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: ` -� FI�li4t C�3RDER . � . co�vciL r�L� rrD �
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File No. fi�73 s
In the Matter of �iMM�t�wt��i d� sli�rli�t Mt twr!'� Mr�s +�! #�9ea�1t tt. !� � �� .`.
t. �
Et. P�r �!. 1� !� A�r�►. �IM by!' iof� ilx �ei� �r�e'k �tMr �# �'
� NM fa�� Ipr� +�►1wtliaNr �i �s+�r�+r�r�ar. "
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under Preliminary 4rder ��''� approve� �MI�ii1P�t �!� 1!i? . �,
, Intermediary drder approv� , ' �, '�
A public hearin� having been had upon the above ixnprovement upon due no�ic�; and the Council
having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fuliy considered -- -
t° thae sa�me; therefore, be it
RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precisE nal,vre, extent and kind of inn-
�-� :Provement to be made by the �aid City is ~
�� a► se+��rN►�ae�st 1� ii�i�s� w 1r� �i�ir�ri +�t �M�wr� #�. ltia�w�-:�._��r.�► t�►� ,_ . .
� : _ - _ _- _ _ _ __ -- - - - -: .,. r.
"� � - �'i�rrlAlrs A�s� �t._i�� �d� +r�t rr� � 3s r�a�r� art ��t+�i i� .
� �r�u n�i #��, arr�t �lrs�ra �t a� �!'� �rwea�i N�irw3f�s �
k` �lat.
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and the Council �ereb� orders sa,id improvement to be made.
:RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and
directed to pre�a3re plans and specifications for said improvement, and sttbmit same to the CounciY for
approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authori2ed and directed to pro- �
ceed v�ith the making of sa,id improvement in accordance therewith. :
co�[rivci�2�x 9 i968
� Adopted by the Council��
Yeas Nays
c..�r <;o� ��N � 1968
�1�t't Approv �1
' No��ap� _ ,
Pete� �In Favor '
'�`lK1�� � MaYor
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A m�.ingt
6.66.2M �� B.l rU�l�s�C� VI"lIY 1� �JVG
� � Dist. No. 2
• �
_ • ' � B.S. VERNON ST. - St. Clair Ave. to Princeton Ave. �����"'
Nov. 27th. 19 67
To tl�e Commissioner of Fi,nance of the City of St. Paul:
The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order
of the Council known as Council File No. 235858 approved Nov. 22nd. 19 67
relative to reconstructing the sidewalk on both sides of Vernon St. from St. Clair
Ave. to Princeton Ave. and by doing all other work which is necessary and incidental
ta complete said improvement.
and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reportse
1. The estimated cost thereof is $3.25 per lin. ft. for standard sidewalk 5 ft.
wide and $3.80 per lin. ft. for standard sidewalk 6 ft. wide.
2. A plan, profile or sketch of said fmprovement is hereto attached and made a
part thereof. ��
3. Initiated by the Co�nissioner of Public Works X
4. Improvement is asked for upon petition
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113 Courf Hoose 55102
December 22, 1967
Adolph L. and Florence Collins
190 Vernon Street
St. Paul� Minnesota 55105 �
� - File Page ���,�
_�,�� � s�375 �-�.� ���--�-
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. �o !�-�- �.-.. „�r�..�'-�_ r � � ,
j � �Notice is hereby given hat the Council of the City of S ." Paul will i����
v hold a public hearing in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and '
Court House at 10:00 a.m. on Januar�r 9� 1968 , on the
advisability of proceeding with Preliminary Order 235658 �
a.pproved Novem�er 22, 1967 , which proposes to:
reconstruct the sidewalk on both sides of Vernon Street from St. Clair
Avenue to . Princeton Avenue � v� `_- ,�
C- �2�,
and by doing all other work
wh�ch is necessary and incidental to complete said improvement, except
where it is determined that good and sufficient poured sidewalks exist,
The estimated cost thereof is $3.25 per lineal foot for a standard
sidewalk 5 feet wide and $3.80 per lineal foot for a standard sidewalk
6 feet wide.
In addition to the above, charges will be made for extra work which
is a particular benefit to the abutting property, such as tree removal,
pou red concrete removal, driveways, and additional width of walks, based
on the annual sidewalk contract prices on file in the Department of
Pcablic Works.
You are invited to meet with the technical advisors in the Council
Chambers at 9:30 a.m. on the same day if you wish detailed information
regarding the proposed sidewalk construction, or phone the sidewalk
department prior to the da.y of the hearing at 223-4255.
Comanissioner of Finance
� ��g-�+ y w. *4,�++Y`
,; '4''i.�':Y: .. ��
�' _
January 8, 1958
Adolph L. and Flc�renc� M. Collins
190 Vernon 5tree�
St. P�ul, Minnesota 551QS
File No. 58375
'�econ$truct sidewalk on both sides
of SlerAnn S&. frem� Sr.. Clair Ave.
to Priaceton Ave.
Dear Mr. �+nd Mrs. Collin.s;
Yaur l�tte�r, witt� reference to the abave praject, hes been forwarded
to Che Cit�r Clerk for conaideration bq the City Council at the h�aring
and to the 2�ep�rtment af Pnblic Woxke.
Ja�ea J. Dalglieh
Ca�iasioner of Finance
CC: rt..�i�ty Clerk
Public Works
�`�' 'I a '�4° r"`,� .,_�
.,c .. �a,. „�`�
.TBriUtar3► $* 13�r8
Clark and Martha �draard�
222 Vernon StreeC
aC. PE►ul' M1t111@$OCa 55105
File 58375
Reconst�uct both sides of V�rn.on
SC. frae� St. CTair St. to Priace-
ton S t.
Hearing: ,lanuary 9, 1968
, D�ar Mr. and Mr�s. Edw�a�°ds�
Your let�tex, wi�h refereace to the abnve project� has been �orwerdec6
to the City Clerk far co�►sider�tion by the City CaunEil at the h�aring
end to the Departn�nt c� Public Woxks.
Jemes J. Dalgliat�
Co�uniasioa�e�� of Finance
cc: i.-�'i�ty '.Cle�rk
Pub1iC Works
,Y ,,.� �
�;,r �
Januar�r 9, 19�a
a �
M ;
9 �
I �
Mr. Grege Beckett �'- ���
Publie L�orks Dept. �� �' �
Dear Sir: ;�,%'—�`,�� ,
Z ,
The City Couxicil requests that you }�la�i.�y :�do ��' L. ax�d Florence M. Col].ins�
190 Vernr�n St., and Clark and Marth�,,'�dwards��22 Vernon St., that Macalester
College has no pre�ent 3n�tentions to�c�u3�e/`�heir �roperties 9 the foregoing
matter bein� in connecti.on taith the rec�rals�`ructioz� of sidewalk. vn both sides
of Vernan St. from St. C1�.i �£a vPrin�e`��n Ave.
�� �v �
E ��, �' Very truly your��
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