236682 � ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK 236682 CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. ` OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - OUNCI�S LUTION—GENERAL FORM � PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE DATE RESOLVED, that out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund weekly ctompensation of $60.00 be paid Andrew Hamilton while he is te�porarily totally disabled by reason of injuries he received on November 14, 1967� whil,e employed by the Depar�tment of Public Works , and that $54�.U0 in partial settlement, to and including January 16 , 1968, is now payable. M R ED �s . Corporation aun�el ,��t� � �� 1968 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19_ Yeas Nays --F�trr�ge�.-- �,., "��� ��:�; , Dalgliah Approved 19._ Holland Meredith Favor � Peterson � Mayor Tedesco A 8'$inst Mr. President, Byrne PU�LIS�HED �A� � C� 196� �22 s � , �� �.�.�"►t"�M`�"�"R _ CITY OF ST. PAU.L co rrca � ` .'. � OFFtCE QF THE CITY CLERK �"� N�. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ntHwtFC�r COMMISSWNE� pxte RESOLVED, that aut af ths Worka�n�• Cosp��aticA Aacc�unt of �� 6tneral Fund weekly compensatio� o�' 560.00 bi paid A�ds�w Hasilton �hile h�e is #�mporarily totally disabl�d by :+�suon of _ in�uriiw h�t Mesir�d o� Ncw�bsr l�, 3,96'�s Mhil� �uaplaSlad bp th� Dspurtmant cf P�blic Works, and that $540.00 in par�i�l aet�3.�m�nt� to and including January 16 , 19 6 8, f s na� payab l�. , - : : : ,1 A N 161965 C4UNCiLMEN Adopted by the Cc�uncit 29�... Yeas Nays ,��� � 1� I968' Dalglish Appro�ed 13.._ Holland �n Favor Meredith � Peteraon �y� Tedesco A°e„��''� Mr. Pregident, Byrne ���