D001277White .- City Clerk Pink - Finance Dept. Canazy - Dept. Accounting Blue - Engineer Green - Contractor • No. o c�oia�� Date 6,<�?-T77�! -� - a� �-� CITY OF SAINT PAUL — OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER for CONTRACT CHANGE AGREEMENT N0. 1 ADMINISTRATIVE oRDER, Whereas, additions whieh proved to be necessary to the Improvement described as abatement of abestos containinQ materials at ArlinQton Hills Branch Library, 1105 Greenbrier Street. Saint Paul, MN 55106. known as Contract 1.-15805 , City Project No. 9501.10 , Envirobate Metro , Contraeta, is composed of the following: Correction to contract for estimate of amount of unit priced items required to complete work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ($ 1,926.00) Add for removal of carpet and asbestos tile . . . . . . . . . . . $ 1,347.00 TOTAL DEDUCT: • (� 579.00) deduction ORDERED, That the City of Saint Paul, through its Mayor, approves the foregoing�ri�tieas made in-ac- deducted from eordance with the specitYcations in the sum of $ 579.00 , said amount to be-addeekto the lump sum con- 15805 retuxned to sideration named in the eonkact, known as contract I{- , and which amount is to be-finsneed-€rere: G�5-3L0:1-��4�-�J�OO�J Ctimmgrv; Original Contract . . . . . . $28,190.00 `Lhis Change Order . . . . . .($ 579.00) TOTAL CONTRACT: APPROVED AS TO �:e�►��•��-�•..�_►� .. � r r : ��'� i - . � .�,.,�� � �� ��e��� -OO.<..� 7 i � is-LZ Birector of 1.96�aK��g �� �� 19�� Envirobate $27,611.00 t�`- of Finance to the Mayoi {V`t"►1 ��1 � oeLr+�,+eE P c�c Design � t_ou� Pn � GREEN SHEE vw ��� 3 4 9 7 4 CpNTACT PERSON 8 PHONE m DEPAHTMENf OIRE �' �£� O CIiY CAUNCIL �NRIAL/DATE H. L. Holzschuh 266-9091 ASSIGN �CITYATfORNEY �GNCLERK NUYBEfl FON UST BE ON COUNCIL A6ENDA BY (DATE) p��N� � BUOGEf DIRECTOR n FIN. & MGL SERVICES Diq. ORUEfi O MAYOFl (OR ASSiSTANn (�'} .{.� �• FS �, �+ TOSAL # OF 51GNATURE PAGES � (CLfP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE� � �` � ACTION REQUESTED: Signatures required £or Change Order 4�1 for the=abatement of asbestos cor.taining materials at Arlington Hills Branch Library. RECAMMENOA7�ONS: Approve (A) w fiejea {R) pEpSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER TNE FOLLOW�NG QUESTIONS: _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �� H85 thiS p2150n/fiffn BVEf wOrkBtl Undef a CAntfeCt fOf 1hi5 dePelirtlBM? - � CIB COMMIiTEE _ YES "NO A� — 2. Has this person�rm ever been a city employee? — YES NO — D�STpi�T �o�aT — 3. Does this person/fifm po5sess a skill not no�mally possessetl by any curtent ciry employee? SUPPOflTS WHICH CAUNCIL OBJECTIVE? YES NO Expleln all yes anawers on separate sheet and attaeh to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE. OPPOR7UNiTV (Wha. What, When, WM1ere, Why): Old floor tile stuck to carpet when removal was aCtempted by the contractor. Tests indicated the presence of asbestos so removal of the carpet and tile was"perfar.med by an abatement contractor. The amount of unit -priced abatement work was less than estimated. ADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED: Asbestos material will be properly disposed. l��"C�� �_� DISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED' RECEIVED !!.. `� 761� None c��� „ � JUL 2 31997 0 ClTY CLERK �� DISAWANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED: Contractor could not continue working. TALAMOUNTOFTRANSAC710N $ CS79.00� COS7/REVENUEBUDGE7Ep(CIRCLEONE) (YES� NO FUNDIHG SOURCE �PL ACTIVITY NUMBEH C96-3E051-0898-00000 FINANCIAL MFORMATION: (EXPIAIN) � �