236568 �/ Ot�ta�l to City Clerk • � � .
� � ' ORDINANCE �� _ . 2����8
An ordinance designating "Snow
Emergency Routes" as provided for in
Section 149.03 of the Saint Paul Legis-
lative Code, as amended. This is an
emergency ordinance rendered necessary
for the preservation of the public peace,
health and safety.
Section 1. That in accordan.ce with Section 149.03, Sub-
section A, of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, as amended, the
Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby declare that those
streets named on the list attached hereto, ma�rked "Exhibit A"
and incorporated herein, are hereby designated "Snow Fmergency
Routes" .
Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an
emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of
the public peace, health and safety.
Section 3. This ordinance shall take e��ect and be in
force from and after its passage, approval and publication.
.�,A i� 2 � 1968
Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council
Dalglish �_In Favor
Holland !�
Meredith (/ �_Against
Tedesco ��� � � �96a
Mr. President (By e) Approv _
A at:
Ci Cle yor
Form approved Corporation Counael By ` +
� � Pug� ��� JAN 2 7 1968 '
n.vliests so rrint�e _ : . .
, ;
: .� `� �O3� DI11T � �1' � �
PRES�NTED BY �ttD�NANCE 1�?,���.
An ordinanoe dea�gaating "Snaw . :
�v�►genay xoutee" as pr+��rtded tor �� .'
, Seotion 149:03 0� the Sain�E Paul L�agia- ,;
�at#ve �ode, ae ams�ded.. Th�s ie au
��e�senoy ordinaaQe ro�ader�d �eoeeeary
�ag.��l�e pres�rvatioa �� tbe pubii+� peaoe�, '
�sslth �td sa�taty. ;
$eo�iam i. That in �coordeuce �th 8+sot�o� 1+�9.03�; 8ub■► . '
iseotian A, �� t�he. 8�in� Pau1 L�gielative Co�e, �aa en�usnded� ths
:.CotinQ�,l Q� t#�e �ity o� Sai�tt Pat�l does� h�re�ry deoles��` �hat �b�fs
otreet� �ed on the liet a�taah�d h�r�to, a�ked "��.bi'G !i" '
a�d ine�orp�rr�ited' h�rein, aare here�by ttasigna�ed "l9�o�x E�cer�eaqy
Ro�at ee'�.
Seo�ion !�� T�� ord�inanoe ir l�ereby aeolar+�d ta De an
vae�erg�oy o�dina�poe �dered nea�se��y for th� preeervatio� p2
the pttbt�..Q geaoe� he�.th �nd aafety. ;
Ssati�a 3. T��a ordinanoe s�►3,1 :take eiteo� snd 'b�e in
forae #ro� aad a=t�r. �ts paosage, app�ovaT �d pablloation.
Yea� �ouncilmsn • Nays Passed by Coun�i�
Caxlson� _
Ho�d ' _TIn�avd�i�
, Meredi�th � A�i�st '
_ Ted�co JAIV �5 1968
Mr. President (Byrne) Appx�ved:
' At�t:
City Clerk - �syor
' �� Form'sppraved Corporation Couna�i By
: r
. '
. f . . '
' . �
Acker ,lackson to L'Orient
Annapolis Cherokee to Charlton
Annapolis Bidwell to Oakdale
Arcade Sixth to Larpenteur
Ar�h W pennsylvania Rice �o Mississippi
Arkwrlght Caee to Bralnerd
Arlington, E. E. Shore Drive to White Bear
Baker Cherokee Ave, to Cherokee Bivd.
Battle Creek Road Lower Afton to Upper Afton
Bayfield Nagasaki to Wisconsin
Bayless P1 . Eustis to Raymond
Brainerd Arkwright to Edgerton
Burlington Road McKnight to Lower Afton
Burns Ruth to McKnight
Burns ; Earl to White Bear
Burr • Collins to Case
Carver Pt. Douglas to McKnight
Case Westminster to Earl
Case Hazel to Edgewater Blvd.
Cayuga �ackson to Mississippi
Cedar Como to University
Central Lexington to Western
Chatsworth Va� Slyke to Front
Cherokee Ave. Baker to Ohio
Cherokee Blvd. Baker to Annapolis
Chestnut Pleasant to Shepard Rd.
Cleveland University to River Bivd.
Cleveland Noyt to Raymond
Cliff St. Clair to Smith
Collins Lafayette to Payne
Como Ave. City Limits to Hamline
, Como Ave. Capitol Hts, to E. Como Blvd.
Como Blvd. E. Como Ave, to Maryland
Como Lake br. E. Maryland to Lexington
Como Lake Dr. W. Lexington to Horton , ,
Concord Wabasha to Annapolis
Concordia Herschel to Summit
Cretin St. Anthony Freeway to Ford Pkwy.
Cranweli Franklin to Baytess
Dale Fairmount to Larpenteur
Dayton Victoria to Summit
Dodd Rd. City Limits to Stryker
Eagle Seventh to Shepard Rd.
Earl Mounds Blvd. to Ivy
Edgcumbe Rd. _ �efferson to Munster
Edgerton Payne to Larpenteur
Elway Montreal to Shepard
Etna Burns to Warner
Eustis � River Drive to Otis
Exchange Wilkin to Eagle
. •'� ,. � • - � .
Fairmount Dale to St. Albans
Fairview Pierce Butler to St. Anthony
Fairview Roblyn to Edgcumbe
Fillmore Wabasha to Nagasaki Rd.
Forbes Exchange to W. 7th
Ford Pkwy. River Drive to Snelling
Forest Third to Wheelock
Franklin City Limits to University
Front Lexington to Rice
George Smith to Concord
Grace Victoria to Pleasant
Grand Cretin to Oakland
Hamline Montreal to Pierce Butl�er
Hamline Como to Hoyt
Hampden Raymond to University
Haze1 Mechanic to E. 7th
Ha2elwood Arlington to Idaho
Highland Pkwy. River Drive to Edgcumbe
Highwood Pt. Douglas to McKnight .
Hill Chestnut to Kellogg
Homer W. 7th to Shepard Rd.
Horton Hamline to W. Como Lake Dr.
Hoyt Hamline to Victoria
Hudson Rd. Old �ohnson Pkwy. to Maria
Humboldt Winifred to George �
Jackson University to Larpenteur
.lefferson . Cleveland to W. 7th
Johnson Pkwy. Burns to E. Shore Drlve
Kasota � Hwy. #280 to Raymond •
Lafayette E. 7th to Collins
� Lafond Como to Rice
I Lexington Montreal to Larpenteur
L'Orient Acker to Cayuga
Lower Afton Rd. Pt. Douglas to McKnight
Maria Seventh to Hudson Rd.
Marion Como Ave, to St, Anthony
Marshall River Drive to Summit
Maryland Como to Hazel
Mendota Sixth to Bush
Minnehaha Burr to McKnight
Minnehaha Prior to Como
Mississippi . Broadway to York
Montreal Cieveland to Elway �
Mounds Bivd. E. 7th to Hudson Rd.
� Nagasaki Rd. Fillmore to Bayfield
Oakdale Annapolis to State
Oakiand Gra�d to Ramsey
Ohio George to Ethel
� .
,• . . .
Osceota� S. Randolph to Grace
Otis Eustis to Cretin
Otto W. 7th to Shepard Rd.
Park Arch -� Pennsylvania to University
Parkway Dr. Edgerton to Larpenteur
Payne E. 7th to Larpenteur
Pelham University to River Drive
Pierce Butler Prior to Minnehaha
Plato Wabasha to Nagasaki Rd.
Pleasant Grace to Kellogg
Pt. Douglas Rd. Burns to Johnson Pkwy.
Prior Pierce Butler to Summit
Prosperity Johnson Pkwy, to Arlington
Prosperity Rd. Idaho to Larpenteur
Ramsey Summit to Exchange
Randolph Cretin to Shepard Rd. I
Rankin 7th to Shepard
� Raymond Cleveland to University
Rice Larpenteur to John ireland Blvd.
Robert Annapolis to Kellogg
Ruth Upper Afton to Minnehaha
St. Albans Pleasant to Grand
St. Anthony Ave. Rice to City Limits
St. Clair Cretin to Cliff o
• St. Paul Ave. Cleveland to W. Seventh
Selbq Fairview to Summit
Seventh Blvd. Shepard Rd, to W. Seventh
Seventh St. , E. Broadway to Hazei
Seventh St. , W. �dgcumbe to Kellogg
Shepard Rd. Jackson to W. 7th Blvd.
Sixth St. � E. Johnson Pkwy, to Broadway
Smith Ave. � N 8 S Annapolis to Kellogg
Snelling Ave. , N � S W. Seventh to Hoyt
Springside Drive Pt. Douglas to Burlington Rd.
State Robert to Concord
I Stillwater Hazel to McKnight
Stryker , Annapolis to Winifred
Summit River Drive to Sixth
Sycamore Rice to Jackson
Territorial Rd. � City Limits to Vandalia
Third St. , E. McKnight to Broadway
Thomas Fairview to Como
� University Lafayette to Emerald
Upper Afton Rd. Burns to McKnight
Vandalia Ter�itorial Rd, to St. Anthony Freeway
Van Slyke Horton to Chatsworth
Victoria Larpenteur to Como Blvd.
Victoria Jefferson to Grace
Victoria Marshall to Dayton
.. + . . . � . . � , . � .. �
• ,
� ..,♦ �� � ., � . - . . .. < . ..
. � . ♦ � . . / , . . , . � _
Wabasha Ke 11 ogg to W i n i f red 23���jg ,
Warner Rd. Jackson to Hwy. 61
Water St. City Limits to Wabasha (
Western N. Maryland to Summit /
Wes#minster York to Case �� �
Wheelock Pkrry. Arcade to N. Victoria ,
Whit� B��r Larpent�ur to Uppor Afton
Winifred Ohlo to Humboldt
York Mississippi to Westminster �
"�:�ISI'� A"
. �
Acker Jackson to L'Orient
Annapolis Cherokee to Charlton
Annapolis Bidwell to Oakdale
Arcade Sixth to Larpenteur
Arch - Pennsylvania Rice to Mississippi
Arkwright Case to Brainerd
Arlington, E. E. Shore Drive to White Bear
Baker Cherokee Ave. to Cherokee Blvd. .
Battle Creek Road Lower Afton to Upper Afton
Bayfield Nagasaki to Wisconsin
Bayless P1 . Eustis to Raymond
Brainerd Arkwright to Edgerton
Burlington Road McKnight to lower Afton
Burns Ruth to McKnight
Bur�s Earl to White Bear
Burr Collins to Case
Carver Pt. Douglas to McKnight
Case Westminster to Earl
Case Hazel to Edgewater Blvd.
Cayuga Jackson to Mississippi
Cedar Como to University
Central Lexington to Western
Chatsworth Van Slyke to Front
Cherokee Ave. Baker to Ohio
Cherokee Blvd. Baker to Annapolis
Chestnut , Pleasant to Shepard Rd.
Cleveland University to River Bivd.
Clevela�d Hoyt to Raymond
� � Cliff St. Clair to Smith
Collins Lafayette to Payne
Como Ave. City Limits to Hamline
Como Ave. Capitol Hts. to E. Como Blvd.
Como Bivd. E. Como Ave. to Maryland
Como Lake Dr. E. Maryland to Lexington
Como lake Or. W. Lexington to Horton
Concord Wabasha to Annapolis
Concordia Herschel to Summit
Cretin St. Anthony Freeway to Ford Pkwy. �
' Cromwell Franklin to Bayless
Date Fairmount to Larpenteur
Dayton Victoria to Summit
Dodd Rd. City Limits to Stryker
Eagle Seventh to Shepard Rd.
Earl Mounds Blvd. to Ivy
Edgcumbe Rd. Jefferson to Munster
Edgerton Payne to Larpenteur
Elway Montreal to Shepard
Etna Burns to Warner
Eustis River Drive to Otis
Exchange Wilkin to Eagle
� � Fairmount Dale to St. Albans
Fairview Pierce Butler to St. Anthony
, Fairview ftoblyn to Edgcumbe
Fillmore Wabasha to Nagasaki Rd.
, Forbes , Exchange to W. 7th
Ford Pkwy. River Drive to Sneliing
Farect Third �a Whe�lock
' Frankttn = Clty Limits to Unlverslty
� Front Lexington to Rice
George Smith to Concord
Grace Victoria to Pleasant
Grand Cretin to Oakland
Hamline Montreal to Pierce Butler
' Hemline Como to Hoyt
Hampden Raymond to University •
Hazel Mechanic to E. 7th
Hazelw�ood Arlington to Idaho
Highland Pkwy. River Orive to Edgcumbe
Highwood Pt. Douglas to McKnight
Nill Chestnut to Kellogg
Homer W. 7th to Shepard Rd.
Horton Hamline to W. Como Lake Dr,
Hoyt Hamline to Victoria
Hudson Rd. Old Johnson Pkwy, to Maria �
Humboldt Winifred to George �
,lackson University to Larpenteur
Jefferson C1eveland to W. 7th
Johnson Pkwy. Burns to E. Shore Drive
� Kasota � Hwy. #280 to Raymond •
LafayQtte E. 7th to Collins
Lafond Como to Rice
Lexington Montreai to Larpenteur
L'Orient Acker to Cayuga
Lower Afton Rd. Pt. Douglas to McKnight
Maria Seventh to Hudson Rd.
Marion Como Ave, to St. Anthony
Marshall River Drive to Summit
Maryland Como to Hazel
Mendota Sixth to Bush
Minnehaha Burr to McKnight
Minnehaha Prior to Como
Mississippi Broadway to York
Montreal Cleveland to Elway
Mounds Bivd, E. 7th to Hudson Rd.
Nagasaki Rd. Filimore to Bayfield � �
Oakdale Annapolis to State
Oakland Grand to Ramsey
, Ohio George to Ethel
_. _ ,
, . _ --
Osceola, S. Randolph to Grace
Otis Eustis to Cretln
Otto . W. 7th to Shepard Rd.
Park Arch - Pennsylvania to University
Parkway Dr. Edgerton to Larpenteur
Payne E. 7th to Larpenteur
Pelham University to River Orive
Pierce Butler Prio� to Minnehaha
Plato 1Jabasha to Nagasaki Rd.
Pleasant 6race to Keilogg
Pt. Douglas Rd. Burns to �ohnson Pkwy.
Prior Pierce Butler to Summit
Prosperity Johnson Pkwy, to Arlington
Prosperity Rd. Idaho to Larpenteur
Ramsey Surrnni t to Exchange
Randolph Cretin to Shepard Rd, �
Rankin 7th to Shepard
Raymond Cleveland to University
Rice Larpenteur to J�hn Ireland Bivd.
Robert Annapolis to Kellogg
Ruth Upper Afton to Minnehaha
St. Albans Pieasant to Grand
St. Anthony Ave. Rice to City Limits
St. Clair Cretin to Cliff
St. Paul Ave. Cleveland to W. Seventh
Selby Fairview to Summit
Seventh Blvd. Shepard Rd. to W. Seventh �
Seventh St. , E. Broadway to Hazel
Seventh St. , W. Edgcumbe to Kellogg
Shepard Rd. �ackson to W. 7th Blvd.
Sixth St. , E. Johnson Pkwy, to Broadway
Smith Ave. , N 8 S Annapolis to Kellogg '
Snelling Ave. , N S S W. Seventh to Hoyt
`� Springside Drive Pt. Douglas to Burlington Rd.
State Robert to Concord
Stillwater Hazel to McKnight
Stryker Annapolis to Winifred
' Summit Rive� Drive to Sixth
Sycamore Rice to Jackson
Territorial Rd. City Limits to Vandalia
Third St. , E. McKnight to Broadway
Thomas , Fairview to Como
University Lafayette to Emerald
Upper Afton Rd. ' Burns to McKnight
� Vandalia Ter�itorial Rd, to St. Anthony Freeway
Van Slyke Horton to Chatsworth
Victoria Larpenteur to Como Blvd.
Victoria Jefferson to Grace
Victoria Marshatl to Dayton
' "�iIBIT �i"
� - - � � . J . ..
� ,
� Wabasha Kellogg to Winifred 2�s��g
Warner Rd. Jackson to Hwy. 61
Water St. City Limits to Wabasha ' /��f �
Western N. Maryland to Summit �
Westminster York to Case
Wheelock Pkwy. Arcade to N. Victoria
White Boar Larpenteur to Upper Afton
Winifred ` Ohto to Humboldt
York Mississippi to Westmi�ster
"�Eix�iIT �"
! � . � .
� /
G `
Ist � , • ' 2nd � � '
Laid over to
3rd and app. � l v —Adopted �'�"�
Yeas Nays Yeas Nays
`�'�irisoa� Carlson
� Dalglish Dalglish
�` � Holland Holland
�-��""`�Meredith ������ Meredith
��'"`�.�Peterson � Peterson
�. Tedesco Tedesco
� Mr. President Byrne M President Byrne