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In#�i�ediary Order , aPProverl .,
` ` A public hearing having been'had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and t�e �auncil
ha�ing heard al� persons, ohje�ons and recommendations relative thereto,:and having fully conaidered
the same; t&erefore, be it ,a ' ` , - ,;
RESOLVED, By the Cou� ef the'�City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and l�ind o# im�
provement to be made by the �id City ia .
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and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made:
RESOLVED FiJRTHER; That the Commissioner of P.ublic Works be and is hereby instructed and
directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, 'and aubmit same to the Council for
approval; that upon said approval, the proper city of�'ieials axe hereby autl�orized and direeted to pra
ceed with the making of said improvernent in accordance therewi�h.
COUNCIi�MEN _ :. JANI 1 � 196�
Adopted by the Counci
Yea.s Carls�;� Nays -.�I�� 1
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,� � N.S. Berkeley Ave. - Davern St. to Macalester St. �(/��
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'��� Dec. 7th. 19 67
To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul:
The Commiasioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order
of the Council known as Council File No. 235996 approved Dec. Sth. 19 67
relative to reconstructing the sidewalk on the north side of Berkeley Ave. from
Davern St. to Macalester St. and by doing all other work which is necessary and
incidei�tal to complete said improvement.
and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reportsa
1. The estimated cost thereof is $3.25 per lin. ft. for standard sidewalk 5 ft.
wide and $3.80 per l.in. ft. for standard sidewalk 6 ft. wide.
2. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a
part thereof.
3. Initiated by the Commissioner of Public Worka X
4. Improvement is asked for upon petition
r '�
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j Commissioner of Public Works
' --
r '
January 11, 1968
City of St. Paul
Department of Tautation
13 Court House
t. Pa�7., Minnesota 55102
Dear Sirs:
We are wxiting this letter referring to your letter dated Deceaber
29, 1967 - File No. S 8405 Page 2 - which proposes to reconstruct
sidewalk on North side of Berkeley from Davern to Macalester.
(Preli�inary order No. 235996)
Our hose address is 1693 Berkeley, on the corner of Davezn and
This is to advise you �ne have a good and sufficient poured sidewalk
at the present tiae. It has been newly cons�ru�ted within the last
feev years, so we do not wish to have any additional work done.
Being unable to attend the hearing on January 1'7, 1968, this is to
advise you of our wishes. ���
Thank you.
Yours very truly,
� ,�� .�.� � �> ,���
�° � �
Mr. Douglas O. & Barbara J. Merchant
1693 Berkeley Ave.
St. Paul, Minnesota 55105
January 16, 1968 •
�'. � Mrs. Douglss 0. Merchant
1693 Berk�l�y pveaue
St. Paul, MinneBOta
File No. S$4Q5
Side�alk - Berkeley Ave. , north side
fro�a Dav�ra co Macal�sCer
Heariag Date - �'anuary 17, 1968
Dear Mr. & A�rs. Merchtnt:
Your 2ctter� wit1� reference to the above project, has b�en forwarded
to the City C1erk for coASideratioa by the CiCy Cowacil at Che hearing
and to the Depertmeat of Public Works.
James J. Dalglish
Commiasioner of Finaq,ce
cc: City Clerk
Public Works