236736 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLCRK , a CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOENCIL N0. 236'7•�6 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �, 1 C UNCIL R�OLUTION-GENERAL FORM � � PRESENTED BY ,I�f� COMMISSIONE �'�-`� DATE _ RESOLVED, That Luther Theological Seminary be and hereby is gran.ted a permit to construct a 110-car parking lot on property located west of Fulham Street between Hoyt and Hendon Avenues, more particularly described as follows: Exeept the west 40 feet for Eustis Street, the North one-half of the northeast one- �uarter of the southeast �/4 of northwest 4 northerly of Como Avenue, Section 20, Township 2g North, Range 23 West; all in accordance with plans dated Received November 2, 196'7; sub- ject to the condition that said applicant—permittee, and its suecessors and assigns, shall make due compliance with all applicable provisions of municipal ordinances, state statutes and rules and regulations of public authorities having cognizance. F M APP VED �� �� ,...._ Asst. Corporation Counsel ��,�V 1 � l�ss COUNCILM�N Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays ��1Y� 1 � 196� Dalglish � Approved 19____ Holland in Favor Meredith l ' Peterson J MaYor Tedesco against Mr. President, Byrne pUBLISHE� JAN 2 7 1968 �22 BOARD OF ZONING, CITY OF ST. PAUL 1010 COMMERCE BUILDING • ST. PAUL,MINNESOTA 55101 � PHONE: 223-4151 ����s�� December 21, 1967 Mr. Harry E. Marshall, City C1erk 386 Courthouse Saint Pau1, Minnesota 55102 Dear Sir: This is in reference to the application of Luther Theological Seminary for permit to construct a 110-car parking lot west of Fulham Street between Hoyt and Hendon Avenues. This property is described as: Except the west 40' for Eustis Street, the east one-half,�of NW � of SE � of NW � Northerly of Como Avenue, Section 20, Township 29, Range 23. This matter was considered at the November 2, 1967 Board of Zoning meeting. The staff reported that the plan meets the design standards for this type facility and that the Traffic Engineer has rec- ommended approval as to traffic. Therefore, the Board of Zoning recommends ap- proval of the 110-car parking lot. Very truly yours, � % 1 ;� � 4-�' �'.;�:,,.-�=:'--...,._.__ 1 % � . ; � �T f R.• Heic�en, Secre�ary NRH;rc GMK ZF 6390 ...x� � � ,., F. �.,,%. p( ',�,�-� /�f ���.§. ms" � // "F-i�. .,r N � XF ,� � 80 CITY OF SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 113 Court House 55102 December 15, 1957 City Clerk File X?�.19, Page You are hereby notified that a public hearing will be held in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court House in the City of St. Paul at 10:00 a.m. on December 28, 1967, on the application of Luther Theological Seminary to construct a 110-car parking lot on the following property: the north one-half of northeasterly 1/!t of southe�.st 1/l� of northwest 1/L�, in Section 20, Township 29, Range 23, The property is located approxima.tely 290 feet north of Hendon Avenue, west of �.ilham Street and south of North City Limits. For f�irther information contact Planning Board, Room 1010 Commerce Building or phone 223-1�151. J.APZf?S J. DALGLISH Commissioner of Finance - 55 �� � City of Saint Paul, Minnesota � G APPLIC,�ITION FOR �SPECIAL COUNCIL USE PERMIT >� � (Please print or type) TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL 96 the City Clerk City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Appiication is hereb made to remodel or reconatruct an existing y install and operate a nea �croas one out) a FILLING STATION No. of islands and pumps : No. of tanks and capacity: � PAItKING LOT for (cuatomers) (employeee) (privste uae) (public use) (other) —'�iff�iSL�'te tyPe) Capacity of parking lot 111 cars To be used in conaectioa with; dormitory [] �=scE�ous: (indicate type sucb as Drive-in Ref reshment 3tand, Uaed Car Lot, Dry Cieaning Pick-up 3tation, Ice Vendor, etc.) Capacity of parking ares: *Location � . at rear of Stub Hall, 23�'Hendon St., St. Paul, Minn. Le�al Descriptioa : Lot S'eC b e do w Block Additioa Applicant's Name : Luther Theological Seminary Home or Office Address: 23�5 Como Avenue West., St. Paul, Minn. 55108 Phone Number , 646-2712 FOR✓BY TI� APPLICANT, Oct. 11, 1967 (Signature (date Address . 2375 Como Avenue W., St. Paul, Minn. 55108 Phone No.: 646-2712 When completed: file three copies of this application fornu and three prints of tbe preliminarq lay-out plans of the proposed facility with tbe City Clerk, Room 386, City Hall and Court House, Saint Paul, Minnesota Z-3 6/11/56 *EXAMPLE: 1. S.E. corner of Main St. and First St. 2. 3outh side o� Main St. between First and Second St. ,�'ar�e�z� �/`ZC� �q, �p 7�eP� Toy �CLS�is ��: /�Cc,vL a� Gv � o�' /1�G�1� o�' S,� l of� /I/1.f/%y � /I�r�/e�-1 o� C'o/z�o �v�/�k�. �Sc�c z�� a o �`w�s zp� ��fz�� .•2.3 r