236573 ��� No...2�6�'�3 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROYEMENT ancl PRELIMINARY ORDER. ' Theundereignedhereby proposeethemakingofthefollowingpubliaimprovemeat by the City of Seint Psul�vis.: � ...... .Czba�t4,i�S��..�S��C..�.f��ON ST., f rom Wtt�e�l A�k �ia+y,�.rt� "t�r�ettt�'���`,,�.,ve........�.... to coAfar� to the grade as showri on the pro�t 1e oa`�Tne in.f'fieew�aDas'"���"" _. .-pe�b}qe..iiork�.�_..,-. .. , ._ __�.... ...,......�.�._�_.. ........_.... ..._. _. . ......._.... ..�._ ..., a _ _.._,...... ...,._,�.. . ... �'� ;�• Also, E�dmaning and taktpg an easement in the land r�ecessery far �1�e _.....�...,. »......."�'�fTl`�'��;�'"�"��1� �fi t vf�r�ovafi~rorf°--tateral su rt fFOm M � pes, cu�s a�. � � ppo ...._�.... _:_subject land or ��r�i�el�t,�' ther�f, occasioned !by excavations thereof or construction of slopes in the grading and surfacing with bituminous materiai '�""'°" MAR I ON`ST: f rom Wheel iick Pkwy. tc� 'La rpenteur Ave. .........1..1.t1�.'.Q.�Y�....»_�:........�'�..�..:�.....Y.,�.�:."1............_.. Counoilmaa. PRELIMYNARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written propoeal for the making of the following improvement, vis.: ,_...... . _..._ ._.Cl�aang.ing..xhe._.grads .of MARION ST. from Wheelock Pkwy, to. Larpenteu�.�xe. ___ to cdnfvrm to tl+� grade as showr� on the p�of 1 le c>n fl le in the Depart�rent ........�-_,arf..�b�i-tc�robrks.�..._....__ _ . .._._...,.......�._. .. .._... _ .__._....., ..:..,. .. .. .,.. _............ . .._ _... ...__._._. .._.. . 4 ,�A1 so�.condemn i ng ar�d tak i n� � easdnent i n the 1 and naeessarx,�tot�,,t�e .._ ..., ....... siopei�. cu�� �nd fT11s, fnclt�d�.ng right of �enwval of lateral support �rom .....- sub-f.�ct. land-or reaaaindmr thereof, -occasioned by �xu�cstior�s thereof or .�.... constructio� of slopes in the gradin� and surfacing with bttuminous material havi.�: � .. , : uMp�ttON 5't. ��from 'Wheeiock'Pkwy, 'to La�penteur Ave. � ��-- th�ivte, uv,� RffiOLVED, That the Commiseioner of Public Worke be and ie hereby ordered and direoted: 1. To inveatigate the necessity for, or deairability of�,the msking of eaid improvement. 2. To inveetig�►te the nature� extent snd estimated c:ost of esid improvement� and the total eoat thereof. 3. To furnieh a plaa, profile or eketch of said improvement. • 4. To state whether or no�esid improvement ie asked for oa�,he petition of three or more ownere. 6. To report npon all ot the foregoing mattere to the �mmieeioaer of Finsnoe. �IAN � °Yr k�?5� Adoptedby the Council............................................................................ Y�aas � � �s���:�. Councilman Carlson ���'<<`�" "� `" Da1 g 1 i s h APPrnved....._......................................._.................- Holland Meredith Peterson , Tedesco � . .............. ........ Mr. President B�ttrre M83'Or• �000 �.� _- 1 � pue�is�s JAN 13 19��