D001274'VOhite '- City Clerk Pink - Finance Dept. Canazy - Dept. Accounting Blue - Engineet Green - Contractor . No. o �C� I��E-I Date � � � � /� GITY QF SAINT PAUL - OFFICE �F THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER for COI3TRACT CHANGE AGREEMENT I30. 3 ADMINLSTRATIVE ORDER. Whereas, additions which proved to be necessary to the Improvement deseribed as remodeling Como Zoo Restrooms for Handicap Accessibility, Saint Paul, MN known as Conttact �G- 15941, City Pcoject No. 9634.0� , Nordling Construction Con�acta, is composed of the following: Install time controller ior circulating pump & exhaust fan ..... $ 313.23 Install railings at entry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 508.30 ^� 821.53 r1 � .0 ORDERED, That the City of Saint Paul, through its Mayor, approves the foregoing additions made in ac- eordance with the specifications in the sum of � $21.53 , said amount to be added to the lump sum con- sideration named in the eontract, known as contract X,- 15941 ,�d which amount is to be finaneed from: e4s- ��s-�9s- 3� �9�6��b-0898-�3�-3 Summary Contract Amount • • • • • • $91,277.00 Previous Change Order 1& 2 $23,185.98 This Change Order . . . . . $ 82I.53 $115,284.51 �` . �� 19 .1! 7 lFr is 9 7 2 8 is`�7- _/ O 19 � Nordling Construction Contraetor � �...,�...,..� �_r(�� � Aasistant to the Maya 1�1��� 378?� LIEP/Design Section 7/16/97 SHEET INRIALIDATE "_.._._.._..__.......,..._ VEVPRTA1EN101RE uCITYCOUNGII B8rtJ8Y2. �lOTlII 266-9095 ASSIGN ATTORNEY �CffYCLERK NUYBEPFOP 5T BE ON CAUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) ROUTING O BUOGET DIRECTOR IN. & MGT. SERV ON�ER OMqyOR�ORASSIS � j$FTU i�G T' TOT # O SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL IOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) 30G LoWry Pr aCT10N REQUESTED: Required signatures for Chanou GiGer �f3 for Har,dicap Accessibility Remodeling at the Como Zoo Restroom, Saint Paui, Mlnnesota. m _ CIe COMMITTEE _ _ _. S7AFF _ _ _ DISTRICT COURT __ _ SUPPORTS Wli1CH COUNCI4 ORIEGTIVE7 (Who, Wfiat. Whan, Where, PEpSONAI SERVICE CONTRACTS MUS7ANSWEFi THE FOLLOWING QUESiIONS: 1. Has this person/Eirm ever worketl u'Wer a coMrecl Eor this tlepartment? YES NO 2. Mas this persoNfirm ever been a city employee? YES NO 3. Ooes this personRirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? YES NO Explain all yes answers on separate shcet and attaeh to green sheet Items discovered in process of completing the project that were not in the original ccntract. IF Would enable proper completion of work. None RECEIVED J�� 21 i997 CITY CLERK Work would need to be done at a later date and would cost more. OTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ UNOIlAG SOURCE NANCIAL INFORFiAT10N. (EXPLAIN) 821.53 C P L COSi/HEVENUE BUDGE7ED (CIRCLE ONE) YES N �- I C9S— 3T - �tY vv ACTIVI7V NUMBER C9.6 "—�iviv-0$9$—�$B3'^