor License iJo. 7191, ex.,�irin� Januaxy 31, 1968, at 799 University ��venue under the sarne cor�oratiori name at the same location. The o�ficers of the corporation are �hester W. Oden, Jr. President; and Fauline P. Ckien, Secretary and `Preasurer. Chester �rJ. t�ten, Jr. will be the sole stockholder, They also make an�lication for Festau.rarit, i�n and Qf.f Sale i�Talt =�everage and CigareTte licenses ror t,he sa�ne Iocation. 'Phis location has been licensed for a sir�.ilar business since Decernber 196�. The present corporation has held the licenses since June 1966. "t�ir. Oden has been associated with the I�iodern Diagn�stic Laborartories� Los An{;eles� California from 1960 to 1966. P�rs. Oden is a housewife and has no outside emplo;�ent. . Very truly drours� � �. ' • ���� �. . ,�y� �y License Inspectar� ( ��� / ���, M�T�� �� /� � /'� ��, ' / � L 80 � � � � January S, 1968 ` � ; . � � � - City of Saint Paul . � � License Division � Public Safety Bui.lding � St . Paul, Minnesota � Re: S. & 0 Corporation � Gentlemen: j Thie letter is� to advise that as the owner of the premises occupied by the S & 0 Corp�ration, I have no qb,jection to the transfer �f the capital stock of th corporation to Ch ster W. Oden, Jr. � • i As owner I wis� also to advise th t arrangements are being made Co sell the land and �vildings to Mr. Od n but during the inEerim, the corporation will occupj� the premises on a 'month to month tenancy. . � • , �. �� � �, f , ;- ..� i'� �� � .w •, .-"`"r`-f-� L..-' , . � _ - - �;,�', ;Geor F: H�itp.�1, Sr. ,� ,, , . . , � , ... : ,.;- , . . . . . . , � - :< . ' ' •� � _ • --- _ �----—� . J �� • . . . , ; - . . . , - . . . . . . : . January 5, 1968 . . S & 0 Corporation 40 West Kellogg Boulevard St . Paul, Minnesota ' Gentlemen: • Effective the 5th day of January, 1968, the undersigned submft their _ xesignatibns as officers and directors of the above corporaCion. ---� ,, . ��_ "�J'� � � ,. . �. ,-. ��_ ✓ II � • ' Wglter Pomeroy ; __. .. s : -';.. _ , .. , , a _ . , � ', -. � , . . , , : ` : Roy Be y._�_ .�, c4 ' r �Y/'r' . � . . . a;`s.. ., , , �k. . . _ . � , .., � � ' .�� , . �. . � . � . �. .. �' ". .. . . �,.�::�. � . .. �. � .. . . .. ... . �. . .. . . � . � . , r . . .. �' . . .. . � � � ' . 3 , .H ,.. . . " . , � . . . . � . .. , .. . . .,: :.," v �' ♦. •-�.� . ; ... . ..t; . - � . . ,� . . .. �•-Y` . _ 1:�i� � . .. .. . . . . . . . . . �.y . . , � . . . � � . �!Y.�'.. . ,�l ,. � ..,. . , ,� .. � •,� .. � 1 ,r' ��t.. . � . .. �� .. . . � . � :. ` . . . . . .Y � . :�, ' . — . . :.� . . .-.',. . 1 '. . . � e i��"'� e ..� -. '. " .�k � .�.i � , . � � . .. r':4 � � . .. ' . � . ' . . . . . r � . �� . � . ... .. � . ' . . - . I .:���:T .. . . - . � . . � . . i ..� r � .. . .; .:- ' .. .I. :. . � . ' �1. ' • �� . .'. � � . .:.�. ' .. �:'' �._. . � � . . . . . t�,, � . . , � �'4� . . .:7'�x�. � . � � � � ' .,�' � ..i...�..y. ' ' . .i. . � . . . . ' . '4" . . . �. i . �� ' .. ...� .' ; .4.� , .� ' � . .. . ,, . . .. .. . . l. . � . . ' , . . � j� ._�. ._ � ...._ � �ti,�'� � . i .` � .. ...� . .� . . . ' . . . � I . . , . . . . ' . . � . . . . . � . . . .. .. . . ...r�. �� . - . � . � January 5, 1968 City of Sai_nt Peul License Division Public Safety Building " . St. Paul, MinnesoCa ' � Re: S & 0 Corporation � .:,. ,; _ Gentlemen: , This letter Constitutes riotice that; effective January Sth, : - . i968 it is our intent `to wi.thdraw as officers and directors of the - above corporation. � � Mr. Pome�roy by hi.s signafure hereunder also requests that an approval be made allowing him to transfer the capital stock of the ,. corporation owned by him.to" Chester,, W� Oden, Jr. _ �� l),/ I ,/ � . � �� . .... : :;: ' � " _ . ��� � , � �r • . � /; �' � _.. �� . y' . . �;/ / r . . ..� :.. .� . .�. �'�'% i, f ,i,%I . .... �_ ' . �. . .i ; . . ..�. � . , . "-� . . ,. . . � - . ',�/.. ,. ' .. . . :. ..t, ..✓. . . .._.�..`-:_.... � . ,, ; . . � ; ' '" -, . Walter K. Pomeroy ' = ' . PresidenC•Shareholder ` . . �. ; ;..; ; . _. : _ ,.. .: . ..�.��.�� � .,.. _.... ., , r. ��_ ... ... ,,_ . . .. . . . , . . . . . .'; . . � � . . . . �. .. . ��, � � � . .. rt�; . . . � , . � . � _ Roy ae �- . - � � : : � ,: ,. _ .. Secretary-Treasurer � , . . i ,._ '� `r,� f ,� t _.:: - ,.. , , .- , , . i� . . �'.� ��� �' � .. �:.' .e,.�:i,J.�LL:...�-.:.r . ,..• t ��.�... , �-.ti.,� . . . �t..� �.:�. .. . . . . ' . � . .. � . . . ' • .. .. � . . � . � � .. ......a ��: . � . � ..�..i. ._ t ...:�. .... . .. � . �-� - , . .�..... .r. .., ._ �' CITY fJF SAINT PdUL � D$PdRT�i4�AT OF P[TBLIC �AFETY � . LICEN� D1V�SI� Date �/atrr _ 19�,� 1,� �ppl�ati on f ar � � p C.��arat��s L!� �i��, _ „_ Lioenae 2. Name oP applioant Ch,��t�! M. Q�a. Jr. in: s k Ct C�rro�atta� tl�s�,{��� : . 3. Busine�e addres��.�! List�is�,l�, ��+° Residenoe 4. Trade nam,�� if any �� l�Ssst�itt��� 5., $etail Beer Federal Tax $tamp�_Retail. Liquor Federal xsx 3�ainp�` Trill be uaed. 6. On t�t Floor loa�ted �� ,�, I.�a��� Number oP rco�s uaed �.� . � 7. Bs�w!een whst �oroaa strsets A�o k tTAttr�=sit�ioh aide of streat ��� -----• 8� llre premieea n�r ooaupied Y�sfi�t businessR���rast•Gl�-g� 1� t�r�er��i �� • . • 9. Are premi�es nvw unocaupied_�Ho�r lang vaoan� Previ.ous use ..,._.�. �U, lire you a ae�r vRner Y�� ffave you been in a similar bu�i.nass bafore � � 1i!Y�e:'e Nhen I1. Are you goin.$ to operate this bueines� pers�nally ��� ^ If not,� uho will operate it 12, Are you in any other busane$e at �h�s preaent time ]�o . � . .. . . . . . .. ... .. .. . .. _.. .. . . ■ .r .+ a+ �� w�r��+! 13. . Be►va �here bse�► any cso�n�laints �agai.na� your operatia� of �his typa of pleta�4 l�en Rhere ..--,'.-� � 14. Have qou ever be►d any lioenae revoked �0 1Phe►t re�aca and date � 15, wre you s oitizen of tl� IInited 3tatea Y�� Native Y�� Na�uraliaed � 16. �ere trere you born St. Fat11. �rti�atsot� Date of b�rth Jaw+�sr v;il29 17. I am m�rried,� My (�ri_f, e:s) (ILD�t) name and addreea �-e _l��it� tii�. . �0� D�a�tow Aw,aw. �t. P�1, Mia�aada 18, (IP me►r.u�ed fe�Ie) my maiden rlsm�a is : ----•---,-�-«- 19, Haw 1 aoig have you l ive d in 8tr, Pa ul � ltt�aA4�th� . �. _ .. 20. Bave you ever been a#�re�ted�iolation of �rhat orimi�a,l la� or ordin,ance • .21, Are you s regiatered v�ter in the City oP St� Pau1 Yea XXX No� (Aasmer Pu11Y�and oosnplet�,� fihese a `lications are thorou Izl oheabsd aad a p �alai�ioation irill be cauae for dar�ia�.,r � .......,., . - 22, Ntanber of �.2 glaoes within. two blooka �� '. 23. Closeat intaxiaating liquor plaoa. �ii S�1e_�� ��_Of'f Sale�� ���^_____r 24, Neareat Chwra „,� s, Reareat Sahooi ���o�s�a 25. Aumber of bootha r7 ,_Tables�^_��Chairs �s�3 Stools �� -._.......�-.,.- c 28, iPha� ocaoup�t�.on }�ve you follcywed for th�s past �ive y�ara. (Gi�a nam�es of employars and datea so employ�ad.j � � C�anrtll N�►�. I�►►t.!�. 27. Give x�am�as and addreases of t�ro parsons, reeidenta uf 3t. Paul, �irm.., �rho oaa give iriformatian ao�cern.ing you. Na»���.�_,��0. Addre s a Ram�e��� Addre a s gnature oF App].i.�ant $ta te of �ixuae s ota ss � Couaty ofl Rameey - p►��s MI. Oi�sj Js. _ being first du�.y �wrorn, de ee and say� upon oath tt�t he haa rsad the foregaiag atatemerit bear3ng hi g , ure and k,ao�rs �he c ontenta thare oP, and that �l�a same i s �i�ue af hi e oe�n� a�l ge exoept a� t o i;hoae matters ther�ia etated upon infox�natiau and beli� an s to thoee mattera h,s believes them to be true. � ' Sigx��ure of I►ppliaaa� Subearibed ar�d sarora to be � �hie � day ot 19�y� � t�,ry ia, otuzty, Yinne a ota J. DIXON TEWS, M�' CG@�ffi1�881C!]1 @xp�.2'@8 Notary Pubiic, Hennepin Count8; �973 • , (I�at�s �hesa a�atement forme are in duplioate.� B��aopiea mue� ba fu11y fil2ed ou�, notarized, an.d returned to the Licenae Division.� �� AFFIDAV IT BY APPLICAPT � � F0� � � ' a��rt, B�R ox �iqUO$ Lica�ss Ra: ��_8ale �� Lie�nae . , ,�,.,. . '�� o! tppl3o�m� �*Q C+t��ati�� '���r X- �-...�i�� ....�,. Bw i��►�� #ddr�re� �rs y�n � �rol� o�rn�er of thi* basiae�sl��r . If a�►it, iR i# a �as►�r�ersh3pY 4�s�►�ttiq�t� , ��her4 t'l�r� ��t�i�! !�► b�tsis�srr, ia�elad� bhoee by le�a mt �curYs 'p�"e�er�hY �r other��m� . r-,.� �#� OC/(Ju",tf/ �t����i �O(� /�J �'4if1� J� — C./L-�.� �...W.. �1LA�kN�..r..�..r.- V� �!' a +��rporaticn, gice i�a n�es � ` 4 ��atim. . . r ir �.�y.i�� .w�..+r.i+r�+rq • "r.�r.�+�M" I ' �ri ye� 3ffi�urert�►d in �r �r�►y iz� e�ny o��er ��il ii��r o�r �,iqs�o� busins�s? � �,s scle oMm�r! }�e►rtn�r4 Stocakh�Yd�r�4 � ,.. ,. C'�hiir��t (Thrrnagh l�an at no�ey, mta�. Explafu) �ddrsaa of suot� busines� ��d �aaturea o! interest in aAm�e ��e� �� gn� ure o a pp or► �t��s a3' Minm��r�a aa Couztty e! !M►�*y . q��! yr� p� ,j=� befng firat duly aworn, dmpoa�ea an8 upon ai�''�"�7i' • e�a ri���'i i""orego ng affidavit bearing hie sig�tur� s thm oont�ntta th�reof j that th� te�m� is true af hfe o�m lmo�rledgs, a pt o thoae �t'b�ra �l�i:n sta�t.�d upon infornr�tion e�d b�lief and aa to oa ttsr+� he bs- lisrr*a �1�� to l�r �rw, _ < � � ur� o a pp cas l�aabsoril�d!� ad sworn to � thiu I dRq of 19s� ..�._ � � � �� � y.l� DIXON T WS, Notary Public, He in County, Minn. �gr aammvieriaa •zpirea �gY�muti���.��.�tw�s, isz� < < � . STbTE l�" MIlQN880TA � SS COUl�T?' QF �ISEY ) C���ar�, ip_ Cf,�s_ JY_ being Piret duly arrorn, doth depose nnd aay thst he makee this affidavit in connection xith applicatio� for "�_S�le" liquor liQense (" (�Sale" malt beverage lioenae) in the City of �int pie�ul, �i.naeeota; that your affiant ie e► reaident oP the City of Saint paul and has reaid�d therein for years, i�t mouths, and ia �� nrnr and hms b�sn for the tims above �ntioned a bona fid• residant of said Ci.ty and t�►t he novr re s ide a a t N0. � ,p��p� w��� �int P�ul, Hinneeota. � _� $ubacsribed and sworn to befor m� thia l aQy of I9�7 � -���- ry a oun y, nneso a J: DIXON TEW3, �r cammisaion expires Notary Public, Hennepin County, Minn. . , 1973 ,. , ' C ITY OF SAINT Pdt1L . � Dffi'dR2'�NT OF' �'IJBLIC SAFaTY LICSN� DIOISICd�1 Date MaY.L�...,_�,.....19.�?�..�. 1� �Appliastion For ��O Cornorstion�On Sale .�_V_,_ _ __ Licease 2. ga�s oF applicant�a "ine Oden for S & O �ars�oration (Secretsrv-Tr�,�.�}�,�� ' 3. Busine�s addreas �qc������ pv�,- Reaidence�Q�����.�„_ . 4, Trade �m�� iP any S & Q Cornora�ion 5. Retai� Beer Federal Tax Stamp�_Retail Liquor Federal Tax Stal�sp�� �vill be used, 6. On �rl�t floor loa�tted .,....�„ y �,;,�,..,, Numbar of rooma uaed _•r�a , - . ........M,. ?. Bsl�ireen w�t aroae atrereta��� oh sida of st�rea� �o=� � 8� Are premiaea nt� oQOUpied��iRhat buainess ,.eataurant-On�g� loag Sale 9. Are premi$ee naov unoaoupied�_Hoor lang vacant Previ,oua u�o _ ...�..� �fl, Are you a aex anner T„� Eave you been in a aimilax buainees before Ne � 1Y'here TXhen 11. Jlre you goi,ng to operate this bueineas personally y�� �� If not,� who will opera�ke it 12, Are you .in any other businesa at the present ti�me N� � . _ .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . ..... .... . •i�wr . • • rM Fil► 1$. . Be►va �hsre bsen any ca�a�lainta �against your operation of �hia type of plao��,� Ahaa �here ,..,,r-.-. • 14. E�►vs you evsr had any lioenee revoked � 1R�at rea�oa a�nd date _ , 15. wre you a oitisen �f tha United Ste�tes v,��`Netive�,�atrurr►liaed -�T j 16. 1Ryere w^ere you born Cordova. Tenn. Date of b�rth October 16. 1924 =---t_ � - 17, T am msrried� Mq (��� (huab� nam�s and addre s s ie ea e w,<�r. - ..,_. ._..�.Q� D--s-�O� t1.1�+0.iiilQ 18, (It' ��ed female) my maiden nam� is P,��,,,ne �inlcston • 19, Ho�► loaig have you lived in. 5t�, Paul Eiah__�t�_Mont�4:, . ...,,,. ...��. ,� � �. 20. Have you ever been arre ated Nn Violation of �t arimixial la�r or ardinaz�►ce � � _ ....._ .21. wre you a registered voter in the City of St� Pau1 Yee���, M°� . _ _ _--�. (�n�er lu11�r�aad oamipletslY� These a licatione are �horou 1�]. cl�eol.�d and an �alaiPioation will be cauae for denia�,r � • � . 22. Ni�ber of 3.2 plaoe� �rithin trovo blot�ks Nene � �_ 23. Clo�e�t intaaiae�ting liquor plaae. i7n Sale �,,. �,��,.� 01'f Sale ?�. l�earest Church . ��-�- DTealest 3ohooI,t }��n�,�e_Thn+++'. � erR.. CtOT��18 � 25. l�umber of booths l� T�bles L� Chaire �Ryn � Stools � � 26. �t 000upation. have you fvllowed for the past five y�ar$, �Gi4e x�es o�' employars and datea so employad.j , 2?. Gi^ve names an;d addraa�ee of t�va pereons, reaidanta oP St. Paul, �tinn., �rho aaa give ir�oz�m�a�i.an oaaiaerning you. Nea�li�ah�el.�iflci= Addresa � n R.i����riY• Ne�me GeorQe Heidmel Addrea� � � Signa ure oP App�.iaent 8tate oF �inn.e a ota�_ �a Couaty of aamsey ) _- _ _ . �aulir�e P: Qden Tiein.g f3rst duly s�rorn, deposee and says upon c�th tha�he has read the foragoiag atatem.ent beara.ng hia e3.gnature and l�aa�s the contenta thereof, and that-�� sama. i$ �rue� oF Yiis bnvri �aavledge exoept as to those mattere thex�eia stated upon informatian and belief and as to thoee matter� h�a believea �h�em to be trua. - w V ( Sig�nature of .�ppliaaat 3ubaoribed and s�vorn, to before aaa thi� 17th day of May 19 67 _...... � � � _ ._ _ . . Not�ry Fubl , Ramsey Cucuz , ]dinneaata �p,UG. T. MEYER -� Ramsey Coc�,'.Y �, My Gammmi�sa�on eapiree Notarv_P�,��ic, --:.... �nY;t_16, 1��� _ (Not�s These �tatement f�na are ia�. duplioate. Both�o�piea muet be ful],y filled Comn��ssi aut, notarized, an.d return+ad to �he Lioenae Division.) :� . �ineviT aY sp�t,za►�r • FO$ � � RE�IL BTsER OB LIQUO$ LIC$A38 Rs s /'1� �1� _iLr�R'�'rO�i�r���r , . Licenae �.�iiir�. '��Ir �t spp�.io►mt H�u ins�t sitdr+t�� ♦�r yaa t.�r ro1� a�r of thi� basiaess?�. IF no#t, �.s li� � pe�r�.ersh3p't a��►x�+�tf�� , ��ther4 !'l��a ����d � bttsi��rtr, i�+e�ad� 6hnee by lean erP �ourY, l�e+�wr�'�ty �r dtherw3:em� 1t��1r 1°G��� G�J• 0'� �it. llddl�s• �o � �1������ 1�1'K'oqw ��,,,,�,� - , a,.�,�.��,� �� . ..��..�..� ., r._.. ._..�.. ,�,- t3' s eerpflraticm, giw i�a �eawr �r� y�u intsare�t�c3 in � way in e�ay v��sr 1�e►i�i�, Bs�r or �,iqnc�r basixrsis? n�� �,t sole own�ri Partn�r4 8�ocld�m].d�r�4 - � „ � �- (�hir�rl.w't (Thra�g#a la►n rkt ma�ey, eto. Explaiu) ♦ddrsas oP suoh busineas �z�d �►ture o! intereat ia seu�s /� ^ � i gne� ur� u a pp e�► ��e mt �.nnofa��► ea Ccunty ef �►m�y befng Pirat duly aworn, d�poaes and aays upon � as r�a orego ng a►ffida,vit bearing hie aignmturs and ]a�.oars the Qont�►nte '�h�rsof= that th� �am� is true of hfa own lazowlfdg•, axospt aa to fihoae ar►tt�rx� �i�i,n stated upon inYorn�e►tion siul b�lief and �a to thoae mntters hs bs- li�Y�i �b��t to bq �ru�, i � �� . � g�e► urs o �pp a�e�s �ibsori'b����ad sworn te b�lora � �hig 17th d�q nf Mav� 19_� �� o ='�► , s1teY Y+ •° ,r,�,�%s, �.. �;�itYtR j� oo�mi 1iO7t •zpirss Notary Pi����9Ramsey County, Minn. nAy.Gs�i:unission Q►ses April 16�19Z3! l . � F. ' � f� '�• V�� � ���Vi� �� CQJNTY 0�' �3AMSEY Pauline P_ Oden being firat duly aworn, doth depoae �nd aay that �he makea thia aPfidavit in cunnection with �pplicatiaa� for " nn Sale" liquor license (" An_�ls" malt beverage liaenea) 3.n the City of .S�/i�E of__A/.L.A•ES� �aint P�u1, �iiinriesota; that your affiant is a reaident oP the "- " and haa r�aided therein for years, o;�,�,t man.tha, and is - ---�- now e�nd he�s btea f'or the time above �msntioned a bona fide residant oP said a� 4nd that �hs novr residea �t N4. a4 ns�.+�„ s.,..,,,� �.�..... ��-.� $a].II't �ILil� �'.I371080t9. � Subsaribed �nd sworn to before m� thia 17th da�y of May 19 67 __..__�_ o ary a msey Coun , M nneso a AUG. T. MEYER Minn. � 0 0�Di8 ion expires otary Public, Ramsey Co�1i6,1971 � LE`�'TER GRAPJTIrIG INFO'tI•'JlL' APPi30VAL - - I January 9, 1968 I � 4 � Hon. Wa1. lti. Csi'lsOa ---------__. � C�r. ot public Salety Public 8atety Building > � Dear Sir s , Att s I� iel I�IcL�ughlin � The City Cauneil today inlox�al.ly d appliaation o! the �- otfieers and stockhalders,,,*a� aa er�t oMnership, o! 8 �a 0 _ . � Corporation, fi�r�trsoet�er o�' ale L r Lie. I�o. 7191, ex- � ., unaer the same - piring Jan. 3�., 1968, a� ity � corporation .l�ne at th� locat • pplication for Bestaure�nt, � Qa at�d QtP Ss�e Malt Bs age and Ci ette liaensee tor the saa�e lo- cation. � � Will rau pleus. e ' cust reaolutioas aavering these � mstters4 � E � VeY'Y tru],Y Yaa's, � � . � � City Q.erk �6 � � � � � � �