236723 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK /�Vll�`/3 CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �S�. DALGLISH COM. OF FlNANCE COM M 1 SSI ON ER i DATE __ RESOLVID, That checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amant of $ 255,106.03 , covering checks numbered 411 to 609 inclusive, as per checks or pertinent listing of same on file in the office of the City Comptroller. �,osevh J. Mitchell City Comptroller By /��/� ��� � � �9�6� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays _�'-.,_.. :� � 3��� Dalglish ved 19� Holland rn Favor �' ` Meredith C� � Mayor Peterson �� cI � � � Tedesco ASam$t �`�-�d�t�N `'� �l.'�� Mr. Presid�ent, Byrne P(��LIS�HEB JAN 2 0 1968 �22