236708 236�08
. __ Theundereignedhereby pmpoaeethemal�ingof thefolYowingpubliaimprovement by the City of 8sint Paul�vls.:
Open, widen and extend N. St. Albans St. creatin� a Cul-de-sac for street purposes
south of Hatch Ave., by condemnir� and taking that part of Lot l, Block,6 Ware and
Iiosp�s Addition to St. Paul, Minn., lying between the westerly ri�ht-of-way line
of N. 5�;. Albans St. and the are of a circle having a �5 foot radius, the center
of said circle bein� 15 feet westerly of the center line of N. St. Albans St. and
300 feet northerly of the center line of Front Ave.
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; Couaoilnnan.
_ _ WHEREAB, A writtenpropoeal for the making of the following impro_vement�vis�t—__- - ,- _.__
Open, wid�n and e�ctend N. St. Albans St. creating a Cul-de-sac for strcet purposes
south of Hatch Ave., by condemning and taking that part of Lot l, Block 6,Ware and
HoBpes Addition to St. Paul, Minn., lyin� between the westerly right-of-way line
of N. St. Albans St. and the arc of a circle having a �+5 foot radius, the center
of said circle being 15 feet westerly of the center line of N. St. Albans St. and
300 feet northerly of the center line of Front Ave.
navu[g oeen p�nr,eu w tine wunau vi �uo vi�y va oa,ui� rtaw.................•--•--.....---........-•---•---........_....-----_..................
t6erefore, be it
ftE80LVED, That the Commiesioner of Public Worke be and ia hereby ordered and direoted:
1. To inveetigate the necesaity for� or deairability of,,the making of eaid improvemen4.
2. To inveetigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of eaid improvement, and the total oost thereof.
3. To furnieh s plan, proSle or eketch of eaid improvement. -
4. To state whether or no8 esid improvement ie asked for on 4,he petitiom of three ar more ownere.
b. To report upon all of the foregoing mattere to the �mmieeioaer of Finsnoe.
(i� � ] ��s�
Adopted by the Counal..................................._...............�.�.................
Councilman Carlson ; � 1 7 196$
ne l g l tsh �PProve�...............a�............_...._._..................----•---
Tedesce - - -
Mr. President Bytrre Msyor.
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