236546 236546 Coun�il Y�"ile No..... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. ' Theundereignedhereby proposeef�hemal�ingofthefolYowingpublioimprovemeat by the City of Baint Psul,vis.: Open, widen, a.nd. e�ctend the ARCH-PENNSYLVANIA HIGHWAY from Lafa ette Road to Pa e ..........................____....................................._.................... ......................................Y................._......._...._�...... Avenue by condemning a.nd ta.king the fbllowing described lands, all in the City of St. Paul: The Westerly �+52 feet.of Northeast.� of Lot.�+ .~Irvine's�AdditionNof •N ..............._......____........ .... ....................................... '►.....................� ............ . . .............................. Out Lots to the To�m oP St. Paul. � Datedtbie.......... ......dsy of........................................»....���..,.........,,..., 19 ���• .... .............. Oounoilmsn. PRELIMINARY ORDEIt. WHER,EAB, A written propoeal for the malring of the following improvement, vis.: O�nt .widen��and .extend_the_.ARCH-PENIJSYLVANIA.HIGHWAY_.from_LaFa,�ette,Road.;�o.Pay,ne__ Avenue by condemning and taking the following described lands, all in the City of .............................................................................____....---•-•---...........__............................._.....................---..._...............----------... St. Paul: .The.Westerly.�-5� feet_of_Northeast.� of.Lot.�+, .Irvine's.Addition of _._� Out Lots to the Tawn of St. Paul, � 6sving been preeented to the Counoil of the City of Saint Paul...................................................................................... therefor8, be it ItEBOLVED, That the Commiaeioner of Publio Worke be and ie hereby ordered and direoted: 1. To inveatigate the neeeesity for, or desirability of,,the making of eaid impmvement. 2. To inveetigste the nature, extent aad estimated coet of said imprnvement� and the totsl ooet thereof. � 3. To furnisL s plan, profile or eketch of eaid impmvemen� • 4. To stste whether or not ssid improvement ie asked for on�he petition of three ar more ownere. b. To report apon a11 of�he goregoing msttere to the �mmiesioner of F'iaanoe. � 9 196$ Adoptedby the Councl.._-------------•---................................_..,�� .......... Ysse .�r�(ti � 196� Councilman Carlson De1 g 1 i s h �PPtovetfl.................................................................... Holland Meredith desce�I _»...... ..................�....�� �. � t�i�if��-r�,� :�r�:: i� �.. -<rs� Mayor. I `:i�tsc�_,,. _ �J „ �OOD 7-i4'YIr. Vice k:�.�i..:_i (Yet�rson) i �DSLtS�s �lAN 13 ��{��