236537 ORI6INAL TO CITY GL6RK . �/3653 / CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa. Llc�x� co�rrr� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��E NO. _ COUN RESOLUTI N—GENERAL FORM�' . PRESENTED BY ✓ ' COMMISSIONE DATE January 9, 1968 __ RFSOLVED: That licenses applied for by the f¢llow'tng persons at the addresses �tated, be and the same are hereby granted. Kroiss-Overton;6F].an Industr3.e�, Inc.2429 IIn�versity Vend.iKach.Loc.'].�'illpp.262HenO1dL n p 2 add.n►ach. " " a u " " �Central �+►arehouse Co. 739 Vandal�.a Vend.�'�ch.T�oc.1M" 292p New" John Paul 13�d Arcade Gas Sta.�P " 478" Old• Pepsi Cola�F'arwell Qz�an & Kirk 160 E. Kellogg Vend.Mach.Loc.l�" 49�p New" " �Sgperamerf,ca 3tation�, Inc. 379 Whi.te Bear Vend.+�ch.Ioc.l�l" 505" 01d" " �North Central I,�fe Ins. Co, 275 F. 4th Vend.i�,�,ch.Loc.l�" 508" ae�• " ° 1 add.�ach. " " " " " " ,�Termf.nal Cafe 214 E. 4t}�•IInion Depot Vend.�ach.Loc.1M" �09" ald' '" �St�te Selective Servtee Bnreau 100 E. lUth �end.�ach.I�oc.lj'�App.510" 1Jew" Ronald L. Burg 179 �. Cook �tr.eeh.Dr. " 660" " " Ja�es M. Loos 1806 �iar�hall �tr.Qeh.Dr. ' 692a " " Qnentin B. Stone 611 Ft�1.1er �tr.Yeh.Dr. " 7�+9" " ' 1300 selb �tr.�eh.Dr. ° 816a " " Robe rt L. Ray, J r. y '��� 41��� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19_ Yeas Nays Carlson `'��`�,� ���8 Dalglish Approved 19— Holland � jn Favor Meredith o -�e#e�sen.---_.. � ,����lt� Mayor Tedesco A gainst ���..�s<��:;.,':�� Mr. Vice YresideLt (Yaterson) ���i9s�`,',�� ���l�`� � `� �9�i� ��